First Returns: It's a TIE!


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
the first presidential election results are in - and it's a tie.

president barack obama and his republican rival, mitt romney, each received five votes in dixville notch, new hampshire.

The town in the state's northeast corner has opened its polls shortly after midnight each election day since 1960 - but today's tie was the first in its history.

The result was unexpected, said town clerk dick erwin. The town has two registered democrats, three republicans and five independents.
"considering the way things are polling around the country, we may have been the first tie of the day," said town clerk dick erwin, noting the national polls showing a virtual dead heat in the race. "keep your eyes on the news reports, because it's going to be a wild ride."

the town, home to about a dozen residents, has drawn national media attention for being the first place in the country to make its presidential preferences known.

Unlike some parts of the country, election officials never have to worry about lack of interest. Dixville notch has had 100% voter turnout since it started its first-in-the-nation voting tradition.

Under new hampshire voting law, a poling place can be closed once all registered voters have officially cast their ballots. With all 10 registered voters on hand, the community had its tally shortly after midnight.

However, since 1996, another small new hampshire town - hart's location - reinstated its practice from the 1940s and also began opening its polls at midnight.

The result there? Obama 23; romney 9

a tie for obama and romney in nation's first results – this just in - blogs

I dont get why every article this morning had the headline "it's a tie" when in fact the two places added together have Obama winning 28 to 14. They're only "headlining" the one precinct, and burying the other in the story, for what? To keep enthusiasm? Weird.
I dont get why every article this morning had the headline "it's a tie" when in fact the two places added together have Obama winning 28 to 14. They're only "headlining" the one precinct, and burying the other in the story, for what? To keep enthusiasm? Weird.

Dude..that's been the way it's been from the onset.

I pointed out Gallup and Rass had Romney up for a very long time..and by alot. Just on Friday, Romney was up by 5 on Gallup and 3 on Rass..then Monday..Romney is only up 1 on both polls.

That's ridiculous.
I dont get why every article this morning had the headline "it's a tie" when in fact the two places added together have Obama winning 28 to 14. They're only "headlining" the one precinct, and burying the other in the story, for what? To keep enthusiasm? Weird.

Geeze dude, it's just for fun. In reality it means nothing in projecting the election.
I dont get why every article this morning had the headline "it's a tie" when in fact the two places added together have Obama winning 28 to 14. They're only "headlining" the one precinct, and burying the other in the story, for what? To keep enthusiasm? Weird.

Geeze dude, it's just for fun. In reality it means nothing in projecting the election.

It's disengenuous and was done almost universally in the media. That's all I'm saying.
I dont get why every article this morning had the headline "it's a tie" when in fact the two places added together have Obama winning 28 to 14. They're only "headlining" the one precinct, and burying the other in the story, for what? To keep enthusiasm? Weird.

Geeze dude, it's just for fun. In reality it means nothing in projecting the election.

It's disengenuous and was done almost universally in the media. That's all I'm saying.

Must be a conspiracy. :D
I dont get why every article this morning had the headline "it's a tie" when in fact the two places added together have Obama winning 28 to 14. They're only "headlining" the one precinct, and burying the other in the story, for what? To keep enthusiasm? Weird.

Geeze dude, it's just for fun. In reality it means nothing in projecting the election.

It's disengenuous and was done almost universally in the media. That's all I'm saying.

I wonder why.....could it be that they want to sell more print ads and airspace to an interested audience?

Geeze dude, it's just for fun. In reality it means nothing in projecting the election.

It's disengenuous and was done almost universally in the media. That's all I'm saying.

I wonder why.....could it be that they want to sell more print ads and airspace to an interested audience?


"it's a tie" doesn't make me want to read their story more or less tbh.
I dont get why every article this morning had the headline "it's a tie" when in fact the two places added together have Obama winning 28 to 14. They're only "headlining" the one precinct, and burying the other in the story, for what? To keep enthusiasm? Weird.

That one precinct has accurately predicted every election since they started midnight voting, the other one is a wannabe.

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