First result of the Dutch SolaRoad solar-panel-laced bicycling lane are in and above expectations. P


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
First result of the Dutch SolaRoad solar-panel-laced bicycling lane are in and above expectations. Provided 3000kwh of energy in 6 months: enough to power a household for a year

The project Sola Road, a bike lane with integrated solar panels, has an electricity output well above expectations. In six months time is generated 3000 kWh. There will be more cycle paths with solar panels.

The first results from Sola Road are published in the province of North Holland's website. According to the administrators is generated in six months time 3000 kWh by the panels that form the surface of the bike path. Converted means a yield of 70 kWh per m2 per year. That is more than the upper limit calculated on the basis of laboratory tests. As a result SolaRoad according to the province of North Holland success.

Oh Gawd, Mathew, I can smell it from here. Half the 'Conservatives' on the board just crapped their pants. Bicycles and solar in one post. I think some of them are in cardiac arrest.
Read the comments from the article..............some are stating that the bike paths cracked and were too slippery when they frosted over...............

Where's the rest of the story...................

Sorry..............if you are going to build a system for power.........why not put in tracker systems the size of bill boards and maximize your power output..............a tracking system will bring up the sun hours by as much as 40% a day.............

I don't see it's purpose for a bike path............I see it as a waste of money............but it is what it is..............they are trying to find new ways to make the panels less noticeable................
Read the comments from the article..............some are stating that the bike paths cracked and were too slippery when they frosted over...............

Where's the rest of the story...................

Sorry..............if you are going to build a system for power.........why not put in tracker systems the size of bill boards and maximize your power output..............a tracking system will bring up the sun hours by as much as 40% a day.............

I don't see it's purpose for a bike path............I see it as a waste of money............but it is what it is..............they are trying to find new ways to make the panels less noticeable................
I don't see it as a waste of money. A very good demonstration of dual use, but not that economically feasable. But it gets people thinking in the right direction, as your next post demonstrates. Now that could go somewhere.
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Everything is a waste of money to the boondogoo whiners. America can't even build a NEEDED bridge over a damn river anymore without them whining about it! They're hurting this country and turning it into a second rate power.

We can thank you assholes for that.
Everything is a waste of money to the boondogoo whiners. America can't even build a NEEDED bridge over a damn river anymore without them whining about it! They're hurting this country and turning it into a second rate power.

We can thank you assholes for that.
Sorry, that dog doesn't hunt for me......................I'm looking for bang for a buck, and it's long past time to stop wasting money on BS..............If my city went woo hoo we are building a Solar bike path..............I'd think they needed to stop drinking..............or get out of office...............

We are in debt enough already..............even though this didn't happen here.........but on the tax payers dime we have a right to complain when they waste money..........It would be a different story had they put in a power producing system that would pay for itself over time.............but the payback for the initial cost is still high.............

Kinda goes with being Conservative doesn't it......................even though some can't see the forest for the trees.
No, goes with being a conservative, not a 'Conservative'. Those conservatives gave us the Interstate System. The 'Conservatives' are totally against wind and solar power, even when cheaper and more dependable than other forms of power.

However, I would like to point out many things start out being demonstrated in a manner that is not economical, but does get attention to the fact that one can used it in many differant applications. Solar is like that. The really high end efficiency panels are used in satellites, and the cost of their development has been quite high. However, as we get the manufacturing processes down for them, down to where they are feasable for large scale utility application, that price will look insignificant.

A very wise Eastern Oregon cowboy once wrote "Research is a bargain, even when it costs too much".
No, goes with being a conservative, not a 'Conservative'. Those conservatives gave us the Interstate System. The 'Conservatives' are totally against wind and solar power, even when cheaper and more dependable than other forms of power.

However, I would like to point out many things start out being demonstrated in a manner that is not economical, but does get attention to the fact that one can used it in many differant applications. Solar is like that. The really high end efficiency panels are used in satellites, and the cost of their development has been quite high. However, as we get the manufacturing processes down for them, down to where they are feasable for large scale utility application, that price will look insignificant.

A very wise Eastern Oregon cowboy once wrote "Research is a bargain, even when it costs too much".
Research and development isn't answered by putting the panels in the ground...................sorry.......not biting on this one..........

Money would be better served for applications that make a difference and provide the most bang for the buck.

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