First he says we don't pay tariffs

76% of farmers say they fully support Trump's efforts with China....we should all support it.....China is a bad nation...maybe the worst on the planet right now....

People love Socialist programs when they are the ones benefiting from them.
Yes Those farmers getting billions should be ashamed of themselves
Does this mean we can not take millions of you and grind you up for fertilizer to keep the costs down? You will finally give back to the farm commmuunnitteee!
Mmm, yeah, thanks for telling us what we all already know.

You let out the part that it is part of the normal economic cycle that all economies go though.

So, blaming Trump for it happening, is like blaming him for the sun setting.

Not all economies go through what we do.

Check out a book called Fragile By Design for more info if you like

You're making the claim that the expansion/recession cycle is some plan by someone?

That is a new one. I'd love to hear more.

I assume that this plan started well before Trump and will continue long after him. Indeed, I would imagine, that you would agree with me, in context, that blaming Trump for it, is as stupid as blaming him for the Sun setting.

Come on then. Say it. Agree with me.

Trump gets blame and credit for all sorts of shit he should not, this is nothing new.

Though there is a very good case to be made that that trade war will make the recession worse.

As for if it is a plan or the book. It is a short read.

Blaming him for the normal business cycle, makes it more obvious than normal that the person doing the blaming, is just a partisan hack not worthy of any respect.

I will try to take a look at the book.

There are 50 threads a day on this forum giving Trump credit for damn near everything even remotely positive, you do not see to whine about them...I wonder why?

IN group bias?

You'll note I don't join in, generally.
Not hurting the economy or me
Then what is his concern? Farmers are doing great.
Farmers are by the epa.. you don’t care

Trump gave farmers billions of taxpayer dollars and YOU DONT CARE.

No China paid them billions of dollars.. get a education

here ya go idiot ----

President Donald Trump unveiled details of a $16 billion bailout for farmers this week to compensate for income lost in the trade war with China, a conflict that has done lasting damage to American industry—and raised farm subsidies to new heights in the process.

"The details we announced today ensure farmers will not stand alone in facing unjustified retaliatory tariffs while President Trump continues working to solidify better and stronger trade deals around the globe," United States Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue said in a statement outlining the trade relief package on Thursday.

fuck you - you just got educated.

Agreed. All other POTUS, bent over for everyone else. They didn’t care if trade deals were fair. They weren’t willing to put the effort in. They also didn’t give a shit about farmers, military, or law enforcement.

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A recession hurts many people in different ways There was no sign of a recession when trump came into office There ARE signs now Trump is blameless?

HOw old was the expansion when TRump took office?
A recession hurts many people in different ways There was no sign of a recession when trump came into office There ARE signs now Trump is blameless?

HOw old was the expansion when TRump took office?
8 years ?

And the average length of an economic expansion is barely over three years.

What's an Average-Length Boom and Bust Cycle?

Any reasonable person knew that a recession was coming in short order.
I've heard of those who say we can be in extra innings

And we have been. For quite some time. But even extra innings end.

YOu are acting like you never considered this.

YOu didnt' consider how long an expansion normally lasts before attacking Trump for this one ending?

That's... not good.

It makes you look like a partisan hack, who's words have no value.
Correll can you see that trump is a danger to world economy?
All the boy can do is parrot Trump's talking points, talking points which now even Trump has moved past.
funny, coming from a guy who parrots the hate rethoric of the looney left and MSM fake news for three years now....tell me: where is the promised third world war, Trump was suppose to initiate? where is the recession which was suppose to happen right after Trump took office? where is the Russian collaboration? all those other million wack job conspiracies and foul mouth accusations...

the answer: nothing and nowhere... instead, the US is booming and coming back to in Europe, they were running their mouths about the US being the "superpower of yesterday" and not relevant anymore...when OBUMMER was in office...haven't heard anything of that vicious note anymore...the US deserve respect for what it is and always has been: the beacon of hope and civilization in the,why do you leftists hate it so much?
Why do we hate it That's BS We don't hate it we love it and seeing our great country crumbling because of the FN mad man trump is what we hate Thank god Obama left us in good shape OR we'd already be in recession

A recession is not the nation crumbling. YOu are a lunatic.
Crumble crumble
A recession means a fall in GDP / national output. A recession will typically be characterised by high unemployment, falling average incomes, increased inequality and higher government borrowing. The impact of a recession depends on how long it lasts and the depth of the fall in output. The main costs of a recession will be

  1. Unemployment
  2. Rise in poverty
  3. Falling real incomes
  4. Increased inequality
  5. Less Tax revenue – higher borrowing
  6. Permanently lost output

The honest definition of recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth. Not just a fall in GDP but negative growth.

And yes the results of a recession are what you listed.

I would add the wage and wealth gap increases too. More wealth will be concentrated into fewer hands. Again.
So just to sum up... No tariffs on Chinese goods. But they still have tariffs in place on American goods.

Tired of winning yet?
So China has lifted it's trade restrictions?
do we have to tell you everything from square one again? just because you were high all the, have the US lifted tariffs or are they going to impose new ones? what has China done? except to wait for a new traitor president from the mouth breathing geneder fluid left...

Where is the so called "nuclear option" implemented by China? well, I don't see China doing a lot at all..except having big difficulties

Is China Struggling Due to President Trump’s Tariffs? - Market Realist

so, sure, the US economy is still tied to that dictatorship shithouse....and it will take some time to get completely untangled from it
So China has lifted it's trade restrictions?
do we have to tell you everything from square one again? just because you were high all the, have the US lifted tariffs or are they going to impose new ones? what has China done? except to wait for a new traitor president from the mouth breathing geneder fluid left...

Where is the so called "nuclear option" implemented by China? well, I don't see China doing a lot at all..except having big difficulties

Is China Struggling Due to President Trump’s Tariffs? - Market Realist

so, sure, the US economy is still tied to that dictatorship shithouse....and it will take some time to get completely untangled from it

Face it. The Chinese beat trump, because he has an IQ of like 90. Which is higher than any Trumpnik, but still.
So China has lifted it's trade restrictions?
do we have to tell you everything from square one again? just because you were high all the, have the US lifted tariffs or are they going to impose new ones? what has China done? except to wait for a new traitor president from the mouth breathing geneder fluid left...

Where is the so called "nuclear option" implemented by China? well, I don't see China doing a lot at all..except having big difficulties

Is China Struggling Due to President Trump’s Tariffs? - Market Realist

so, sure, the US economy is still tied to that dictatorship shithouse....and it will take some time to get completely untangled from it

Face it. The Chinese beat trump, because he has an IQ of like 90. Which is higher than any Trumpnik, but still.

Democrats need to get off their high horse. If tarriffs don't work to harm the opposition, why on earth would China impose them on us and threaten to impose more? Are they masochists or something? Democrats have no common sense. Tarrriffs can hurt both countries to some extent, but the country with the strongest economy has the ability to withstand the pain . In case you haven't looked, we have a much stronger economy than China and the rest of the world, despite the inversion. BTW, one reason for the inversion is the money flowing in the US from EU where socialists polices are killing their economies with negative yields. China is willing to wait iout making a trade deal until after the election to see if one of the wimpy Democrats gets elected, if not, the will melt like an ice cream on a hot summer day.

Don't talk about IQ. The Republican Party is the party of the "rich" according to Democrats. "Rich" folks aren't stupid. The lower incomes in this country vote overhelmingly Democratic. You do the math, if possible.
So China has lifted it's trade restrictions?
do we have to tell you everything from square one again? just because you were high all the, have the US lifted tariffs or are they going to impose new ones? what has China done? except to wait for a new traitor president from the mouth breathing geneder fluid left...

Where is the so called "nuclear option" implemented by China? well, I don't see China doing a lot at all..except having big difficulties

Is China Struggling Due to President Trump’s Tariffs? - Market Realist

so, sure, the US economy is still tied to that dictatorship shithouse....and it will take some time to get completely untangled from it

Face it. The Chinese beat trump, because he has an IQ of like 90. Which is higher than any Trumpnik, but still.

Democrats need to get off their high horse. If tarriffs don't work to harm the opposition, why on earth would China impose them on us and threaten to impose more? Are they masochists or something? Democrats have no common sense. Tarrriffs can hurt both countries to some extent, but the country with the strongest economy has the ability to withstand the pain . In case you haven't looked, we have a much stronger economy than China and the rest of the world, despite the inversion. BTW, one reason for the inversion is the money flowing in the US from EU where socialists polices are killing their economies with negative yields. China is willing to wait iout making a trade deal until after the election to see if one of the wimpy Democrats gets elected, if not, the will melt like an ice cream on a hot summer day.

Don't talk about IQ. The Republican Party is the party of the "rich" according to Democrats. "Rich" folks aren't stupid. The lower incomes in this country vote overhelmingly Democratic. You do the math, if possible.

What China is threatening and doing is not buy our produce. If we refuse to buy their products what we are doing is harming American producers. China also has the option of dumping our debt.

Our relationship with China was not good but it was created by us.
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president
Hi, Ed! It's amazing that the famous 38% still believe China is paying the tariffs. And now, for backup, the admin is trying to tell us that China is dropping its prices to the same amount of the tariffs so the prices will be the same as before the tariffs.

I got this bag of hammers that has a higher IQ than those who believe this admin's excuses.
/—-/ China dropping their prices means they are losing money. Do you think your Chinese Commie heroes like losing money?
HOw old was the expansion when TRump took office?
HOw old was the expansion when TRump took office?
8 years ?

And the average length of an economic expansion is barely over three years.

What's an Average-Length Boom and Bust Cycle?

Any reasonable person knew that a recession was coming in short order.
I've heard of those who say we can be in extra innings

And we have been. For quite some time. But even extra innings end.

YOu are acting like you never considered this.

YOu didnt' consider how long an expansion normally lasts before attacking Trump for this one ending?

That's... not good.

It makes you look like a partisan hack, who's words have no value.
Correll can you see that trump is a danger to world economy?

Dude. I made a serious point in reply to your post. That was me showing you the respect of taking you seriously.

Address it or fuck off.
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president
Hi, Ed! It's amazing that the famous 38% still believe China is paying the tariffs. And now, for backup, the admin is trying to tell us that China is dropping its prices to the same amount of the tariffs so the prices will be the same as before the tariffs.

I got this bag of hammers that has a higher IQ than those who believe this admin's excuses.
/—-/ China dropping their prices means they are losing money. Do you think your Chinese Commie heroes like losing money?
Cellblock, I have no idea if China is dropping prices. My post states that Trump 'says' they are dropping prices to accommodate the tariffs. But you know how often what Trump 'says' is... ummm...questionable.
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president
Hi, Ed! It's amazing that the famous 38% still believe China is paying the tariffs. And now, for backup, the admin is trying to tell us that China is dropping its prices to the same amount of the tariffs so the prices will be the same as before the tariffs.

I got this bag of hammers that has a higher IQ than those who believe this admin's excuses.
/—-/ China dropping their prices means they are losing money. Do you think your Chinese Commie heroes like losing money?
Cellblock, I have no idea if China is dropping prices. My post states that Trump 'says' they are dropping prices to accommodate the tariffs. But you know how often what Trump 'says' is... ummm...questionable.

No, they are not questionable. They are lies.
What China is threatening and doing is not buy our produce. If we refuse to buy their products what we are doing is harming American producers. China also has the option of dumping our debt.

Our relationship with China was not good but it was created by us.
China buys a meager $120 billion yet SELLS a stagering $539 billion to the you even understand the basics of the trade deficit and it's unhealthy fallout?

Obviously not
What China is threatening and doing is not buy our produce. If we refuse to buy their products what we are doing is harming American producers. China also has the option of dumping our debt.

Our relationship with China was not good but it was created by us.
China buys a meager $120 billion yet SELLS a stagering $539 billion to the you even understand the basics of the trade deficit and it's unhealthy fallout?

Obviously not

Nothing you stated counters anything I said. That $539 billion is a ton of goods from American companies located in China. Put them out of business for all I care. Put the farmers here out of business if that is what you want.
Nothing you stated counters anything I said. That $539 billion is a ton of goods from American companies located in China. Put them out of business for all I care. Put the farmers here out of business if that is what you want. you care for the farmers, eh? I thought you leftist turd hate those "bible thumping, Republican voting Hillbillies"...cause you do...hypocrite...
Yeah..right...the $539 billion are "American products" eh? produced using real American worker, paying American business taxes..or do they?

Piss off, no one takes you serious if you're that stupid...

PS: the biggest lure for the world's manufacturer is the American consumer...cause you people buy more than anyone else...that's the base line and whoever isn't willing to supply Americans with jobs and taxes should not be allowed to take a free ride....there you have it, you left turd are DEFENDING predator capitalism...pathetic

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