First entire hour of Fox and Friends: Not one word about the rally.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
In the first entire hour of Fox and Friends this morning and the rally has not yet merited even a mention??
In the first entire hour of Fox and Friends this morning and the rally has not yet merited even a mention??
Yeah, no other news outlet even mentioned it. :rolleyes:

Did they not?
To me it doesn't matter what the rally was about.
If several hundred thousand people gathered to protest the stickeness of marshmallows it would be on the news.
I thought it was pretty entertaining and funny. Maybe they will review it like a movie or a play on Broadway.
oh didn't mention the Stewart party in the FIRST HOUR.

This place would make a great place for a Psych working on research into mental issues related to political stances.
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In the first entire hour of Fox and Friends this morning and the rally has not yet merited even a mention??
Yeah, no other news outlet even mentioned it. :rolleyes:
Did they not?
To me it doesn't matter what the rally was about.
If several hundred thousand people gathered to protest the stickeness of marshmallows it would be on the news.
Honestly, I don't know why you watch "Fox and Friends". It looks like just another inane chit chat show.

FoxNews DID cover it by the way. Here it is on their website:
Fear, Sanity, and Laughs at DC Rally |
The National Park Service no longer provides immediate crowd estimates, but Stewart jokingly estimated that there were 10 million people in attendance at the rally. And then he asked the crowd to jump at the same time to try to cause a seismic event.

In the first entire hour of Fox and Friends this morning and the rally has not yet merited even a mention??


Other networks (the wholly liberal ones, which is to say, most of the rest) are giving it undue coverage as though that nonsense amounted to "news." :eusa_liar:

It was never designed to be non-partisan. It was a lib event. This is why the liberal mainstream media tried to make it into something it wasn't, i.e., valuable. :cuckoo:
So, the media, much like the whiners on the board, are bickering about numbers. What a pity that not one of them seems to have latched on to Stewart's closing remarks. The reason for that MAY lie in within those remarks.... because he was not overly enthusiastic about the 24/7 'news' channels - ANY OF THEM.

And, of course, he didn't slate the TEA Parties, the GOP or anyone else.... except real racists, real bigots and real terrorists.

Yep, I figure that's the reason why the content was ignored.
So, the media, much like the whiners on the board, are bickering about numbers. What a pity that not one of them seems to have latched on to Stewart's closing remarks. The reason for that MAY lie in within those remarks.... because he was not overly enthusiastic about the 24/7 'news' channels - ANY OF THEM.

And, of course, he didn't slate the TEA Parties, the GOP or anyone else.... except real racists, real bigots and real terrorists.

Yep, I figure that's the reason why the content was ignored.

agreed---anyone who could come away from that rally thinking it was some kind of victory for any political persuasion is in intentional denial. It was clearly a shot a politics a usual and the news media done in a non threatening and humorous fashion.

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