First Amendment Violated- Florida Parents Treated Like Children For Questioning School Curriculum


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
This is it. Find and read my 'Decay of Society' and 'Why I'm Losing Hope' OP's and you'll see I was spot on. Take in this information and decide.....


Caught On Tape Florida Parents Treated Like Children For Questioning School Curriculum Zero Hedge

David Bolduc, a resident of Naples, Florida recently sent us a note highlighting a video in which he, and several other concerned parents, werereprimanded and treated like little children in a School Board Workshop as a result of them expressing concerns about school curriculum.

In order to give you some background on the issue, see the Letter to the Editor he wrote to the Naples Daily News on 1/28 to say what he was prevented from saying at the 1/20 School Board Workshop. Letter reprinted below:

Patton the cause

The controversy behind the recent parents’ review of school textbooks lays squarely at the feet of Superintendent Kamela Patton.

Specifically, Collier County School Board Policy 2240 reads, “Furthermore, the Superintendent shall prepare administrative procedures detailing the manner in which students and parents will be adequately informed, each year, regarding their right to inspect instructional materials, and the procedure for completing such an inspection.”...

Mod Edited: Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

It's clear Obama's influence from the leftist progressive has hit the ground running.

I would have to of been removed by force.

I have always known not having kids was a good choice. I do not have to deal with the utter idiocy of government schools
It's clear Obama's influence from the leftist progressive has hit the ground running.

I would have to of been removed by force.

Maybe if you'd gone to one of the schools these parents don't like you'd know what's wrong with writing "I would have to of."


But leftist still fail in every aspect relative to value added contributions to society

It's clear Obama's influence from the leftist progressive has hit the ground running.

I would have to of been removed by force.

Maybe if you'd gone to one of the schools these parents don't like you'd know what's wrong with writing "I would have to of."

If you dont see a problem with what just went on? You're a complete idiot!
It's clear Obama's influence from the leftist progressive has hit the ground running.

I would have to of been removed by force.

Maybe if you'd gone to one of the schools these parents don't like you'd know what's wrong with writing "I would have to of."


But leftist still fail in every aspect relative to value added contributions to society

Except that all the "leftist" cities and states that you hate fund this country. That sounds like value to me. You want to talk about adding value? How about fixing up red states, which have the highest rates of welfare and food stamp participation.
It's clear Obama's influence from the leftist progressive has hit the ground running.

I would have to of been removed by force.

Maybe if you'd gone to one of the schools these parents don't like you'd know what's wrong with writing "I would have to of."

If you dont see a problem with what just went on? You're a complete idiot!
If you can't tell a completely biased video, edited to fit the creators agenda, then YOU'RE an idiot. Or are you suggesting the council meeting was 3 minutes long?
It's clear Obama's influence from the leftist progressive has hit the ground running.

I would have to of been removed by force.

Maybe if you'd gone to one of the schools these parents don't like you'd know what's wrong with writing "I would have to of."

If you dont see a problem with what just went on? You're a complete idiot!
If you can't tell a completely biased video, edited to fit the creators agenda, then YOU'RE an idiot. Or are you suggesting the council meeting was 3 minutes long?


Leftist support censorship. Obama has shown that hand numerous times already.

It's clear Obama's influence from the leftist progressive has hit the ground running.

I would have to of been removed by force.

Maybe if you'd gone to one of the schools these parents don't like you'd know what's wrong with writing "I would have to of."

If you dont see a problem with what just went on? You're a complete idiot!
If you can't tell a completely biased video, edited to fit the creators agenda, then YOU'RE an idiot. Or are you suggesting the council meeting was 3 minutes long?

It clearly showed they were being silenced.
Not allowed to mention names only issues? What kind of crap is that?
Shit was blatant and pathetic....just like you.
This is it. Find and read my 'Decay of Society' and 'Why I'm Losing Hope' OP's and you'll see I was spot on. Take in this information and decide.....


"Find and read ...."

Yeah, cuz the entire board hangs on your every word.

It's clear Obama's influence from the leftist progressive has hit the ground running.

I would have to of been removed by force.

Maybe if you'd gone to one of the schools these parents don't like you'd know what's wrong with writing "I would have to of."


But leftist still fail in every aspect relative to value added contributions to society

Except that all the "leftist" cities and states that you hate fund this country. That sounds like value to me. You want to talk about adding value? How about fixing up red states, which have the highest rates of welfare and food stamp participation.

Not true. Blue States do. Federal spending isn't just benefits. It also includes education and infrastructure. You're just repeating a myth perpetrated by liberals.

Basically the Red States are the producers and source of natural resources while most Blue enclaves are the financial office areas. In a very real sense Red states end up transporting the vast amount of their taxable revenue to the Blue enclaves to actually act as middle men and collect the money in sales. Along with, you guessed it, the actual tax money. While I admit this explanation is very simplistic it gets the point across. The real reason Red States receive more total Federal trickle down money is due to the tax and income base which is transferred to the Blue States.

Here is an older article from the tax foundation website about it.

Why do some States Feast of Federal Spending

Keep in mind that the Federal government is the only administrator of interstate commerce. Like we haven't had that term shoved down our throats for hundreds of years. As the one in control it only increases their power to control the trickle down revenue expenditure and keep the Red States begging while transferringso much of our tax revenue to the Blue and pro Federalist States.

If you look at actual welfare spending by case load or per capita the numbers tell a slightly different story than the liberal federalist would like.

Welfare caseloads per capita

Top five states per capita - DC, Guam, Rhode Island, Tenn. and Kalifornia. Hmmmmm things are not what they seem.

Total case load becomes - California, New York, Texas, Penn. Michigan - In that order

As I said an entirely different picture is it not?

So whenever someone tells you Red States receive more money from the Federal government than Blue States remind them that it is the Federal government that decides how much those Red States get to keep in the first place and since they take more from the Red States they have to give more back.

Believe me if/when we Red States have to go our own way, we won't need Federal Money to pay for ourselves.

Red States are the true producers and only sustainable States in the Union.

The Small Hold - Will Not Go Down Without a Fight The Myth of Red State Welfare

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