Fired Failed FBI Barry Coup Co-Conspirator McCabe States FBI Still Does Not Know What Would-Be GOP Assassin Was Up To...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Fired FBI Official McCabe on Congressional

Baseball Shooting by Deranged Leftist:

“The FBI Still Doesn’t Exactly Know What That Shooter Was Up To”

'Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on Tuesday said the FBI still doesn’t know why a hate-filled Bernie Sanders supporter shot up a baseball field full of Republican lawmakers and aides'



In the midst of massively violent Democrat rhetoric -in which they called on snowflakes to publicly harass GOP politicians, to get in their face, and while Maxine Waters said she would 'Take Donald Trump Out TONIGHT', one of the Democrats' mentally unstable sheep was incited by the Democrats violent rhetoric, showed uup at the public park, and attempted to assassinate as many GOP politicians as possible, seriously wounding R-Rep Steve Scalise.......

The FBI - known for being one of the worlds most prominent investigative agencies in the world (Before being exposed as the world's most prominent criminal spying organization - against the American people - replaced the previous reputation) still can't figure out that a liberal extremist Democrat who showed up at a public park and tried to shoot / kill as many Republican politicians as possible - shooting Scalise - was 'Up To' trying to affect a political assassination?!

This one wasn't / isn't 'rocket science'. Deranged, mentally disturbed Bernie Fan is incited by Bernie, Mad ma=x, Pelosi, and other Democrats' violent rhetoric, grabs his weapons, and drives to the park intent on assassinating as many GOP politicians as he can.

I told you all that when we passed by the capitol there was already a group of men at the top of the steps urging people to break in....they were so out of control that we kept on walking and went back to the hotel....they were all dressed in black....
The FBI is working for the democrats.....this must stop now.....

Fired FBI Official McCabe on Congressional

Baseball Shooting by Deranged Leftist:

“The FBI Still Doesn’t Exactly Know What That Shooter Was Up To”

'Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on Tuesday said the FBI still doesn’t know why a hate-filled Bernie Sanders supporter shot up a baseball field full of Republican lawmakers and aides'

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In the midst of massively violent Democrat rhetoric -in which they called on snowflakes to publicly harass GOP politicians, to get in their face, and while Maxine Waters said she would 'Take Donald Trump Out TONIGHT', one of the Democrats' mentally unstable sheep was incited by the Democrats violent rhetoric, showed uup at the public park, and attempted to assassinate as many GOP politicians as possible, seriously wounding R-Rep Steve Scalise.......

The FBI - known for being one of the worlds most prominent investigative agencies in the world (Before being exposed as the world's most prominent criminal spying organization - against the American people - replaced the previous reputation) still can't figure out that a liberal extremist Democrat who showed up at a public park and tried to shoot / kill as many Republican politicians as possible - shooting Scalise - was 'Up To' trying to affect a political assassination?!

This one wasn't / isn't 'rocket science'. Deranged, mentally disturbed Bernie Fan is incited by Bernie, Mad ma=x, Pelosi, and other Democrats' violent rhetoric, grabs his weapons, and drives to the park intent on assassinating as many GOP politicians as he can.

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THE SHAMAN-------------former navy my ass......think the term is sheepshitted or something like that for military people are reported out of the military but really aren't and are instead still working for the government. THE SHAMAN is one.

Fired FBI Official McCabe on Congressional

Baseball Shooting by Deranged Leftist:

“The FBI Still Doesn’t Exactly Know What That Shooter Was Up To”

'Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on Tuesday said the FBI still doesn’t know why a hate-filled Bernie Sanders supporter shot up a baseball field full of Republican lawmakers and aides'

View attachment 502041

In the midst of massively violent Democrat rhetoric -in which they called on snowflakes to publicly harass GOP politicians, to get in their face, and while Maxine Waters said she would 'Take Donald Trump Out TONIGHT', one of the Democrats' mentally unstable sheep was incited by the Democrats violent rhetoric, showed uup at the public park, and attempted to assassinate as many GOP politicians as possible, seriously wounding R-Rep Steve Scalise.......

The FBI - known for being one of the worlds most prominent investigative agencies in the world (Before being exposed as the world's most prominent criminal spying organization - against the American people - replaced the previous reputation) still can't figure out that a liberal extremist Democrat who showed up at a public park and tried to shoot / kill as many Republican politicians as possible - shooting Scalise - was 'Up To' trying to affect a political assassination?!

This one wasn't / isn't 'rocket science'. Deranged, mentally disturbed Bernie Fan is incited by Bernie, Mad ma=x, Pelosi, and other Democrats' violent rhetoric, grabs his weapons, and drives to the park intent on assassinating as many GOP politicians as he can.

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McCabe needs to look up the term "domestic terrorism" in the US Code.

(5)the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B)appear to be intended—
to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States;

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