"Finding Jesus " vs "killing Jesus"

hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .
I don't know how old you are Timmy but as I have pointed out before in other threads your intellect is obviously that of a high schooler and your speech patters are like a high schooler too.

If you get a chance you should get a copy of Eusebius' one and only book written by him around 325 A.D. called "History Of The Church."

He explains that originally the Jews in the Roman Empire were very anti-Christian even to the extent of paying Romans to exterminate them.

This is what happened to St. Peter and St. Paul together at Rome.

then 3 centuries later when Constantine became Christian (after his father and mother) the shoe was on the other foot and the Romans -- now Christian -- became anti-Semitic.

This anti-Semitism became a heritage of the latter Catholic Church.

So Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, as Johnny Depp would say in Pirates Of The Caribbean, what goes around comes around too.


Spare me the lecture . We all enjoy playing CNN v Foxnews spin.

And I know all about Christianity and Easter . I did a nine year stink in catholic school . It really opens your eyes to what organized religion is about.

Since you are only in 7th grade now, you got held back for two years already, huh? BTW, everything about your posts stink!

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