Finally, someone I've heard of is running for the Democratic nomination...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...of course it's Bernie Sanders, so the DNC will have to rig it again so he loses, like they did in 2016.
Bernie Sanders is 77-years-old, so there is no guarantee he will even be alive by Election Day 2020.
...of course it's Bernie Sanders, so the DNC will have to rig it again so he loses, like they did in 2016.
Oh, there are others we have heard of beside the Socialist. There's Pocohantus, Spartacus, Van Jones the Communist, aqnd perhaps Hillary the Liar. So many choices...:)
Bernie Sanders is 77-years-old, so there is no guarantee he will even be alive by Election Day 2020.

You’d like that, wouldn’t you?

No, I'm just saying he couldn't buy a life insurance policy because he's too old. He will be 78 on election day, he would have to live to the age of 82 to survive his first term, and he would have to live to 86 to survive a second term. The odds are not that good that he would survive all that.
...of course it's Bernie Sanders, so the DNC will have to rig it again so he loses, like they did in 2016.
The problem is your ignorance of politics, not those running for the Democratic nomination.
The two Democrat front runners are old white guys, Biden and Sanders. Funny.
But who's a bigger clown, between pervy Uncle Joe and Commie Bernie?
Actually, I think it is Uncle Joe. I always got a kick out of his gaffes and looked forward to his next speech.

"What we need is a three letter word....J-O-B-S!" Stand up my friend!! ( he says to a man in a wheel chair) "Oh you in a wheel chair, God Love ya!"
...of course it's Bernie Sanders, so the DNC will have to rig it again so he loses, like they did in 2016.
The problem is your ignorance of politics, not those running for the Democratic nomination.
The two Democrat front runners are old white guys, Biden and Sanders. Funny.
But who's a bigger clown, between pervy Uncle Joe and Commie Bernie?
Actually, I think it is Uncle Joe. I always got a kick out of his gaffes and looked forward to his next speech.

"What we need is a three letter word....J-O-B-S!" Stand up my friend!! ( he says to a man in a wheel chair) "Oh you in a wheel chair, God Love ya!"
Uncle Joe is also a plagiarist.
...of course it's Bernie Sanders, so the DNC will have to rig it again so he loses, like they did in 2016.
The problem is your ignorance of politics, not those running for the Democratic nomination.
The two Democrat front runners are old white guys, Biden and Sanders. Funny.
But who's a bigger clown, between pervy Uncle Joe and Commie Bernie?
Actually, I think it is Uncle Joe. I always got a kick out of his gaffes and looked forward to his next speech.

"What we need is a three letter word....J-O-B-S!" Stand up my friend!! ( he says to a man in a wheel chair) "Oh you in a wheel chair, God Love ya!"
Uncle Joe is also a plagiarist.
That's one thing we can't accuse Trump of, lol. I love him, though.
...of course it's Bernie Sanders, so the DNC will have to rig it again so he loses, like they did in 2016.

They won't have to rig it. He was a novelty last year but this year he's just an also-ran with all the other Socialists. He has three strikes against him as far as being a Democrat. He's old, white and a male.

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