Finally got vaccinated-big mistake!!!

But I can't blame Trump or Biden, only China. They're the ones who poisoned the world with their virus.
Didn't you hear, the Trump-45 virus was created in a lab in, wait for it, NORTH CAROLINA in the good old USA.
One America News, has placed its sights on North Carolina. It claims that COVID-19 was created at UNC-Chapel Hill, specifically in the lab of Ralph Baric.
I had resisted getting vaccinated, but since I'm having to have dialysis now I decided to get the shots because that is the only way I can avoid wearing a mask during my three times a week, three and a half hour treatment.

Big mistake. First the pain it caused to my arm was a hundred times worse than any shot I've ever had. Hard, bone deep pain.

But then today the effects of the vaccine wrecked my blood pressure and made my dialysis agonizingly painful. To the point that they had to pull me off the machine 20 minutes early today. It was absolute utter agony. I should've just stuck with wearing the damned mask.

One more reason for me to hate everyone remotely involved with the Covid-19 healthcare crisis. Trump, Biden, everyone.

It just makes me believe I was right to begin with We should've just sucked it up, willingly suffered the deaths and been done with it. (and I had family members die of Covid-19)
Despite my misgivings about the vaccine, partially due to my age, my lefty-loony significant-other has Leukemia and whose immune system is compromised, so having been hit with COVID-19 (thankfully, I had been away from her for a week when I was exposed) and stayed away until no longer contagious, I decided to get the vaccine. The result was....a somewhat sore arm and some body aches. Nothing more.
So, here's the thing, take a good hard look at the "side-effects" of simple Aspirin. The list is extensive.....and can be life-threatening. The reason they have those side-effects listed, are because those things on the list have been experienced by people using simple Aspirin. The same is true of any over-the-counter or prescription medication you ingest. People using ingestible medications can experience any of the long list of reactions to medications taken. Life's a crap-shoot and everyone reacts differently to different things entering their body.
So, just because you had a highly negative response to the vaccine, is no reason for millions to not take it. If it truly protects the "majority" of the public from actually contracting COVID-19, then it's worth some discomfort for some.

"If it truly protects the "majority" of the public from actually contracting COVID-19, then it's worth some discomfort for some."

It doesn't protect anybody from contracting COVID-19. That's not what it even claims to do under the emergency use authorization. The lack of information about what these products are designed and intended to accomplish is astounding.
If you get an influenza vaccination and when that particular strain of the influenza virus comes around and you are exposed to it, you can expect one of two things to occur. Either you experience "no symptoms" that, that virus generally causes, or you have a very mild version of the infection from the virus. That is why we eradicated Smallpox from the U.S., That is also why polio is almost a thing of the past. Hence, that is why people that are vaccinated, are "protected." A good example in the case of the COVID-19 vaccine is Bill Maher. He received the vaccine and was exposed to the virus, but as he did show positive on the test, he is having "no" symptoms. Hence, a protection.
My paralegal took the shot on Monday and she's been out sick ever since.

I will NOT be taking this vaccination.
the trump vaccine?
Is that the one you refuse to take?

Do you have a history of denying other vaccines?
Have you denied them too?

You fucking pussies on the right are truly a special group.
A special group of Right Wing Idiots.
I had resisted getting vaccinated, but since I'm having to have dialysis now I decided to get the shots because that is the only way I can avoid wearing a mask during my three times a week, three and a half hour treatment.

Big mistake. First the pain it caused to my arm was a hundred times worse than any shot I've ever had. Hard, bone deep pain.

But then today the effects of the vaccine wrecked my blood pressure and made my dialysis agonizingly painful. To the point that they had to pull me off the machine 20 minutes early today. It was absolute utter agony. I should've just stuck with wearing the damned mask.

One more reason for me to hate everyone remotely involved with the Covid-19 healthcare crisis. Trump, Biden, everyone.

It just makes me believe I was right to begin with We should've just sucked it up, willingly suffered the deaths and been done with it. (and I had family members die of Covid-19)
I had resisted getting vaccinated, but since I'm having to have dialysis now I decided to get the shots because that is the only way I can avoid wearing a mask during my three times a week, three and a half hour treatment.

Big mistake. First the pain it caused to my arm was a hundred times worse than any shot I've ever had. Hard, bone deep pain.

But then today the effects of the vaccine wrecked my blood pressure and made my dialysis agonizingly painful. To the point that they had to pull me off the machine 20 minutes early today. It was absolute utter agony. I should've just stuck with wearing the damned mask.

One more reason for me to hate everyone remotely involved with the Covid-19 healthcare crisis. Trump, Biden, everyone.

It just makes me believe I was right to begin with We should've just sucked it up, willingly suffered the deaths and been done with it. (and I had family members die of Covid-19)
View attachment 491828
I can attest to the fact that the COVID-19 virus is a killer. Not only do the statistics show that, but when I caught it my daughter had to call 911 for me and the doctors said they lost me twice. Once in the ER and once in the ICU. The disease had caused clots and septic shock. So, it's not a disease to shrug off. At least not for the elderly.
I had resisted getting vaccinated, but since I'm having to have dialysis now I decided to get the shots because that is the only way I can avoid wearing a mask during my three times a week, three and a half hour treatment.

Big mistake. First the pain it caused to my arm was a hundred times worse than any shot I've ever had. Hard, bone deep pain.

But then today the effects of the vaccine wrecked my blood pressure and made my dialysis agonizingly painful. To the point that they had to pull me off the machine 20 minutes early today. It was absolute utter agony. I should've just stuck with wearing the damned mask.

One more reason for me to hate everyone remotely involved with the Covid-19 healthcare crisis. Trump, Biden, everyone.

It just makes me believe I was right to begin with We should've just sucked it up, willingly suffered the deaths and been done with it. (and I had family members die of Covid-19)
View attachment 491828
I can attest to the fact that the COVID-19 virus is a killer. Not only do the statistics show that, but when I caught it my daughter had to call 911 for me and the doctors said they lost me twice. Once in the ER and once in the ICU. The disease had caused clots and septic shock. So, it's not a disease to shrug off. At least not for the elderly.
I was lucky I am 63 with high blood pressure and Diabetes as well as way over weight. When I had it I was a little sick but I kept passing out light headed and dizzy. because of that I crushed my ankle when I passed out and collapsed in the bathroom at an angle, still waiting on rehab got the cast off over a month ago but wasnt completely healed wearing a boot now when out of bed but doc only let me put weight on it starting last thursday and damn nursing home I am in still doesnt have the order.
I had resisted getting vaccinated, but since I'm having to have dialysis now I decided to get the shots because that is the only way I can avoid wearing a mask during my three times a week, three and a half hour treatment.

Big mistake. First the pain it caused to my arm was a hundred times worse than any shot I've ever had. Hard, bone deep pain.

But then today the effects of the vaccine wrecked my blood pressure and made my dialysis agonizingly painful. To the point that they had to pull me off the machine 20 minutes early today. It was absolute utter agony. I should've just stuck with wearing the damned mask.

One more reason for me to hate everyone remotely involved with the Covid-19 healthcare crisis. Trump, Biden, everyone.

It just makes me believe I was right to begin with We should've just sucked it up, willingly suffered the deaths and been done with it. (and I had family members die of Covid-19)
Despite my misgivings about the vaccine, partially due to my age, my lefty-loony significant-other has Leukemia and whose immune system is compromised, so having been hit with COVID-19 (thankfully, I had been away from her for a week when I was exposed) and stayed away until no longer contagious, I decided to get the vaccine. The result was....a somewhat sore arm and some body aches. Nothing more.
So, here's the thing, take a good hard look at the "side-effects" of simple Aspirin. The list is extensive.....and can be life-threatening. The reason they have those side-effects listed, are because those things on the list have been experienced by people using simple Aspirin. The same is true of any over-the-counter or prescription medication you ingest. People using ingestible medications can experience any of the long list of reactions to medications taken. Life's a crap-shoot and everyone reacts differently to different things entering their body.
So, just because you had a highly negative response to the vaccine, is no reason for millions to not take it. If it truly protects the "majority" of the public from actually contracting COVID-19, then it's worth some discomfort for some.

"If it truly protects the "majority" of the public from actually contracting COVID-19, then it's worth some discomfort for some."

It doesn't protect anybody from contracting COVID-19. That's not what it even claims to do under the emergency use authorization. The lack of information about what these products are designed and intended to accomplish is astounding.
If you get an influenza vaccination and when that particular strain of the influenza virus comes around and you are exposed to it, you can expect one of two things to occur. Either you experience "no symptoms" that, that virus generally causes, or you have a very mild version of the infection from the virus. That is why we eradicated Smallpox from the U.S., That is also why polio is almost a thing of the past. Hence, that is why people that are vaccinated, are "protected." A good example in the case of the COVID-19 vaccine is Bill Maher. He received the vaccine and was exposed to the virus, but as he did show positive on the test, he is having "no" symptoms. Hence, a protection.

Not really. Influenza vaccinations are VERY different from the Covid-19 shots. They consist of actual influenza virus proteins (antigens) from selected strains (usually 3 or 4) OR attenuated live virus (the nasal spray version). The intended purpose being to trigger the immune system to respond by producing antibodies that target antigens of those specific virus strains if exposed. Those antibodies then bind to antigenic sites on their respective targeted virus strain, thereby completely neutralizing the virus.

Those specific antibodies make you immune to their targeted virus strain. So the two outcomes you described are inaccurate. If you get an influenza vaccine and are exposed to a strain that matches the vaccine strains, you will be immune. The reason people get infected by influenza, to varying degrees, after getting a flu vaccine is because there are SO many strains and variants that there's a significant potential to be exposed and infected by strains that were not selected for the vaccine.

The polio and smallpox vaccines also work in a similar way, by triggering an immune response that produces targeted antibodies that completely neutralize the virus in the event of exposure.

The Covid-19 shot, on the other hand, does NOT work that way. Instead, it works by taking the mRNA gene sequence responsible for making the spike protein of the Covid-19 virus (that's the critical antigen for Covid) and packaging it in a form that will disburse through the bloodstream when injected. It then gets consumed by immune cells, with the idea being to cause the immune cells to essentially imitate the Covid-19 virus by producing the spike protein (viruses use messenger RNA to make their outer proteins), and that spike protein in turn teaches the body to fend off infection from covid-19 virus, weakening the viral load and minimizing symptoms. It does not prevent a person from becoming infected by Covid-19.

As for Bill Maher, there are several potential explanations for why he was exposed to Covid-19 but didn't test positive for infection. To begin with, this virus isn't nearly as contagious and communicable as it was believed to be early on. There is no shortage of people who were exposed to this virus at some point and didn't become infected. Another thing to consider is that he may have actually already been infected, and didn't even realize it because he was asymptomatic (like the majority of people who contract this), and therefore has the antibodies making him immune, notwithstanding the shot.

Let me just add that I'm not opining about the merits or efficacy of this prophylactic technology, there's no way anyone can know that right now. Prior to this, there has never been an mRNA gene sequence treatment used to treat any disease. This is all a first, so time will ultimately settle all questions and debate on this, as it always does.
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My paralegal took the shot on Monday and she's been out sick ever since.

I will NOT be taking this vaccination.
the trump vaccine?
Is that the one you refuse to take?

Do you have a history of denying other vaccines?
Have you denied them too?

You fucking pussies on the right are truly a special group.
A special group of Right Wing Idiots.
Why are you offended that I won't take a vaccination? It's entirely my business not yours.
My paralegal took the shot on Monday and she's been out sick ever since.

I will NOT be taking this vaccination.
the trump vaccine?
Is that the one you refuse to take?

Do you have a history of denying other vaccines?
Have you denied them too?

You fucking pussies on the right are truly a special group.
A special group of Right Wing Idiots.
Why are you offended that I won't take a vaccination? It's entirely my business not yours.
You are 100% correct.
I should not be offended by your choice.
I apologize if that was what I projected. Which is probably true. My BAD.

My point was, we have other vaccines that MOST people have no problem taking.
List provided by me.
I just believe that THIS PARTICULAR vaccine has become so political, and I'm not sure why!
Trump promoted the vaccine, trump wants credit for the vaccine, trump took the vaccine, conservatives loved what trump did to help develop the vaccine, but in time, it is the trumpsters that deny the vaccine!


Why do you want to give trump credit
but also
Deny to take the trump vaccine?

To me, it is NOT political. It is a vaccine. I took it. I'm still alive.
I had resisted getting vaccinated, but since I'm having to have dialysis now I decided to get the shots because that is the only way I can avoid wearing a mask during my three times a week, three and a half hour treatment.

Big mistake. First the pain it caused to my arm was a hundred times worse than any shot I've ever had. Hard, bone deep pain.

But then today the effects of the vaccine wrecked my blood pressure and made my dialysis agonizingly painful. To the point that they had to pull me off the machine 20 minutes early today. It was absolute utter agony. I should've just stuck with wearing the damned mask.

One more reason for me to hate everyone remotely involved with the Covid-19 healthcare crisis. Trump, Biden, everyone.

It just makes me believe I was right to begin with We should've just sucked it up, willingly suffered the deaths and been done with it. (and I had family members die of Covid-19)
Can't agree about the shot but given your apparent condition, you should have been under medical care following the shot.

I had a very bad experience myself. Seems the reactions are personal to each medical history.

I have no medical background or information on the following:

I believe the ModernA vaccine has some interaction with the pain centers in the brain. All the people i spoke with suffered chronic pain and all had a noticable increase in those symptoms for some period (24-72 hours).
In my case I tore both Achilles tendons about 12 years ago. I reexperienced that pain along with pain for other injuries.

It was strange but I recovered the next day.
My paralegal took the shot on Monday and she's been out sick ever since.

I will NOT be taking this vaccination.
the trump vaccine?
Is that the one you refuse to take?

Do you have a history of denying other vaccines?
Have you denied them too?

You fucking pussies on the right are truly a special group.
A special group of Right Wing Idiots.
Why are you offended that I won't take a vaccination? It's entirely my business not yours.
unless you're wearing a hazmat suit and portable breathing apparatus 24x7 then your vaccine status is the business of everyone around you.
My paralegal took the shot on Monday and she's been out sick ever since.

I will NOT be taking this vaccination.
the trump vaccine?
Is that the one you refuse to take?

Do you have a history of denying other vaccines?
Have you denied them too?

You fucking pussies on the right are truly a special group.
A special group of Right Wing Idiots.
Why are you offended that I won't take a vaccination? It's entirely my business not yours.
unless you're wearing a hazmat suit and portable breathing apparatus 24x7 then your vaccine status is the business of everyone around you.
Too bad for everyone around me. I'm not taking the vaccine.
My paralegal took the shot on Monday and she's been out sick ever since.

I will NOT be taking this vaccination.
the trump vaccine?
Is that the one you refuse to take?

Do you have a history of denying other vaccines?
Have you denied them too?

You fucking pussies on the right are truly a special group.
A special group of Right Wing Idiots.
Why are you offended that I won't take a vaccination? It's entirely my business not yours.
unless you're wearing a hazmat suit and portable breathing apparatus 24x7 then your vaccine status is the business of everyone around you.
Too bad for everyone around me. I'm not taking the vaccine.
Well I'm sure there are many who believe just like you.
And when two of you get together
We'll only need one vaccine.
I had resisted getting vaccinated, but since I'm having to have dialysis now I decided to get the shots because that is the only way I can avoid wearing a mask during my three times a week, three and a half hour treatment.

Big mistake. First the pain it caused to my arm was a hundred times worse than any shot I've ever had. Hard, bone deep pain.

But then today the effects of the vaccine wrecked my blood pressure and made my dialysis agonizingly painful. To the point that they had to pull me off the machine 20 minutes early today. It was absolute utter agony. I should've just stuck with wearing the damned mask.

One more reason for me to hate everyone remotely involved with the Covid-19 healthcare crisis. Trump, Biden, everyone.

It just makes me believe I was right to begin with We should've just sucked it up, willingly suffered the deaths and been done with it. (and I had family members die of Covid-19)

Sorry about your experience, but ...

You should have sucked it up and willingly suffered the deaths.

There's no point the rest of us sacrificing ourselves.
I had resisted getting vaccinated, but since I'm having to have dialysis now I decided to get the shots because that is the only way I can avoid wearing a mask during my three times a week, three and a half hour treatment.

Big mistake. First the pain it caused to my arm was a hundred times worse than any shot I've ever had. Hard, bone deep pain.

But then today the effects of the vaccine wrecked my blood pressure and made my dialysis agonizingly painful. To the point that they had to pull me off the machine 20 minutes early today. It was absolute utter agony. I should've just stuck with wearing the damned mask.

One more reason for me to hate everyone remotely involved with the Covid-19 healthcare crisis. Trump, Biden, everyone.

It just makes me believe I was right to begin with We should've just sucked it up, willingly suffered the deaths and been done with it. (and I had family members die of Covid-19)
It was the right decision but you don’t need the second shot
I am sorry to hear Dayton3 .:confused:

To get this dangerous vaccine is like playing Russian roulette, some get very sick some don't.

I am not going to play Russian roulette with my body.
Its people like you who want the pandemic to continue.
I had resisted getting vaccinated, but since I'm having to have dialysis now I decided to get the shots because that is the only way I can avoid wearing a mask during my three times a week, three and a half hour treatment.

Big mistake. First the pain it caused to my arm was a hundred times worse than any shot I've ever had. Hard, bone deep pain.

But then today the effects of the vaccine wrecked my blood pressure and made my dialysis agonizingly painful. To the point that they had to pull me off the machine 20 minutes early today. It was absolute utter agony. I should've just stuck with wearing the damned mask.

One more reason for me to hate everyone remotely involved with the Covid-19 healthcare crisis. Trump, Biden, everyone.

It just makes me believe I was right to begin with We should've just sucked it up, willingly suffered the deaths and been done with it. (and I had family members die of Covid-19)
Damn I could have told you all thst a long time ago.I’m sorry you went through thst pain like that but again,I could have told you that several months ago that would happen to you,anybody who is a fool to take the vaccine is risking the very strong possibility of that happening to them.dude wake up,you were lied to about the people you knew that died from covid,the covid is a scamdemic,it’s no more dangerous than the yearly flu virus we have had for generations.your friends died from something else,nurses and doctors and coroners around the world have come forward and spoken out thst hospitals are ruling every death in the world now everything from a fatal car accident to a gunshot to the head as a covid death because they receive massive payouts for doing so.the yearly flu virus is not ever even mentioned anymore,all of a sudden the flu does not exist anymore.:cuckoo:

the elite have had this depopulation agenda against mankind for decades,I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you just signed your own death warrant taking the vaccine,within five years from now,you are going to meet your maker I’m afraid.
I had resisted getting vaccinated, but since I'm having to have dialysis now I decided to get the shots because that is the only way I can avoid wearing a mask during my three times a week, three and a half hour treatment.

Big mistake. First the pain it caused to my arm was a hundred times worse than any shot I've ever had. Hard, bone deep pain.

But then today the effects of the vaccine wrecked my blood pressure and made my dialysis agonizingly painful. To the point that they had to pull me off the machine 20 minutes early today. It was absolute utter agony. I should've just stuck with wearing the damned mask.

One more reason for me to hate everyone remotely involved with the Covid-19 healthcare crisis. Trump, Biden, everyone.

It just makes me believe I was right to begin with We should've just sucked it up, willingly suffered the deaths and been done with it. (and I had family members die of Covid-19)

Sorry to hear that pal. I'm not getting that vaccine, no way, no how.

But I can't blame Trump or Biden, only China. They're the ones who poisoned the world with their virus.
most all of these new viruses from another animal to human come out of China...and greater area, SARS, the Avian Flu, Hong Kong Flu, H1N1, H3N3, etc...Asia

and the particular bat Species that carries the Corona virus does not reside in the Americas, but only in China and greater Asia....

That's why before Trump pulled our scientists and spies out of China, we were positioned there, to keep a closer eye on new animal to human jumping viruses, and give us, a heads up on new ones coming out of there...
I had resisted getting vaccinated, but since I'm having to have dialysis now I decided to get the shots because that is the only way I can avoid wearing a mask during my three times a week, three and a half hour treatment.

Big mistake. First the pain it caused to my arm was a hundred times worse than any shot I've ever had. Hard, bone deep pain.

But then today the effects of the vaccine wrecked my blood pressure and made my dialysis agonizingly painful. To the point that they had to pull me off the machine 20 minutes early today. It was absolute utter agony. I should've just stuck with wearing the damned mask.

One more reason for me to hate everyone remotely involved with the Covid-19 healthcare crisis. Trump, Biden, everyone.

It just makes me believe I was right to begin with We should've just sucked it up, willingly suffered the deaths and been done with it. (and I had family members die of Covid-19)
It was the right decision but you don’t need the second shot

I have to get both or they won't let me ditch the mask during my dialysis. Sitting in that chair for three and a half hours with a mask over your face gets old really quick.
My paralegal took the shot on Monday and she's been out sick ever since.

I will NOT be taking this vaccination.

I had the vaccinations in March and NO reaction or side effects.

I had no reaction to the first Moderna shot, but the 2nd knocked me for a loop.
About 11 hours later, the convulsive shivering from the chills.
My feet and hands were suddenly ice cold.
Throwing up 4 and 8 hours later.
Still weak and feverish on 2nd day, but much better.

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