Fighting poverty. Bednets. Mental game

A sleezy American liberal will want to do to African blacks what he did to American blacks.
And what would that be ?
Free them from slavery ?

actually dear Republicans freed them from slavery and 1960's liberalism in effect enslaved them again. Now you know why Reagan said, "isn't welfare a kind of slavery".

See why the liberal always seems perfectly stupid to conservatives?
too stupid and liberal as always they have faced maliaria for 1000 years. What they need are Republican family, religious, and capitalist values and not your Nazi liberal quick fixes that make things worse. .

Baiamonte, as usual your arguments make little sense.
You should at least try proving that providing netbeads with tax money is not pareto efficent .

dear, a bed net does not show Republican capitalist religious and family values. They are dying in Africa because of liberals like you.
too stupid and liberal as always they have faced maliaria for 1000 years. What they need are Republican family, religious, and capitalist values and not your Nazi liberal quick fixes that make things worse. .

Baiamonte, as usual your arguments make little sense.
You should at least try proving that providing netbeads with tax money is not pareto efficent .

So how has africa fared since the end of colonial rule?
dear, a bed net does not show Republican capitalist religious and family values. They are dying in Africa because of liberals like you.

They have been dying because of diseases. What's next Baiamonte, cut their access to vaccines unless they can pay for them ?
dear, a bed net does not show Republican capitalist religious and family values. They are dying in Africa because of liberals like you.

They have been dying because of diseases. What's next Baiamonte, cut their access to vaccines unless they can pay for them ?

Giving them mosquito netting didnt seem to help.
Trying to help with obola had limited results due to superstitions.
Without a guiding hand these people are hopeless.
dear, a bed net does not show Republican capitalist religious and family values. They are dying in Africa because of liberals like you.

They have been dying because of diseases. What's next Baiamonte, cut their access to vaccines unless they can pay for them ?

dear, giving them nets and vaccines...... and an ever growing list of liberal welfare entitlements will crippple them even more just as liberals crippled American Blacks. They cant pay for nets and vaccines and food because liberals have crippled them!

To see yourself as morally superior because you support welfare makes you stupid and a bigot!!
So how has africa fared since the end of colonial rule?
It's a big continent.
Some countries have been developing at a rapid rate while others have had a slow growth.
You can't just generalize .

So tell me,which african nations have thrived?
You're starting to sound like asslips and his ancient advanced african civilizations....pure fiction.
So how has africa fared since the end of colonial rule?
It's a big continent.
Some countries have been developing at a rapid rate while others have had a slow growth.
You can't just generalize .

So tell me,which african nations have thrived?
You're starting to sound like asslips and his ancient advanced african civilizations....pure fiction.

South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Liberia , Cote d'Ivore, Ghana, Rwanda, Mozambique, Tanzania and Ethiopia , Kenya , morocco
List of countries by real GDP growth rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So how has africa fared since the end of colonial rule?
It's a big continent.
Some countries have been developing at a rapid rate while others have had a slow growth.
You can't just generalize .

So tell me,which african nations have thrived?
You're starting to sound like asslips and his ancient advanced african civilizations....pure fiction.

South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Liberia , Cote d'Ivore, Ghana, Rwanda, Mozambique, Tanzania and Ethiopia , Kenya , morocco
List of countries by real GDP growth rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

:lmao:So tell me,whats the GDP of these countries?
Average income? Level of poverty?
Mexico looks like a economic power house compared to these shitholes.:lol:
:lmao:So tell me,whats the GDP of these countries?
Average income? Level of poverty?
Mexico looks like a economic power house compared to these shitholes.:lol:

So what do you think was the per capita gdp of the US 100 years after its independence : 1876?

Answer : 2,876 USD per capita. That is similar to the current per capita GDP of countries like Camerun, Sudan, Ghana or Nigeria.

Social Democracy for the 21st Century A Post Keynesian Perspective US Real Per Capita GDP from 1870 8211 2001
List of African countries by GDP PPP per capita - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
What's to hate about Africa?

It has lots of fun stuff like pyramids.

It also has lots of room to deport America's illegals where they can have so much pleasure joining in the fight-each-other-to-the-death culture!
:lmao:So tell me,whats the GDP of these countries?
Average income? Level of poverty?
Mexico looks like a economic power house compared to these shitholes.:lol:

So what do you think was the per capita gdp of the US 100 years after its independence : 1876?

Answer : 2,876 USD per capita. That is similar to the current per capita GDP of countries like Camerun, Sudan, Ghana or Nigeria.

Social Democracy for the 21st Century A Post Keynesian Perspective US Real Per Capita GDP from 1870 8211 2001
List of African countries by GDP PPP per capita - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What do you want to bet they were doing better under colonial rule and they wouldnt be anywhere near where they are now without that help in the past?
What do you want to bet they were doing better under colonial rule and they wouldnt be anywhere near where they are now without that help in the past?

Well, we can't really know can we? The countries I presented you are currently growing more than 6% per year. Yes , they are poor , but they are growing fast.
we have been giving them bednets for decades, the results are in, million die every year b/c leftist ignorance allows them to suffer.
proof ? links ? :link:
Bush Gives Mosquito Nets To Fight Malaria Sweetness Light
Malaria Clinton Foundation

Decades (plural) would imply at least 2 decades. The article un Bush has a date of 2008, 7 years ago.
The Clinton foundation doesn't specify when it started distributing bednets, but it seems it started working in year 2000. That would be 15 years ago.
oh, then I gave clinton to much credit

I should have known he wouldn't care about the millions dying

They have faced malaria for 1000's years. What they need are Republican family, religious, and capitalist values and not your Nazi liberal quick fixes that make things worse.
A sleezy American liberal will want to do to African blacks what he did to American blacks.
I'm for lifting the ban on ddt

but thanks for proving that your imput is useless with the nazi reference.
What do you want to bet they were doing better under colonial rule and they wouldnt be anywhere near where they are now without that help in the past?

Well, we can't really know can we? The countries I presented you are currently growing more than 6% per year. Yes , they are poor , but they are growing fast.

Yes we can know. They'd still be living in mud huts without help from the outside world.
Look at New Guinea for a perfect example.
Yes we can know. They'd still be living in mud huts without help from the outside world.
Look at New Guinea for a perfect example.
By the same argument the US would have a lot better if it had stayed as a British colony.

Take a look at china, it has never been a colony and it has had a remarkable development.
Yes we can know. They'd still be living in mud huts without help from the outside world.
Look at New Guinea for a perfect example.
By the same argument the US would have a lot better if it had stayed as a British colony.

Take a look at china, it has never been a colony and it has had a remarkable development.

They were ahead of all of us,yet Europeans managed to progress.
Whats the hold up in africa?