Fiery Hearing: Marjorie Taylor Greene's Resolution To Audit Ukraine Aid Debated In Congress

If Vindman had not spoken out at the risk of his career, Ukraine might have been cut off by a vengeful President Trump from the US aid it needed to prepare its defense against Putin's impending invasion. Which is why enemies of Ukraine and democracy hate Vindman so much.

Thank god that dumbass low IQ Democrat Negro shithead won't be the committee chairman anymore.
Watching the political class go over there and genuflect to Zelensky and that corrupted nation is sickening. How much money is enough? Our politicians have proven they answer to someone else. They play dumb on agendas and in a split-second fund a nation that seems to be a mobster's paradise of loansharking and money laundering just to start.
it is not about giving Ukraine aid to fight the Z-Orcs. It is about the goddamn Democrats laundering more corruption kickbacks through the Ukraine aid.

Despicable American politics. It is always about money to the Democrats.
If Ukraine would have investigated the corruption of Hunter Biden and that shame energy company job then a vengeful Vice President would have cut off billions of dollars in aid.

The stupid sonofabitch said so in front of cameras himself.
Nope. Wrong.
it is not about giving Ukraine aid to fight the Z-Orcs. It is about the goddamn Democrats laundering more corruption kickbacks through the Ukraine aid.
And where is your evidence for this hoax?

Oh, that's right. There isn't any proof for this made up bullshit.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
From Putin's ass to your mouth.

Europe's lost 'breadbasket': How Russia's war in Ukraine is stoking a global food crisis

Putin's useful idiots want their beloved mass murdering war criminal controlling a significant portion of the world's food supply.

Gosh, I guess the US has no national interest in that!
The Global Food Crisis is manufactured by Globalist Assholes just like The Bible said they would start to do as we approached The End.
In some countries they are banning nitrogen and trying to close down farms. How stupid is that? You need food to feed people and fertilizers are a modern miracle of agriculture.
The idiocy of you people is astounding.
You will starve yourselves to death to worship your false god, mother earth.

When The One True Living God gets tired of you worshipping creation, he will take His protective hand from The Earth and let The Earth be used as a weapon against you. You will become your own worst enemy, and your false earth god will become your worst nightmare. To quote Al Gore, "The Planet has a Fever and Humans are The Virus".

The first 4 curses of the End Times are all man made. Each horse is ridden by a human rider.

  1. Conquest "New World Order" Think Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab The WEF, Paris Accords, Sustainable Development and Agenda 2030 only ran by & embodied into a singular charismatic individual.
  2. War "WWIII or Armageddon" Self explanatory 1/4 of The earth's population will be destroyed by war and violence in this time.
  3. Famine-Want "Supply Chain Shortages - Food Shortages - Economic Instability"
  4. Pestilence-Death "Disease - Pandemic" "75% of The Earth's Population will be destroyed in the 7 Year Reign of The Global Leader and false Messiah known as AntiChrist.

The Order of The Horses is immaterial. Do they ride one by one, or all together? It matters not. The only thing that matters is that you aren't here when they start their march to Hell and try to take you with them.
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MTG is one of Putin's useful idiots. She wants us to surrender to Putin while Ukraine is kicking him in the nuts with our help.

So you are pro war and MTG is pro peace... funny how things change....

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