Fetterman Is Given $1 Million After Train-Wreck Debate


A bright piece of news (if it can be called news) for Fetterman is that the Biden Administration is considering a job offer to Fetterman!

He might soon be the new Press Secretary for the Whitehouse!
Alternative job prospect: he can replace Nancy Pelousy as “Speaker” of the House if there is no red wave.
It wasn't a train wreck.
What is the Democrat Party Answer to Serious Problems, which they usually create, like in this case?

Throw lots of money at it.

'A fool and his money are soon parted.'

Take your pick....but someone / some people must think tbe problem with Fetterman's disastrous debate performance was not his obvious mental imparity but rather the fact that he doesn't have enough money.


Oz's debate performance was a disaster. He thinks abortion should be between a woman, her doctor, and political leaders.
Who else would donate a million dollars to a brain-damaged retard, besides other brain-damaged retards?

I don't think Trump supporters are supporting Fetterman. Those are the only brain-damaged retards in this country.
Wrong. You forget to include all the libturds. The shitheels who out your Alzheimer’s victim into our Whitehouse.
He’s so demented that he thinks he is “helping” middle class Americans who are struggling to buy groceries and fill the gas tank by eliminating an extra fee for an airline seat if they’re fat.
Who else would donate a million dollars to a brain-damaged retard, besides other brain-damaged retards?

It might not even be true. It might be a bluff thinking that if others think Fetterman is getting strong support they too will donate more as well!

But if it is true, it is proof that Fetterman is sinking and they are making one final last ditch effort to try to pull him out of the dumper.
It might not even be true. It might be a bluff thinking that if others think Fetterman is getting strong support they too will donate more as well!

But if it is true, it is proof that Fetterman is sinking and they are making one final last ditch effort to try to pull him out of the dumper.

You could very well be right. I couldn't find a list of who donated to his campaign right after the debate.

So often now the media spends a lot of time writing the narrative, instead of reporting the facts.

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