Feminist Steals Pro-Life Sign, Then The Cops Show Up

I watched that earlier! OMG I loved it!!!!!!!

the lil progressive s**t ...thought she was going to get away with it! wrong loser! WRONG!:muahaha:

Totally amazing and very gratifying !!!! :2up:
OK, I just have one simple question:

These so-called Pro-Choice folks out there...think it's ok, to "steal someone's property", maybe they should reconsider before "stealing someone else's property" - a child that is about to be born. Are you not "stealing someone's life? Isn't that consider "property"?

Property meaning a body - even at 12 or 24 weeks is considered a Life. And when you "steal" by aborting it...when that child could be very much alive, possibly a future teacher. Or a future President of the United States. You are pretty much "robbing" them of having any chances of being someone. Instead, they treat them as "Something".
And, for that, I seriously have a problem with that.

That woman deserves to be arrested and detained. It's people like her, that don't seem to care. At least, for the ones who cannot defend themselves. At least, she will get a chance to continue what she has been doing. But those who can't - you can thank these "thugs". JMHO
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She’s truly shocked and doesn’t understand why her feelings don’t trump the law.

WATCH: Feminist Steals Pro-Life Sign. Then The Cops Show Up.

Kinda sad that her parents didnt raise her any better.

Tards, dont be stupid. You're not the entitled bitches you think you are.
She’s just neo-Hitler-Youth.
She is indoctrinated and ignorant. She has no idea.
I’d suggest she be slapped on the wrist and released.
Problem is that her indoctrinators and anti-police democrats will protest and make her out to be a victim.
She’ll then become an icon and will embolden more ignorant neo-Hitler-Youth to follow her lead.
So she comments a couple of times that she can't believe the police protect the pro-lifers.

Look sweetheart, you don't get to pick and choose who gets to have a public display, and who gets police protection.

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