Female Soldier Ambushed by Baby At Afghan Base


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
Female Soldier Ambushed by Baby At Afghan Base

A British team of pediatric specialists is being deployed to Afghanistan to attend to a female gunner who unexpectedly gave birth in an Afghan outpost that was the scene of a bitter battle just days ago.

The soldier reportedly didn't realize she was pregnant until she developed stomach pains two days ago. The baby was born five weeks premature.
She gave birth in Camp Bastion, a sprawling base in Helmand Province where Britain's Prince Harry is assigned as an Apache helicopter pilot.

The camp was the target of a sophisticated attack last week when three teams of insurgents dressed in U.S. Army uniforms breached the defensive perimeter and destroyed several attack jets and killed two Americans.

The camp is getting a different kind of reinforcements this week as a pediatric team from Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital is en route to Afghanistan to tend to the soldier and her premature baby.

Female Soldier Ambushed by Baby At Afghan Base | ABC News - Yahoo!

1. awesome response to assist her

2. should we now expect this to be apart of the theater of war with soldiers? if so, good or bad?

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