Feinstein was 'mortified' by FBI allegation that staffer was spy for China: report


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This threat will continue to expand as many Americans seems to embrace socialism and look to nations like Canada as Utopias. Based on a lack of patriotism and respect for capitalism and liberty, what's the difference if they spy for China or England?

Fight to push forward American values, especially with allies. Don't sacrifice them or be fooled.

Feinstein was 'mortified' by FBI allegation that staffer was spy for China: report

U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein fired a staffer a few years back who was allegedly part of an effort to spy and pass on political intelligence to the Chinese government.

The staffer, based in the Democrat's San Francisco office, was suspected of delivering political intelligence, though nothing top secret, to officials based at the local Chinese Consulate, Politico reported.

The FBI informed Feinstein, the then-chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, about five years ago about the staffer and allegations that the staffer was a spy. The source who confirmed the incident to the San Francisco Chronicle said “Dianne was mortified” upon learning about it.

The suspected spy served as the lawmaker’s driver in California, but took on other roles as well, including helping out in her San Francisco office and being Feinstein’s liaison to the Asian-American community in the state. He attended Chinese Consulate events on behalf of the senator.

A former official said that the spy’s handler “probably got an award back in China” for his efforts to penetrate Feinstein’s office and pass on intelligence.
This threat will continue to expand as many Americans seems to embrace socialism and look to nations like Canada as Utopias. Based on a lack of patriotism and respect for capitalism and liberty, what's the difference if they spy for China or England?

Fight to push forward American values, especially with allies. Don't sacrifice them or be fooled.

Feinstein was 'mortified' by FBI allegation that staffer was spy for China: report

U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein fired a staffer a few years back who was allegedly part of an effort to spy and pass on political intelligence to the Chinese government.

The staffer, based in the Democrat's San Francisco office, was suspected of delivering political intelligence, though nothing top secret, to officials based at the local Chinese Consulate, Politico reported.

The FBI informed Feinstein, the then-chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, about five years ago about the staffer and allegations that the staffer was a spy. The source who confirmed the incident to the San Francisco Chronicle said “Dianne was mortified” upon learning about it.

The suspected spy served as the lawmaker’s driver in California, but took on other roles as well, including helping out in her San Francisco office and being Feinstein’s liaison to the Asian-American community in the state. He attended Chinese Consulate events on behalf of the senator.

A former official said that the spy’s handler “probably got an award back in China” for his efforts to penetrate Feinstein’s office and pass on intelligence.
I guarantee there are spies on all of our military installations.
The woman in charge of maintenance at the drone flight facility here at Ft Campbell strangely was oriental. Judging from my years deployed in the Pacific arena, she's most likely Chinese.
I thought it a bit strange that one of the most Top Secret facilities on post had a Chinese woman running around the facility. You don't see them in the PX or the Commissary. (The women that work there as baggers are Korean) You see them where we keep our most Top Secret weapons stored and maintained. This is the air-wing that flies and repairs TS drones. Wiring diagrams, structural characteristics, weapons capabilities, all can be stolen and reverse-engineered.
The DNC has been riddled with commie spies since Wilson's admin. It's essentially the communist party, except they won't admit they're commies or come right out and reject our sovereignty in favor of a global government.

Make no mistake however, the DNC is an enemy agency. It's entire existence at this point is to promote the international marxist agenda.

Which BTW, is in absolute contrast with the interest of humanity, not just the US population.
Unless you're stupid (or psychotic) enough to believe the world would be a better place if Stalin conquered it and wiped out a billion people rather than a paltry 100 million of them.

Warbucks Feinstein doesn't care; she only fired it because of the media coverage, the same reason the Dems pressured the ILGA to hold a vote on whether they should keep NAMBLA on the board, or 'ban' it and bring it back under another name, so they could keep their UN status and get Serial Rapist Bill Clinton to sign off on giving them NGO status.
The DNC has been riddled with commie spies since Wilson's admin. It's essentially the communist party, except they won't admit they're commies or come right out and reject our sovereignty in favor of a global government.

Make no mistake however, the DNC is an enemy agency. It's entire existence at this point is to promote the international marxist agenda.

Which BTW, is in absolute contrast with the interest of humanity, not just the US population.
Unless you're stupid (or psychotic) enough to believe the world would be a better place if Stalin conquered it and wiped out a billion people rather than a paltry 100 million of them.


Yes, and the Right is, also. They just don't like to admit it. Fred Koch spent many lucrative years building up Stalin's oil and refining industry, retired and then suddenly became a 'Libertarian' John Birch Society moneybags. The current GOP establishment are huge fans of Red China, loves their labor 'policies' and persecutions of Christians as well.

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