Feinstein, McLean, & Ford in Legal Jeapordy for Deep State Plot

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I am now hearing that all three of these characters are under investigation.

Well, Well. How about this? Blasey Ford as everyone now knows LIED UNDER OATH to The Senate and American People. She told way too many lies to cover here, but the most interesting one was the Lie she told about helping people pass lie detector tests.

At the time as we now know The Senate had a letter stating that Ford regularly trained people to pass lie detector tests. But the most interesting fact about this was that she coached Monica McLean to pass an FBI Lie detector test to be hired by The FBI. She went on to work for Preet Bharara who was fired by President Trump for Sexual Assaults and Sexual Harassment on women.

Report: Preet Bharara Was Fired Amid Probe Into Fox News Sexual Harassment Settlements | HuffPost

Mueller then inexplicably hired Preet Bharara to work on the Fake Russia Russia Probe & Witch Hunt. Now if that wasn't interesting enough, almost as interesting as Ford's family ties to both The CIA and FBI, and her acquaintances with another Trump Hater, John Brennan, McLean was THE VERY PERSON who met FORD in a HOTEL for 4 hours to work with a LIE DETECTOR so that Ford could rehearse her felonious prevarications. Not only that McLean just a few weeks prior to The Ford Fiasco took a photograph with Michael Avenatti and Swenik, and Ford's attorney was photographed with Hillary Clinton within the same time frame.






Feinstein? Self explanatory for Ethics Violations and Obstructing Senate Business.

So, Lefty, I am asking you this question, because you are who The Left is manipulating, Social Engineering your thoughts and feelings, and deceiving you and using you for their selfish agendas:

Do you really think there isn't a DEEP STATE? It's bad enough that Mueller also hire Strozk and Page and hired half of the plotters of "The Insurance Policy" Coup to be on his Fake Russia Russia Russia Probe, but these clowns are actively out trying to frame people like Kavanaugh to keep him off bench.

From what I heard, Feinstein is in a panic, because she leaked the confidential letter, and Ford is also being looked at, not only for her pathological perjuries, but for her plotting with an FBI Official (McLean) to bear false witness and to obstruct official Senate Business with False Allegations.

REVEALED: The Man Accusing Blasey Ford Of Lying About Polygraphs

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the pic of her behind hillary is bogus. that is not fords lawyer.
the pic of her behind hillary is bogus. that is not fords lawyer.
I totally disagree. The spacing between the eyes, the ridge of the nose, the forehead, eyebrows, jaw line are identical. That is definitely Katz who not only works for one of SOROS FemiNazi organizations but also works for The DNC.
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Well, Well. How about this? Blasey Ford as everyone now knows LIED UNDER OATH to The Senate and American People. She told way too many lies to cover here, but the most interesting one was the Lie she told about helping people pass lie detector tests.

At the time as we now know The Senate had a letter stating that Ford regularly trained people to pass lie detector tests. But the most interesting fact about this was that she coached Monica McLean to pass an FBI Lie detector test to be hired by The FBI. She went on to work for Preet Bharara who was fired by President Trump for Sexual Assaults and Sexual Harassment on women.

Report: Preet Bharara Was Fired Amid Probe Into Fox News Sexual Harassment Settlements | HuffPost

Mueller then inexplicably hired Preet Bharara to work on the Fake Russia Russia Probe & Witch Hunt. Now if that wasn't interesting enough, almost as interesting as Ford's family ties to both The CIA and FBI, and her acquaintances with another Trump Hater, John Brennan, McLean was THE VERY PERSON who met FORD in a HOTEL for 4 hours to work with a LIE DETECTOR so that Ford could rehearse her felonious prevarications. Not only that McLean just a few weeks prior to The Ford Fiasco took a photograph with Michael Avenatti and Swenik, and Ford's attorney was photographed with Hillary Clinton within the same time frame.



View attachment 220230


So, Lefty, I am asking you this question, because you are who The Left is manipulating, Social Engineering your thoughts and feelings, and deceiving you and using you for their selfish agendas:

Do you really think there isn't a DEEP STATE? It's bad enough that Mueller also hire Strozk and Page and hired half of the plotters of "The Insurance Policy" Coup to be on his Fake Russia Russia Russia Probe, but these clowns are actively out trying to frame people like Kavanaugh to keep him off bench.

From what I heard, Feinstein is in a panic, because she leaked the confidential letter, and Ford is also being looked at, not only for her pathological perjuries, but for her plotting with an FBI Official (McLean) to bear false witness and to obstruct official Senate Business with False Allegations.

REVEALED: The Man Accusing Blasey Ford Of Lying About Polygraphs

Well...good luck getting the FBI's attention to interview you on this.....they don't seem to be bothering much.
Its all falling apart now....why does Hillary always seem to slime to the surface?....its long past time to put that seditious bitch in prison for good....
the pic of her behind hillary is bogus. that is not fords lawyer.
I totally disagree. The spacing between the eyes, the ridge of the nose, the forehead, eyebrows, jaw line are identical.
and yet, people who know those in the picture say yes, she looks like her but she's not. she's a writer for hillary.
Prove it. I say it's her. Not many women are that ugly with that kind of distinctive facial features.

That is Hillary Clinton.
the pic of her behind hillary is bogus. that is not fords lawyer.
I totally disagree. The spacing between the eyes, the ridge of the nose, the forehead, eyebrows, jaw line are identical.
and yet, people who know those in the picture say yes, she looks like her but she's not. she's a writer for hillary.
Prove it. I say it's her. Not many women are that ugly with that kind of distinctive facial features.

That is Hillary Clinton.
yes it is. but it's not fords lawyer behind her.

Christine Blasey Ford not pictured with Clinton, Soros
And the latest is that Clinton and THE DNC got caught Colluding with The FBI to push Putin's Dirty Dossier to stop Trump, which by association means That Clinton, The Democrat Party and The FBI Colluded with Putin.
I am now hearing that all three of these characters are under investigation.

Well, Well. How about this? Blasey Ford as everyone now knows LIED UNDER OATH to The Senate and American People. She told way too many lies to cover here, but the most interesting one was the Lie she told about helping people pass lie detector tests.

At the time as we now know The Senate had a letter stating that Ford regularly trained people to pass lie detector tests. But the most interesting fact about this was that she coached Monica McLean to pass an FBI Lie detector test to be hired by The FBI. She went on to work for Preet Bharara who was fired by President Trump for Sexual Assaults and Sexual Harassment on women.

Report: Preet Bharara Was Fired Amid Probe Into Fox News Sexual Harassment Settlements | HuffPost

Mueller then inexplicably hired Preet Bharara to work on the Fake Russia Russia Probe & Witch Hunt. Now if that wasn't interesting enough, almost as interesting as Ford's family ties to both The CIA and FBI, and her acquaintances with another Trump Hater, John Brennan, McLean was THE VERY PERSON who met FORD in a HOTEL for 4 hours to work with a LIE DETECTOR so that Ford could rehearse her felonious prevarications. Not only that McLean just a few weeks prior to The Ford Fiasco took a photograph with Michael Avenatti and Swenik, and Ford's attorney was photographed with Hillary Clinton within the same time frame.



View attachment 220230


Feinstein? Self explanatory for Ethics Violations and Obstructing Senate Business.

So, Lefty, I am asking you this question, because you are who The Left is manipulating, Social Engineering your thoughts and feelings, and deceiving you and using you for their selfish agendas:

Do you really think there isn't a DEEP STATE? It's bad enough that Mueller also hire Strozk and Page and hired half of the plotters of "The Insurance Policy" Coup to be on his Fake Russia Russia Russia Probe, but these clowns are actively out trying to frame people like Kavanaugh to keep him off bench.

From what I heard, Feinstein is in a panic, because she leaked the confidential letter, and Ford is also being looked at, not only for her pathological perjuries, but for her plotting with an FBI Official (McLean) to bear false witness and to obstruct official Senate Business with False Allegations.

REVEALED: The Man Accusing Blasey Ford Of Lying About Polygraphs


She clearly did not lie or the Trump garbage would not be trying to discredit her. More silliness. There is no evidence she helped anyone with a lie detector test other than a letter Grassley supposedly had. Grassley is human garbage. He has used his position to terrorize people he has issues with. He filed a false criminal referral against Steele. Grassley should be in jail and his election says more about the garbage that exists in Iowa than him.

There is no deep state. Just another crazy conspiracy. That is where your pain is coming from. Thinking up these crazy conspiracy theories. You are the crazy one and should be housed in a mental institution somewhere.

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