Feds underpaid more than 800 counties for public lands


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Compensation money the feds agreed to pay when they unconstitutionally shut down resource access in rural areas, including Teton County, CO, is not sufficient according to the law. More than 800 counties have filed a class action suit against them because of it.

"Kane County, Utah — home to the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and parts of Bryce Canyon and Zion national parks — filed a lawsuit in 2015 claiming that the Department of the Interior appropriated less PILT funding than was required by law.

"The law dictates that PILT payments must be calculated using a strict formula based on each county’s population and acreage of federal land.

"Ultimately, Kane County prevailed in the lawsuit: The court found that the federal government owed counties extra PILT funds for 2015 through 2017, according to Deputy County Attorney Keith Gingery.

"A judge issued an order certifying the case as a class-action, opening it up for any counties that receive PILT funds to join by Sept. 14 for a chance at receiving money."

This is just another instance of these out of control agencies either blatantly ignoring the law, or *changing* it (unconstitutionally and administratively) in ways that benefit them and them alone.

County joins lawsuit seeking federal funds

A list of the counties...pretty much every US county that has public lands:

Case Counties Archive - Smith Currie
Compensation money the feds agreed to pay when they unconstitutionally shut down resource access in rural areas, including Teton County, CO, is not sufficient according to the law. More than 800 counties have filed a class action suit against them because of it.

This is just another instance of these out of control agencies either blatantly ignoring the law, or *changing* it (unconstitutionally and administratively) in ways that benefit them and them alone.

County joins lawsuit seeking federal funds

A list of the counties...pretty much every US county that has public lands:

Case Counties Archive - Smith Currie

half the fkrs on here are to stupid to even undrestand what this means , let alone realize wtf agenda 21 is, or agenda 2030 everything these morons think is a conspiracy is the total oppsosite and they wonder why democrats love IDIOTS.
Compensation money the feds agreed to pay when they unconstitutionally shut down resource access in rural areas, including Teton County, CO, is not sufficient according to the law. More than 800 counties have filed a class action suit against them because of it.

This is just another instance of these out of control agencies either blatantly ignoring the law, or *changing* it (unconstitutionally and administratively) in ways that benefit them and them alone.

County joins lawsuit seeking federal funds

A list of the counties...pretty much every US county that has public lands:

Case Counties Archive - Smith Currie

half the fkrs on here are to stupid to even undrestand what htis means , let alone realize wtf agenda 21 is, or agenda 2030 everything these morons think is a conspiracy is the total oppsosite and they wonder why democrats love IDIOTS.
Well the fake press works actively to hide this information..or to distort it.

Because they are the enemy of the people.
And you have all the big enviromarxists engaged...the Sierra Club and the like...spending untold millions and billions generating absolute LIES in order to get funding to seize land and terminate resource access.

For example...the NYT ran a story that is prominently displayed on the Sierra Club of Idaho page that spins the falsehood that orcas are in jeopardy, that the baby died because there are insufficient Idaho salmon.

Orcas aren't in jeopardy. They had an unprecedented spike in numbers in the early 1980s. Off the chart. Subsequently, every year since then is the "lowest number in 30 years!" for orcas. What the enviromarxists and fake researmarxists don't mention is that the numbers are still higher than they were in the 70s and 60s..or really at any time...or at least not lower. The fluctuations are within normal population fluctuations.

And they aren't starving because of salmon, that's ridiculous. Orcas eat sea lions as well..and the sea lion populations are exploding (because the sea lions are eating the salmon. It isn't even people who are hurting the salmon runs).

I pointed this out on their fb page...and immediately drew the ire of multiple mentally ill USFS workers and others, including threats and poo emojis a la bode.

Which all sat on that page..until one of the mentally ill people admitted to being mentally ill and said they were *fine until someone like you opens her fucking mouth*. At which point I advised him that he was being used by the Sierra Club, that they depend on his mental illness when they are feeding him the lies that makes him hate people like me for speaking the truth.

His threats to me sat on that thread all day. But the minute I said they were using him, I was blocked.

That's the type of people we're dealing with. They deliberately inflame mentally ill kids and encourage them to threaten anybody who posts the truth with death. Literally.
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Compensation money the feds agreed to pay when they unconstitutionally shut down resource access in rural areas, including Teton County, CO, is not sufficient according to the law. More than 800 counties have filed a class action suit against them because of it.

"Kane County, Utah — home to the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and parts of Bryce Canyon and Zion national parks — filed a lawsuit in 2015 claiming that the Department of the Interior appropriated less PILT funding than was required by law.

"The law dictates that PILT payments must be calculated using a strict formula based on each county’s population and acreage of federal land.

"Ultimately, Kane County prevailed in the lawsuit: The court found that the federal government owed counties extra PILT funds for 2015 through 2017, according to Deputy County Attorney Keith Gingery.

"A judge issued an order certifying the case as a class-action, opening it up for any counties that receive PILT funds to join by Sept. 14 for a chance at receiving money."

This is just another instance of these out of control agencies either blatantly ignoring the law, or *changing* it (unconstitutionally and administratively) in ways that benefit them and them alone.

County joins lawsuit seeking federal funds

A list of the counties...pretty much every US county that has public lands:

Case Counties Archive - Smith Currie
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