Feds/DHS denies AZ Maricopa County (Pheonix) Memorandum of Agreement


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
CNSNews.com - Sheriff Arpaio's Office Is Only Law Enforcement Agency in U.S. Denied Authority to Enforce Immigration Laws, Says DHS

Another member was stating Rhode Island can enforce illegal immigration locally only because it has a DHS Memorandum of Agreement to do so, and he said Arizona should do the same rather than pass their own laws, but that Arizona stubbornly wouldn't do.

Wrong. Maricopa County was the only county denied. Arizona's largest county with the largest illegal problem was the only one denied the MOA to enforce illegal immigration.

Arizona tried to do it the right way. Feds said F-you Zona. Zona bravely took the lead.
As the article says below, the Federal 287 (g) program ALREADY trains and certifies cops nationwide to do EXACTLY what the Arizona bill will allow all AZ cops to do. Nationwide cops are being trained and certified to make illegals "show me your papers", with 1,075 officers actively doing it so far. So, why the lawsuit in AZ if the feds are already allowing what AZ is going to do, nationwide, under THE FEDS direction? Well, because the Feds are pissed at AZ, denied them the MOA, and now are gonna sue them for daring take the matter of protecting their legal citizens.

So there ya go boys. Thats why AZ acted.

Since January 2006, the 287(g) program is credited with identifying more than 130,000 potentially removable aliens, the majority of which are incarcerated in local jails. More than 1,075 law-enforcement officers have been trained and certified through the program.

“Coordinating with our state and local partners is important to smart and effective enforcement of our immigration laws,” Napolitano said in announcing the renewals. “These new agreements promote public safety by prioritizing the identification and removal of dangerous criminal aliens, and ensure consistency and stronger federal oversight of state and local immigration law enforcement efforts across the nation.”

“The rules set forth in these agreements will enhance our efforts to work together effectively with our local partners,” Napolitano said.

But critics charge that the Obama administration is trying to appease people who oppose amnesty for the 12 to 14 million people who are believed to be in the United States illegally.
Arizona has never even TRIED to apply for an Memorandum of Agreement which would apply to their statewide law. The Arpaio dispute occurred at the county level back in '09 before Arizona's statewide immigration law was even created. It's a completely separate matter. When Arizona decided that a new law was necessary in April of 2010 then the burden fell to them to apply for a new MOA which would cover the terms of the new law. Instead, they are trying to claim that their law is in compliance with federal law while at the same time they refuse to engage in the formal compliance procedure. If they won't even TRY to get an MOA then they're not making a good-faith effort. Arizona's refusal to even file the paperwork with DHS is their own fault. It's that simple. They have no one to blame but themselves.
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