Federal vs Unitary Government

Wow - liberalmedia is one screwed up individual. Giving communism a new name doesn't make it something other than communism!

You spelled "communism" with a lowercase letter. That indicates that you are referring to the economic system, and not the mixed eco-socio-political ideology promoted in various forms by Marx, Lenin, et al.

So I must ask, exactly where did anyone but you bring the economy into this? Was it your intent to refer not to an economic system but rather to authoritarian, totalitarian, tyrannical, and/or dictatorial governments?

OK - make it a big C if it makes you feel better --- you are still a COMMUNIST - and represent unAmerican values.

Man, I miss the 70s -- we would just take pinko trash like you behind the shed...
Wow - liberalmedia is one screwed up individual. Giving communism a new name doesn't make it something other than communism!

You spelled "communism" with a lowercase letter. That indicates that you are referring to the economic system, and not the mixed eco-socio-political ideology promoted in various forms by Marx, Lenin, et al.

So I must ask, exactly where did anyone but you bring the economy into this? Was it your intent to refer not to an economic system but rather to authoritarian, totalitarian, tyrannical, and/or dictatorial governments?

OK - make it a big C if it makes you feel better --- you are still a COMMUNIST - and represent unAmerican values.

Free thought and nonviolent solutions to differences in opinion are American values, last time I checked.

Man, I miss the 70s -- we would just take pinko trash like you behind the shed...

And cue the threats of physical assault. Can you manpigs be any more predictable?
Violence is not a bad thing! You have to be willing to fight if you are going to stop the spread of disease like communism and socialism! Traditional America will win in the end...

You know why -- sooner or later you leftists are going to have to actually verbalize your true goals - then all the blind little sheeple will see. All the poor clueless people who just follow the manipulations of the left will jump ship immediately.
Violence is not a bad thing!

Congrats, you're my new Bigot of the Week.

You have to be willing to fight if you are going to stop the spread of disease like communism and socialism! Traditional America will win in the end...

"Traditional" America--I'm assuming you mean "white" America--has already lost. Culture, demographics, and time are against you. Your little fight became unwinnable more than a century ago.

You know why -- sooner or later you leftists are going to have to actually verbalize your true goals - then all the blind little sheeple will see. All the poor clueless people who just follow the manipulations of the left will jump ship immediately.

We already have verbalized our true goals--that is exactly what this thread is about. We're getting done what we've always wanted to do, no one is stopping us, and very few people are even attempting to speak out against it.
You are dillusional... If you were to be intellectually honest - you wouldn't be calling Communism, "unitary" --- you are just another freedom hating fool...
You are dillusional...

What have I said that caused you to call me delusional? Was my assessment of the situation--i.e. progressives doing whatever we want with LITTLE TO NO conservatard opposition apart from ineffective whining--in any way inaccurate?

If you were to be intellectually honest - you wouldn't be calling Communism, "unitary" ---

Then let's be "intellectually honest" and discuss exactly what Communism and a unitary form of government are not separate ideas, but are in fact exactly identical with no distinctions to be made between them at all ever. You should start by defining Communism, as you seem to have a very nondescript idea of what it is, and having a discussion about an undefined subject can only lead to further confusion and yield no meaningful fruits.

you are just another freedom hating fool...

You view Communism as evil, and think it is taking over your country from within rather than by the invasion of a foreign army. Your solution to this is to bitch about it on the Internet and write libelous things about people who disagree with you, rather than doing anything at all to stop the problem you think exists. Tell me, do you consider yourself a freedom-loving patriot as you fiddle while Rome burns?

Or is this all just you trying to shift blame from inactive, apathetic idiots like you, who have no knowledge at all of the political process or our legal system, onto enlightened, educated, and involved citizens like mysylf?
Having a discussion with a Communist in an attempt to get him to love America is a waste of my time and his... Just trust me... When garbage like you gets too far along, and grows enough balls to be honest, the guns will come out and America will free itself from your lunacy.
Having a discussion with a Communist in an attempt to get him to love America is a waste of my time and his... Just trust me...

What a fantastic job you've done of dodging my every question and refusing to actually engage in any substantive thought. Your arguments clearly have more merit here. Such a sad thing that you didn't bother to make any, and only came in here to troll.

When garbage like you gets too far along, and grows enough balls to be honest, the guns will come out and America will free itself from your lunacy.

We've been honest from the beginning: We want one world government, no home rule, no grassroots, no opposition, no discrimination, no inequality, no private property, and no religion.

Still no guns coming out. Thankfully, you Teabaggers are all bark and no bite. We enlightened lybyryls softened you too thoroughly with television, video games, and Internet for there to be any serious real life opposition to us.

We've already won, conservatard. Deal with it.

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