Fed appeals court just said funding the healthcare law is uncontitutional

Appeals Court Rules That Individual Mandate in Obama's Health Care Law Is Unconstitutional

The individual is the funding part... but they say the rest of law might stand how is it going to stand with no money:clap2:

In a split decision, a three-judge panel on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has determined that the health care law's individual mandate exceeds Congress' Commerce Clause powers and is therefore unconstitutional. However, unlike the district court ruling preceding this case, the judges found the mandate to be "severable" and thus holds that the rest of the law can stand.

..."concluded that the individual mandate exceeded congressional authority under Article I of the Constitution because it was not enacted pursuant to Congress's tax power and it exceeded Congress' power under the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause."
11th Circuit: Health Care Law's Individual Mandate Is Unconstitutional | TPMDC

This is the first Democrat-appointee found against ObamaCare.

That's the same as saying, "you can stand alone without your intestines." Uuumm... no, you can't, and neither can this bill. If the mandate goes, the whole bill dies, period. They wrote the abomination AROUND the mandate.
Now we have dueling federal appellate decisions. SCOTUS going to be busy.

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