FDA inspections reveal that factories in Chinna and India produce carcinnogen tainnted blood pressur


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
FDA inspections reveal that factories in China and India produce CARCINOGEN-TAINTED blood pressure and heart medications
A shocking investigation has just revealed serious contamination issues for blood pressure medications made in foreign factories. Drugs made at plants located in China and India are tainted with carcinogenic substances, according to a report from the FDA. Estimates suggest that one out of every three American adults takes a blood pressure medication. How many people will be affected by this recall is currently unknown.

Trust your Gov, and FDA they never lies or tell you how much it will kill you oh wait yes they do it's in that insert dumb-asses never read just like vaccines and nobody believes a gawd dam thing because all they know how to do is ask the same dumb fk that does the same things because they think the same thing they were taugght to think just like you that's why your idiots and can't see past the pysh warfare used against you they bank on stupidity. They meaning your gov. parents.
The real story here is the dramatic improvements in the equipment that chemically analyzes drugs & other stuff. We are now able to detect traces of elements and substances that were heretofore undetectable. A few parts per billion.

"Journalists" like to take the information generated by scientists doing this research to create overblown inflammatory headlines like the one above, when the traces of harmful substances are so slight that the human digestive system cannot even note their existence, let along be harmed by them. "Your Hot Dogs contain RAT TURDS!!!"

People are living longer and longer BECAUSE OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THESE DRUGS, even with the trace amounts of garbage therein contained. One aspect of medical science that is getting more and more note these days is the BENEFICIAL effects of certain toxic substances, when administered in minute amounts. For example, the incidence of CANCER in workers at nuclear power plants is LOWER than in the "control group" (everybody else). So a little bit of elevated exposure to "harmful radiation" may even be good for you.

Whooooda thunkit?
The real story here is the dramatic improvements in the equipment that chemically analyzes drugs & other stuff. We are now able to detect traces of elements and substances that were heretofore undetectable. A few parts per billion.

"Journalists" like to take the information generated by scientists doing this research to create overblown inflammatory headlines like the one above, when the traces of harmful substances are so slight that the human digestive system cannot even note their existence, let along be harmed by them. "Your Hot Dogs contain RAT TURDS!!!"

People are living longer and longer BECAUSE OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THESE DRUGS, even with the trace amounts of garbage therein contained. One aspect of medical science that is getting more and more note these days is the BENEFICIAL effects of certain toxic substances, when administered in minute amounts. For example, the incidence of CANCER in workers at nuclear power plants is LOWER than in the "control group" (everybody else). So a little bit of elevated exposure to "harmful radiation" may even be good for you.

Whooooda thunkit?
I think one could also argue about the efficacy of these medications. I have spent some time in Asia and have found that many of the domestically, (Chinese, Thai, Indonesian) medications lack the effect or consistency of western manufactured drugs. The point being, if these trace amounts are found then big red flags should be raised regarding the QC procedures across the board. If you're going to Asia...brings your meds.

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