FBI Uncovers Russian Collusion.... (Hillary and Uranium One)

The Clintons and Obama don't CONTROL the DOJ like they did a year ago.

Uh-OH.....they can't hide behind their NAZI SS TROOPS (THE OBAMA DOJ)
Do Progs honestly think that Hillary has never done anything illegal or unethical in her political career, or do they just not care because she is a Democrat?

Progs seem concerned about BILL CLINTON getting $500k from Russia and then Hillary allowing Russia to control 20% of US uranium.

Obama admin was corrupt as shit.

The first thing Eric Holder did as Obama's AG was initiate the 'Fast and Furious' program, a fiasco that ended up putting two thousand untraceable semi-auto weapons in the hands of drug cartels, resulting in one US agent and an unknown number of Mexicans killed.

Congress subpoenaed pertinent documents but Holder refused to comply. He was about to be indicted when he resigned. The MSM covered the story with the pall of the crypt.

Obama's second AG Loretta Lynch coached Bill Clinton just hours before Hillary was due to be interrogated by the FBI. Lynch expressed regret for her actions but doubled down anyhow by saying she wouldn't investigate the Clinton Foundation until after the election.

Congress and the MSM rolled over and went back to sleep.

Now Trump AG Jeff Sessions is alleged to spoken to the Russian ambassador about the election and the Democrats along with the crooked MSM rend their garments, fall to the floor and shriek, 'Anathema'. Even the RINOs are ready to sell Trump for thirty pieces of silver.

Trump still has the unstinting support of his voters. They are growing impatient with the hysterics and criminal interference with the office of the presidency.

Where is the integrity of a great legislative body and an incorruptible media when you need them?
"Has anybody checked if she's on Putin's payroll?"

Why would I be.....I'm not a Democrat, and that's who the Kremlin supported.

By now, most know that Putin wanted the one he had bribed earlier.

Joule Unlimited collapses as oil prices flag, time passes, pressure mounts
“We had a lot of prospects last year,” former CEO Brian Baynes told The Digest, “but those new investor prospects walked away, particularly post election.

What is interesting is that two of the board of directors members were John Podesta and Anatoly Chubais.

Joule was also mentioned in Podesta emails in regards acquiring Red Rock company that has received $70 million thru Title III DPA grants from Barry. Podesta owned 75K shares of the company. Joule folded after Hilldawg lost presidency bid and as result of that investors walked away.

Here is another good read, it's been up few hours:

US consulting firm with ties to the Clintons lobbied on behalf of Russia's nuclear giant
Roughly $3 million in payments from 2010 to 2011 were made to APCO Worldwide Inc. The firm also provided in kind pro-bono services to Bill Clinton's foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, services they begin 2007, according to APCO officials who spoke with Circa and press releases from the company. In 2010, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was part of the Obama administration board that would eventually approve the sale of U.S. uranium supply to a Russian company.
The only Russian collusion going on was with Hillary.....not Trump.

What I want to know is why the hell is our Attorney General Jeff Sessions missing on this matter?

And why the hell isn't selling our uranium assets to Russia considered treason?

There it is again. The perfect pseudo-scandal.

Facts simply don't matter.

Progs seem concerned about BILL CLINTON getting $500k from Russia and then Hillary allowing Russia to control 20% of US uranium.

Obama admin was corrupt as shit.

The first thing Eric Holder did as Obama's AG was initiate the 'Fast and Furious' program, a fiasco that ended up putting two thousand untraceable semi-auto weapons in the hands of drug cartels, resulting in one US agent and an unknown number of Mexicans killed.

Congress subpoenaed pertinent documents but Holder refused to comply. He was about to be indicted when he resigned. The MSM covered the story with the pall of the crypt.

Obama's second AG Loretta Lynch coached Bill Clinton just hours before Hillary was due to be interrogated by the FBI. Lynch expressed regret for her actions but doubled down anyhow by saying she wouldn't investigate the Clinton Foundation until after the election.

Congress and the MSM rolled over and went back to sleep.

Now Trump AG Jeff Sessions is alleged to spoken to the Russian ambassador about the election and the Democrats along with the crooked MSM rend their garments, fall to the floor and shriek, 'Anathema'. Even the RINOs are ready to sell Trump for thirty pieces of silver.

Trump still has the unstinting support of his voters. They are growing impatient with the hysterics and criminal interference with the office of the presidency.

Where is the integrity of a great legislative body and an incorruptible media when you need them?

Long gone.
Let's just summarize this corruption by the Clintons.

1. Hillary Clinton approved the transfer of 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia and nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. While Hillary Clinton’s State Department was one of eight agencies to review and sign off on the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia — then-Secretary of State Clinton herself was the only agency head whose family foundation received $145 million in donations from multiple people connected to the uranium deal, as reported by the New York Times.
2. Bill Clinton bagged $500,000 for a Moscow speech paid for by a Kremlin-backed bank while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Former President Bill Clinton delivered a speech in Moscow and received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Russian government-connected bank, while his wife’s State Department was getting ready to sign off on the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia. “And, in one case, a Russian investment bank connected to the deals paid money to Bill Clinton personally, through a half-million-dollar speaker’s fee,” reported the New Yorker.
3. Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman’s Joule energy company bagged $35 million from Putin’s Rusnano. Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the executive board of an energy company, Joule Unlimited, which received millions from a Putin-connected Russian government fund. Podesta also owned “75,000 common shares” in Joule Unlimited, which he had transferred to a holding company called Leonidio LLC. Podesta also failed to fully disclose his position on Joule Unlimited’s board of directors and include it in his federal financial disclosures, as required by law, before he became President Obama’s senior adviser in January 2014.
4. Clinton Foundation chatter with State Dept. on Uranium Deal with Russia. Senior staffers inside Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were warned by Clinton Foundation senior vice president Maura Pally that the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), was asking the Department of Justice to investigate the State Department approval of the sale of American uranium assets to a Russian company. The chain of emails proved the regular interaction between members of the Clinton campaign and senior staff at the Clinton Foundation.
5. Hillary Clinton hid $2.35 million in secret donations from Ian Telfer, the head of Russia’s uranium company. Ian Telfer, the head of the Russian government’s uranium company, Uranium One, made four foreign donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation, as the New York Times reported.

It's time to prosecute the real criminals.

Indeed. As we can see here, the Democrat astro-turfers are all mad at Trump N Stuff, Putin Bad!!! ad nauseam, peddling fake stories and innuendo, but out of the other sides of their mouths they peddle the Putin Good!!! 'talking points when he and his cronies are laying hundreds of millions of dollars on Secretaries of State and their appointees while they're in office, and they're just fine with the Putin govt. cornering the uranium market, at the same time they're gret buddies with a nuclearizing Iran and a nutjob midget in North Korea.

Yeah, they're stupid and their base is a collection of retarded drug addicts and neurotic sexual deviants, for sure. They can't make any kind of sense, no matter how hard they try.

Hillary was just one player of the 7 US agencies needed to approve it. You place far more ability on Hillary, that she could convince the DOE to approve the project, plus the Canadian government, and a host of others.

If Hillary could talk 7 US and 3 international agencies into approving the deal, she would have made a hell of a president.

"If Hillary could talk 7 US and 3 international agencies into approving the deal,..."

Are you nuts,Lostman??????

How do you imagine ( I almost said 'think') this career criminal and congenital liar stayed out of prison for so long.

This corruption in government is why the American people elected Trump.

Wise up, you dope.


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