
Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I placed this under military because this is where it could end. Thankfully, this guy is stating the truth openly, without question China is the worst threat to America, probably in her history due to the extent. Of course Russia is a threat, but only in a more narrow sphere, though an important one. They are great at spreading propaganda, something they've done for 60 years in the U.S, often with unknowing accomplices.

Time to reign in their economy and hurt them before they become impossible to stop. One of the biggest reasons why I support tariffs against these Communists.

FBI Director: Chinese Espionage ‘Most Significant’ Spy Threat Facing US

China, rather than Russia, is the “most significant” long-term threat to the United States, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Wednesday.

During an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt at the Aspen Ideas Forum, Wray said that the FBI has economic espionage investigations in all 50 states that trace back to Chinese activity.

“It covers everything from corn seeds in Iowa to wind turbines in Massachusetts and everything in between,” said Wray.

Most of the forum focused on the FBI’s investigation of Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election and in other arenas. Wray’s appearance comes in the wake of two significant indictments in Russia-related investigations.
Good post. This is another example of why we need a Media that works for America and not a Party.

CNN took a quote from that interview, selectively only speaking about Russia, totally avoiding the more strongly worded comment against China.

This is where the treason lies. China is always given a free pass. Why doesn't media call out both?

I think they are already there and could possibly have already have been there for at least a decade.

Some have too much invested in China to want the narrative to change, even as they threaten U.S National Security, destroy the U.S economy and it's Middle Class. That's my take on the issue.

It is very simple.
As you likely are already aware of America is not a Democratic Republic anymore.
We are a Plutocratic Corporatocracy. Both houses of the legislative branch are wholly corrupt by Corporatism and have no will to lead.
Corporate/Elitist interest are held higher than all other priorities in this country.
The investor class make a helluva lot of money by investing in China. They have absolutely ZERO intention of upsetting that money train.
Thus they can pretty much do whatever they want.
The CIA has a secret budget but there are no secrets left. Somebody with a set of balls needs to clean out the bureaucrat "intelligence" agencies. Drain the swamp.
Good post. This is another example of why we need a Media that works for America and not a Party.

CNN took a quote from that interview, selectively only speaking about Russia, totally avoiding the more strongly worded comment against China.

This is where the treason lies. China is always given a free pass. Why doesn't media call out both?

Well for one thing they believe they can use Russia to undermine Trump. I am not sure if they harped on Russia the way they do now before Trump was elected.

I do remember hillary going to russia with a little prop, called the reset button, as in she was trying to reset our relationship with Russia...it did no work out for her as in Putin despises hillary.

But I do not recall the media attacking hillary for attempting to do something which the Donald actually accomplished. It appears the media is trying to keep relations with russia in the cellar. Makes no sense. Other than just their hatred of Trump. It appears the media and liberals in general had rather see Trump fail than to accomplish something that would actually help America and perhaps prevent a war. I mean is anyone really willing to go to war for the crimea?
China has never given a fuck about anything but China. I'm convinced that their spying and their military islands in the Pacific are completely about their own national security. If anybody starts a war it will be us.
China has never given a fuck about anything but China. I'm convinced that their spying and their military islands in the Pacific are completely about their own national security. If anybody starts a war it will be us.

'The devastating terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and America's first domestic bio-terrorism mail attacks have shifted America's attention and resources to the immediate threat of international terrorism. But we shouldn't be fooled. Since the publication of the hardcover edition of The China Threat in November of 2000, one thing remains very much the same: the People's Republic of China is the most serious long-term national security challenge to the United States. In fact, after the events of September 11, the China threat should seem all the more real, for Communist China is one of the most important backers of states that support international terrorism'...Bill Gertz


China is waging a “quiet kind of cold war” against the United States, using all its resources to try to replace America as the leading power in the world, a top CIA expert on Asia said Friday.

'Beijing doesn’t want to go to war, he said, but the current communist government, under President Xi Jinping, is subtly working on multiple fronts to undermine the US in ways that are different than the more well-publicised activities being employed by Russia.

“I would argue … that what they’re waging against us is fundamentally a cold war”, Michael Collins, deputy assistant director of the CIA’s East Asia mission centre, said at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.'
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Where the hell was the CIA during the Hussein administration? Were they too busy digging up dirt on the republican candidate to address the alleged threat to the electoral process?
There's really no stopping China from taking over. The good news is they'll probably be better at it than we are.

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