FBI and DOJ Didn’t Catch Yesterday’s Indicted Leakers (Treasury IG Did) but They Did Cover Up One of


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
FBI and DOJ Didn’t Catch Yesterday’s Indicted Leakers (Treasury IG Did) but They Did Cover Up One of Their Names

FBI and DOJ Didn't Catch Yesterday's Indicted Leakers (Treasury IG Did) but They Did Cover Up One of Their Names
The indictment of US Treasury officials yesterday is more important than first thought. As we reported the individuals indicted have close ties to demoted DOJ lawyer Bruce Ohr and Mueller team corrupt attorney Andrew Weissman! Is this why the FBI and DOJ covered up one of their names?... On Tuesday, 40-year-old Natalie May Edwards, the senior advisor in the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, was arrested and criminally charged for leaking confidential financial documents relating to former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, the Russian embassy and accused Russian spy Maria Butina… Hidden in the DOJ complaint is the fact that Edwards’s BOSS at FinCEN is a criminal co-conspirator and he holds the title of Associate Director..... Additional reporting from Sean Davis shows that one of the Assistant Directors at FinCEN is Thomas Ott. Mr. Ott worked for Fusion GPS collaborator Bruce Ohr at the DOJ. Also, Mr. Ott worked for RICO with Andrew Weissman at the DOJ –
It appears that the Treasury Departments Inspector General was behind the detection of the culprits. However, the FBI and DOJ then stepped in and hid the mention of the co-conspirator in their press release and then hid the name of this individual in their report.
Just another example of the corrupt DOJ and FBI covering up for their own and not doing their job in the first place. Place this on the shelf with the Las Vegas shooting, Hillary Clinton’s emails, Trump – Russia collusion, etc…

Like any organized crime ring, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats under the Obama order to Fundamentally Transform America prioritized and weaponized control over the DOJ and FBI to protect their criminal operations.
Remember, we don't always see the moves in play behind scenes. Did the Treasury Dept. just moved up a couple of rungs on the ladder of life? The FBI and DOJ keep covering up.
The "Swamp" and corruption must be so bad they keep it from the Citizens of the United States of America. Remember Bush 43 downgraded the Treasury Dept. and removed the Secret Service from their jurisdiction.
There's a lot riding on these midterms. Suffice it to say, heads will only roll if we can keep Republicans in majority for both the House and Senate.
It appears that the DOJ and FBI deeply involved with the 'cancer of corruption' that has metastasized to ALL parts of our Government.
We should all realize and refuse to make the mistake of giving Sessions or Rosenstein's DOJ or Christopher Wray credit for this arrest. If anything the Sessions, Rosenstein, and Wray have thwarted the investigation by the Treasury Dept. and this arrest.
Once the mid-terms are over, it's expected that Pres. DJT will clean up all of this corruption in both the DOJ, and the FBI. He will begin with that little mouse, Jeff Sessions, who has been shilling and covering for the swamp. The fireworks will begin with the appointment of a new Attorney General. I can see it now, any appointee of DJT will be accused of sexual crimes going back to their childhood at the ages of three or four. Feinstein and Schumer will lead the charge with Dick Turban and Dick 'Da Nang' Blumenthal, and Cory 'Spartacus' Booker following in a chorus.

The low level goons need to take notice. We have a cell for you corrupt, dishonest, treasonous pukes. While the left is moaning about aged porn stars and hair dye, Trump is getting it done.

And yes people are going to go to jail.

"Terry James Albury, a former FBI agent in Minnesota, was sentenced to four years in prison with an additional three years of supervised release on Thursday in U.S. District Court..

"Albury admitted that he leaked documents to a reporter from The Intercept, an online news publication. He worked as an FBI Special Agent at the field office in Minneapolis at the time of the disclosure in 2016-2017. He was also working as a liaison with the Department of Customs and Border Protection at MSP International Airport during that same time period."

Former Minnesota FBI Agent Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison for Leaking Documents
The low level goons need to take notice. We have a cell for you corrupt, dishonest, treasonous pukes. While the left is moaning about aged porn stars and hair dye, Trump is getting it done.

And yes people are going to go to jail.

"Terry James Albury, a former FBI agent in Minnesota, was sentenced to four years in prison with an additional three years of supervised release on Thursday in U.S. District Court..

"Albury admitted that he leaked documents to a reporter from The Intercept, an online news publication. He worked as an FBI Special Agent at the field office in Minneapolis at the time of the disclosure in 2016-2017. He was also working as a liaison with the Department of Customs and Border Protection at MSP International Airport during that same time period."

Former Minnesota FBI Agent Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison for Leaking Documents

Ah, another one! I wonder if anyone is attempting to establish a connection AKA "common denominator" between the several..

He got less time than the others. The others got 5 years +.
He almost got the max which is 5 years. Good. Hopefully that fathead that got arrested yesterday leaking Treasury Dept. Info gets a similar sentence.

Several others got 60 months +. This guy is the shortest sentence to date.
The low level goons need to take notice. We have a cell for you corrupt, dishonest, treasonous pukes. While the left is moaning about aged porn stars and hair dye, Trump is getting it done.

And yes people are going to go to jail.

"Terry James Albury, a former FBI agent in Minnesota, was sentenced to four years in prison with an additional three years of supervised release on Thursday in U.S. District Court..

"Albury admitted that he leaked documents to a reporter from The Intercept, an online news publication. He worked as an FBI Special Agent at the field office in Minneapolis at the time of the disclosure in 2016-2017. He was also working as a liaison with the Department of Customs and Border Protection at MSP International Airport during that same time period."

Former Minnesota FBI Agent Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison for Leaking Documents
She is not the last, and I want to know what she was paid for being a Spy.
The low level goons need to take notice. We have a cell for you corrupt, dishonest, treasonous pukes. While the left is moaning about aged porn stars and hair dye, Trump is getting it done.

And yes people are going to go to jail.

"Terry James Albury, a former FBI agent in Minnesota, was sentenced to four years in prison with an additional three years of supervised release on Thursday in U.S. District Court..

"Albury admitted that he leaked documents to a reporter from The Intercept, an online news publication. He worked as an FBI Special Agent at the field office in Minneapolis at the time of the disclosure in 2016-2017. He was also working as a liaison with the Department of Customs and Border Protection at MSP International Airport during that same time period."

Former Minnesota FBI Agent Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison for Leaking Documents

I'm confused ! Our Govt wants the Saudi Govt and Turkey to turn over evidence of a possible Crime committed on foreign soil to the US govt / FBI or other entity when the American people can't even see our own Court documents ( FISA Apps) or critical information of possible Illegal activity by DNC / FBI/ DOJ . Maybe we should clean our own house before trying to clean someone else's. The proof of abuse of power in the attempt to influence an election remains in a text between Strozk and Page that everyone seems to overlook " POTUS wants know everything we're doing" Need we go further.

The FBI is still salvageable, but it's gonna take keeping a Democrat out of the White House for another term.
The FBI should never have been created in the first place. The FBI was created to allow the government to violate our constitutionally protected rights. That's their sole purpose.

They do a lot of good things ! However Using it's Power to try and rig an election and then to attempt a soft Coup is grounds to be tried for treason which still carries a death penalty. Uncover and expose the traitors in our govt involved in this attempt to Subvert our Democratic process and Treat them accordingly, Until there are real consequences the subversion will not end.
The low level goons need to take notice. We have a cell for you corrupt, dishonest, treasonous pukes. While the left is moaning about aged porn stars and hair dye, Trump is getting it done.

And yes people are going to go to jail.

"Terry James Albury, a former FBI agent in Minnesota, was sentenced to four years in prison with an additional three years of supervised release on Thursday in U.S. District Court..

"Albury admitted that he leaked documents to a reporter from The Intercept, an online news publication. He worked as an FBI Special Agent at the field office in Minneapolis at the time of the disclosure in 2016-2017. He was also working as a liaison with the Department of Customs and Border Protection at MSP International Airport during that same time period."

Former Minnesota FBI Agent Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison for Leaking Documents

I'm confused ! Our Govt wants the Saudi Govt and Turkey to turn over evidence of a possible Crime committed on foreign soil to the US govt / FBI or other entity when the American people can't even see our own Court documents ( FISA Apps) or critical information of possible Illegal activity by DNC / FBI/ DOJ . Maybe we should clean our own house before trying to clean someone else's. The proof of abuse of power in the attempt to influence an election remains in a text between Strozk and Page that everyone seems to overlook " POTUS wants know everything we're doing" Need we go further.

So you believe that until all crime is eliminated, nobody should be prosecuted.

Got it...and I totally recognize your confusion. Leftists exist in a fugue state outside, or below, reality. Confusion is to be expected.

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