Fauxtography:Gaza under attack fake pictures


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I've got the article translated at Babylon. This is how they fool you.

The title of the article is Gaza: the disinformation in pictures.

GazaUnderAttack : la désinformation en images
Audrey DESTOUCHES 9 juillet 2014 à 17:41


Photos that are circulating on social networks with the hash-tag #GazaUnderAttack. At the top, two photos taken in Aleppo, Syria, in June 2014. In the bottom left: Gaza in January 2009. At the bottom right: in Baghdad, Iraq, in September 2007. (AFP Photo)

From the article:

Breaking In a week, nearly 400,000 tweets were published to denounce the Israeli strikes, most diverting of photos taken in Syria, Iraq or Gaza several years ago.

While the rocket attacks by Hamas and the Israeli air strikes on Gaza are intensifying, the hash-tag #GazaUnderAttack is spreading like wildfire on social networks. From all over the world, most of these tweets resume the same pictures shock, representative of the bombings and the dead children or scarred.

So check this out:

Yet, one of the first tweets with this hash-tag date of July 3, four days before the beginning of the air strikes on Gaza in the framework of the Israeli operation "protective boundary".

#GazaUnderAttack*: la désinformation en images - Libération

Tyler Durden [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]imAhmed89

This is not a matter of religion. This is a matter of humanity. #GazaUnderAttack
3:33 AM - 3 Juil 2014

OK, here's Tyler tweeting Gaza bullshit in between tweeting about the World Cup.

At the origin of this message, Tyler Durden WasimAhmed89 alias that is presented on its profile as a fan of the Liverpool FC capita in the southern suburbs of London.

The young man has found it appropriate to take a position on the situation in the Gaza Strip between two tweets on the World Cup, and to illustrate his message by a montage of photos taken in Syria, in Iraq, in Gaza in 2012, as explained in the BBC who has identified.

The trend was launched. Four hundred thousand tweets have already been published in a week with this hash-tag, the most illustrious of the same six images. When we go up the wire, we find that very little of their authors can be assimilated to the faithful of Hamas or Zionist. They have of ages and of varied profiles, are originating from all parts of the globe and they feel pushed by a desire for citizen alert.

#GazaUnderAttack*: la désinformation en images - Libération
Nothing new. The Palestinians are masters of media manipulation. They learned more than just rabid antisemitism from the NAZIs.

And the world won't care they will still believe it as the truth regardless if shown to be a fake. Take the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It has been PROVEN without the trace of a doubt that it's a forgery based entirely on fiction, defamation and lies. Yet the Arab world still makes it a best seller and the NAZIs of today still hold it as the truth!
How's is this for Pallywood.


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Well our media in its desperation to slag Israel whenever possible really contributes to this bullshit.

It took the NYT 4 days to acknowledge the error identifying the victim as “Tuvya Grossman of Chicago” and a week to do a story on the beating. But by then the damage had been done. Not only was the PCP firmly set in place, but also the picture had become an emblem of Palestinian victimization. Despite this subsequent retraction, therefore, as in the case of the poison accusations of 1983, Palestinian and Arab media and their PCP2 supporters have continued to use the picture as part of their Palestinian victim narrative.

To this day, Tuvya Grossman’s picture adorns a poster calling on everyone in the world to boycott Coca Cola in order to stop Israelis from killing Palestinians like this man.

Pallywood: A History | Augean Stables

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1000 in the operation alone. hundreds were fired in the week previous to that, which was what caused the attack on Gaza to start with.

If you're into facts, point to all of them, not just the ones suiting your personal opinion.
Doesn´t change that Israel carried out 1500 strikes against Gaza in recent days while 1000 missiles have been fired from Gaza.
Gazastreifen: Israel kämpft mit Spezialeinheiten gegen Hamas-Tunnel - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Are you imagining that Israel should carry out strikes 'one-for-one' only? I don't think that would be very reasonable at all - but then I can't see why else you'd be 'keeping score'......
I was saying that - no matter if these photos were taken out of context - the attacks cause such injuries.
I've got the article translated at Babylon. This is how they fool you.

The title of the article is Gaza: the disinformation in pictures.

GazaUnderAttack : la désinformation en images
Audrey DESTOUCHES 9 juillet 2014 à 17:41


Photos that are circulating on social networks with the hash-tag #GazaUnderAttack. At the top, two photos taken in Aleppo, Syria, in June 2014. In the bottom left: Gaza in January 2009. At the bottom right: in Baghdad, Iraq, in September 2007. (AFP Photo)

From the article:

Breaking In a week, nearly 400,000 tweets were published to denounce the Israeli strikes, most diverting of photos taken in Syria, Iraq or Gaza several years ago.

While the rocket attacks by Hamas and the Israeli air strikes on Gaza are intensifying, the hash-tag #GazaUnderAttack is spreading like wildfire on social networks. From all over the world, most of these tweets resume the same pictures shock, representative of the bombings and the dead children or scarred.

So check this out:

Yet, one of the first tweets with this hash-tag date of July 3, four days before the beginning of the air strikes on Gaza in the framework of the Israeli operation "protective boundary".

#GazaUnderAttack*: la désinformation en images - Libération
Hooray for Pallywood!
Another note: Women are not allowed to go outside exposed as well hehe..
Ahaha that's epic, Another Pallywood great productions!
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Doesn´t change that Israel carried out 1500 strikes against Gaza in recent days while 1000 missiles have been fired from Gaza.
Gazastreifen: Israel kämpft mit Spezialeinheiten gegen Hamas-Tunnel - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Are you imagining that Israel should carry out strikes 'one-for-one' only? I don't think that would be very reasonable at all - but then I can't see why else you'd be 'keeping score'......

I think Israel should retaliate one for one, and take the guidance systems out of their rockets so they can hit anywhere in gaza. Lets see the pro Palestinians complain about that.
Doesn´t change that Israel carried out 1500 strikes against Gaza in recent days while 1000 missiles have been fired from Gaza.
Gazastreifen: Israel kämpft mit Spezialeinheiten gegen Hamas-Tunnel - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Are you imagining that Israel should carry out strikes 'one-for-one' only? I don't think that would be very reasonable at all - but then I can't see why else you'd be 'keeping score'......

I think Israel should retaliate one for one, and take the guidance systems out of their rockets so they can hit anywhere in gaza. Lets see the pro Palestinians complain about that.

I say no. Even if the death merchants are the ones who count the missiles and deaths for some ill conceived form of 'fairness' in death and war.

That's not the Israeli way.


The young man has found it appropriate to take a position on the situation in the Gaza Strip between two tweets on the World Cup, and to illustrate his message by a montage of photos taken in Syria, in Iraq, in Gaza in 2012, as explained in the BBC who has identified.

The trend was launched. Four hundred thousand tweets have already been published in a week with this hash-tag, the most illustrious of the same six images. When we go up the wire, we find that very little of their authors can be assimilated to the faithful of Hamas or Zionist. They have of ages and of varied profiles, are originating from all parts of the globe and they feel pushed by a desire for citizen alert.[/B]

#GazaUnderAttack*: la désinformation en images - Libération

you got me confused tiny------maybe I am wrong but it seems to me
that you are stating that some people feel INSPIRED to use fake propaganda
for the sake of their sense of HUMANITY
Doesn´t change that Israel carried out 1500 strikes against Gaza in recent days while 1000 missiles have been fired from Gaza.
Gazastreifen: Israel kämpft mit Spezialeinheiten gegen Hamas-Tunnel - SPIEGEL ONLINE

You forget that hamas has been firing at Israel for the last 8 years, and the bill is racking up. Only another 20,000 to go
They fire at each other for no reason. There is no reason to support one of both sides in that case.
The numbers, 1800 airstrikes-170 casualties is very low in world scale.

Gee Dan-----its like something like miraculous-----are they using real bombs?---
when you say "airstrikes" does that mean something was actually hit??---
or an actual bomb was dropped somewhere

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