Fatah says Dahlan poisoned Arafat

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009

A panel of high-ranking Fatah leaders has accused former Gaza strongman Muhammed Dahlan of complicity in poisoning the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

Afafat died of a mysterious illness at a French hospital in 2004 after a short illness. His Jordanian doctor asserted that the possibility of a "foul play" was very high.

The panel, comprising the head of Fatah's parliamentary caucus Azzam al-Ahmad, his deputy Tayyeb Abdul Rahim, as well as Othman Abu Gharbiyeh and Nabil Shaath, also accused Dahlan of having planned a military coup in the West Bank and of liquidating Palestinian leaders.

According to the report, Dahlan was formally charged with bringing poisoned medicine into Arafat's quarter in Ramallah.

"When Arafat was being treated in Paris, Dahlan met an official of the Presidential Guard in Ramallah, and instructed him to burn all the medicine belonging to Arafat."

Finally, Dahlan was charged with receiving the sum $300,000 from U.S. Gen. Keith Dayton in 2005 for the purpose of forming his own security forces in Gaza as well as embezzling money that would have gone to rehabilitating vacated Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip.

Fatah says Dahlan poisoned Arafat
I thought AIDS killed Arafat.

That is the propaganda version.

The rumor in the street has been, since Arafat's death, that he was poisoned by Dahlan. It looks like they finally put together evidence for an indictment.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) decision to move against Muhammed Dahlan, the perpetual trouble-maker, will erase a major cause of the collision between Hamas and Fatah.

Dahlan, for those who have forgotten or don't know, connived, collaborated and conspired with the CIA and with Israel to topple the democratically elected government led by Hamas.

He received money and weapons from Gen. Keith Dayton, the American general who was dispatched to the occupied territories on a mission centering on sparking off Palestinian civil war.

Dahlan was responsible for the assassination of many Palestinian leaders, especially in the Gaza Strip. He was also responsible for thwarting the Makkah agreement between Fatah and Hamas in 2007. It is also believed that he stood behind the failed assassination attempt on the life of Prime Minister Ismael Haniya near the Rafah border crossing in the same year.

Hence, neutralizing Dahlan, should be another real booster for cementing true national unity, without allowing Israel and its agents to sow division and discord in our ranks.

Having said that, we can't deny that Dahlan is not a lone destructive figure on the national arena. There are many other Dahlans who thrive and prosper doing Israel's bidding. We must eliminate them one by one in order to be qualified and prepared for a future of independence and freedom.

The good news from Cairo
Arafat involved in murder of two American diplomats...
Yasser Arafat Gave Orders to ‘Finish Off’ US Diplomats, Gov’t Documents Confirm
September 6, 2011 – As the Palestinians prepare for their U.N. recognition bid, the recent release of historical U.S. government documents confirms the personal involvement of Yasser Arafat in the murder of two American diplomats 38 years ago.
The State Department documents also make clear that Washington was aware, at the time, of Arafat’s involvement in the killing of U.S. Ambassador to Sudan Cleo Noel, his deputy chief of mission, George Moore, and Belgian charge d’affaires Guy Eid, during a terrorist hostage-taking in Khartoum in March 1973. “The Khartoum operation was planned and carried out with the full knowledge and personal approval of Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the head of Fatah,” said one of the documents released by the State Department’s Office of the Historian.

“When the terrorists became convinced that their demands would not be met and after they reportedly had received orders from Fatah headquarters in Beirut, they killed the two U.S. officials and the Belgian Charge,” it said. “Thirty-four hours later, upon receipt of orders from Arafat in Beirut, the terrorists released the other hostages unharmed and surrendered to Sudanese authorities.” Another of the released documents recorded a meeting in Washington, two months later, between President Nixon’s national security advisor, Henry Kissinger, and Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban. “During the Khartoum incident, someone suggested we ask you [Israelis] for help,” Kissinger remarked to Eban. “You would have blown up Beirut.”

Eban: “You know that it was from Beirut that the phone call went to finish them off.”

Kissinger: “We know that.”

Less than two years after the attack, the Ford administration allowed Arafat to enter the U.S. to address the U.N. General Assembly in New York. (Under a 1947 “headquarters agreement” establishing the permanent seat of the U.N. in New York City, the U.S. agreed not to prevent foreign delegates from entering a demarcated zone for U.N. activities – but Arafat did not represent a U.N. member state, so their was no U.S. obligation to allow him in. In 1988, the Reagan administration did deny Arafat a visa, citing “associations with terrorism.” The General Assembly reacted by holding a special session in Geneva, which Arafat then addressed.)

Arafat was a filthy pedophile murderer. If Dahlan actually poisoned that fucker then he deserves a medal and a parade in his honor.
Of course he didnt. It reminds me of the old Soviet trials.
WHY was he in France? What was he doing there? Was he only being treated in the hospital or did he have business?
WHY was he in France? What was he doing there? Was he only being treated in the hospital or did he have business?
That sexual pervert and child molester "father of the palistanian nation" was busy, enjoying his AIDS, or so the story goes.

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