'Fat Tony' Given Immunity To Join Conspiracy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Mueller wanted Trump BAD....SO bad he went after his associates and campaign team members. When he targeted Manafort, he had to go back a DECADE - before Barak Obama had been elected - to find criminal activity...that had nothing to do with his task of investigating illegal collusion with the Russians during the 2016 election.

The crime he found was 2 firms / groups working together and involved money laundering. The man targeted from one firm was Candidate Donald Trump's campaign manager, Manafort. Manafort's accomplice/partner-in-crime NOT indicted with Manafort by Mueller was HILLARY CLINTON'S campaign manager, John Podesta.


A closer look, not that Mueller or Democrats have any intention of doing that, reveals the Podesta boys' connection pretty significant Russians.

The Podesta boys started up their own lobbying company together. To be more specific, 'Fat Tony', with his brother's help, started up the Podesta Compnay:

"Tony Podesta, 74, built one of the highest-grossing lobbying firms in Washington, signing clients across industries and ideologies — including defense contractors like Lockheed Martin, banks like Wells Fargo, drug makers like Mylan and foreign regimes like the government of the former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak. Tony Podesta is known for his fund-raising — in 2016, he donated or raised nearly $900,000 for Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic Party — as well as for a lavish lifestyle."

The Podesta boys' clients included Russians, even the KGB Bank more specifically. 'Fat Tony's connection to the KGB Bank AND the Russian Intel Collection agency was kept buried, hardly reported by the Liberal media...as was the fact that John Podesta accepted thousands of unreported shares of Russian stocks and that 1/3rd of the Pdesta Group's Board of Directors were prominent Russian Businessmen who had direct ties to the Kremlin and Putin himself.


When Mueller went after Manafort, when he specifically targeted the crime he discovered in a Ukrainian lobbying effort Manafort was working on that exposed money laundering, Mueller was forced to expose 'Fat Tony' and the Podesta Group as having been part of the crime. Not only did 'Fat Tony' ILLEGALLY fail to register as a 'Foreign Agent' - You see, Fat Tony and the Podesta group worked WITH Manafort on that project and was found to be JUST AS GUILTY as Manafort.

Of course, indicting 'Fat Tony' would open up another whole nasty can of criminal worms for the Podestas, the Clintons, and the Democrats - we could not have that now, could we. I mean, the target was MANAFORT in order to get to TRUMP.


So how do you protect your co-conspirator when you accidently identify him as having committed a crime when you really only want to 'take down' someone else?

You give them immunity and get them to testify against their partner in crime, the guy you are really only interested in.

Tony Podesta offered immunity to testify against Paul Manafort

Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort.

Podesta is the founder of the Podesta Group and brother of John Podesta, who was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The Podesta Group reportedly worked with Manafort -- a former chairman of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign -- to lobby on behalf of Ukrainian interests in the United States, without properly registering at the time under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA).

Manafort and the group worked on a campaign called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, the Washington Times

"In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary's friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail"

After being implicated in the crime, even though protected, clients began abandoning the Podesta group like rats fleeing a sinking ship, and the company began hemorrhaging cash like water through a screen door on a submarine.

"Tony Podesta resigned from his lobbying group in October in response to Mueller’s investigation of the firm, the report said. The firm was reportedly closed by the end of last year."

The completely ridiculous charade that Mueller and the Democrats are actually investigating any generic / general crime associated to illegal collusion with the Russians is stripped away by this move by Mueller, as well as by his complete refusal to investigate any of the rotten, smelling evidence that has surfaced right in front of his face as a result of his own digging in an effort to try to find criminal evidence against the President, which he continues to fail to do.

Russian Collusion?
- Evidence shows the Podesta group - 'Fat Tony' Podesta especially -worked for the KGB Bank AND the Russian Intel Collection Agency...the same agency that supposedly hacked his brother's e-mail account tnd that of the DNC.

- Evidence shows 'Fat Tony' illegally failed to register as a 'Foreign Agent' while working on behalf of the Ukraine / Russia.

- Evidence shows 'Fat Tony' and the Podesta Firm was working with Manafort on the Ukrainian project as was just as guilty of Money Laundering as Manafort and his firm was.

- Evidence shows 1/3rd of the Board of Directors of the Podesta boys' firm were prominent Russian businessmen who had direct connections to the Kremlin and to Vladimir putin himself.

- Evidence shows John Podesta took thousands of UN-reported Russian stocks ... and had a direct link / connection to Hillary Clinton (who had been paid over $100 million by the KGB Bank herself) as her campaign manager.

...and Mueller still attempts to keep Hillary, John and 'Fat Tony' Podesta, and the Democrats neat and clean despite the sh!tstorm they are embroiled in....

And by indicting Manafort for a crime from a decade ago, before Obama was elected President, Mueller has exposed ALL of this.

Tony Podesta offered immunity to testify against Paul Manafort
The goal, the only purpose of the Mueller investigation is to bring down President Trump and void the results of the 2016 election.

If the Mule has to give immunity to Fat Tony, or anyone else, Whitey Bulger, the Iranian Mullahs, KSM, BTK, it really doesn't matter. No price is too high, no lie too outrageous to tell to accomplish the goal. The Deep State is deeply engrained, the idea of a great man going in their as disassembling their rule is just so beyond the pale, even Nuclear Holocaust with the Russian Federation isn't too high of a cost.
This is the 4th thread on this fake news story.

While they share a single common charge, what this fake news story leaves out is that Manifort is also charged with bank fraud and money laundering, among other charges.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The goal, the only purpose of the Mueller investigation is to bring down President Trump and void the results of the 2016 election.

If the Mule has to give immunity to Fat Tony, or anyone else, Whitey Bulger, the Iranian Mullahs, KSM, BTK, it really doesn't matter. No price is too high, no lie too outrageous to tell to accomplish the goal. The Deep State is deeply engrained, the idea of a great man going in their as disassembling their rule is just so beyond the pale, even Nuclear Holocaust with the Russian Federation isn't too high of a cost.

You believe the "DEEP STATE" is a real thing. That's funny.
'Trump is guilty of illegal collusion with the Russians because during a debate he jokingly said he hoped the Russians would find the classified on her server she tried to hide...'

Hillary Took $100+ Million from the KGB Bank.
- She helped hand over 20% of the US supply of uranium to Russia.
Bill Clinton took $500k from the KGB Bank and met directly with Putin after failing to meet with Russian Nuclear Agency officials.....


'Trump is guilty of illegal collusion with the Russians because a self-important unpaid campaign worker met with an Australian Rep Hillary supporter who set up a meeting with him and then tipped off the FBI that it was going to happen...

Hillary's campaign manager took thousands of unreported Russian stocks, 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors were prominent Russian businessmen who had direct ties to the Kremlin and Putin himself; John Podesta's partner / brother, 'Fat Tony', illegally failed to register as a foreign agent, laundered money while working with Manafor on a Ukrainian project, and worked for the KGB Bank and Russian Intel Agency. Mueller is protecting John and 'Fat Tony' by giving 'Fat Tony' immunity now to testify against Manfort.


Kelly was indicted for Perjury, despite FBI Director Mueller stating under oath that his own agents stated they did not think he lied during questioning, and the thing he was supposed to have lied about was not even illegal. Later evidence was presented by the US IG that the FBI had been discovered to have been ALTERING WITNESS TESTIMONY / EVIDENCE....

Evidence shows Hillary Clinton perpetrated Obstruction in refusing to comply with a federal subpoena ordering her to turn over EVERYTHING-she instead deleted thousands of e-mails, destroyed devices, and withheld evidence. The FBI later publicly stated they had recovered thousands of official documents she had tried to destroy, documents proving she had criminally violated the FOIA, and the Federal records act as well as had Obstructed Justice over 15,000 times.


Going on 3 years now, ZERO evidence of crime EVER committed by the President regarding 'illegal collusion' with Russians, ZERO evidence such a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation, and ZERO evidence of any such crime by the President warranting a Special Counsel.

Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for an unverified document that both Hillary and the FBI illegally used in the 2016 election.

Going on 3 years now, evidence after evidence of crimes committed by Co-Conspiring, treasonous DEMOCRATS - Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Holder, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Paige, 'Fat Tony' Podesta, John Podesta ... - has come out and CONTINUES to come out....

..while the snowflakes continue to parrot the Liberal traitors' mantra....



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Easy has gone off the rails since trumps Helsinki screwup.
Hey GG, personally attacking me is not going to distract from all the criminal evidence piling up against Hillary, John Podesta, Fat Tony, Barry, Mueller, Rosenstein, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Paige, etc.....

But keep flailing' lil' snowflake.

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