Fast Track Trade Authority

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
Republican leadership and President Obama support Fast Track trade authority

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)

(1) -- People remember the impact of NAFTA on job loss, destruction of Mexican agriculture, expansion of inequality, environmental degradation and increased immigration. The most recent South Korean trade pact, which Obama touts as a success, is leading to similar results of lost jobs and an expanding US trade deficits.

(2) -- We do know that this is a huge grant of authority to President Obama

(3) -- Conservatives have taken to calling the trade deals ObamaTrade and do not want to see the Congress give away its authority under the Constitution’s Commerce Clause “to regulate commerce with foreign nations."

(4) -- Fast Track would cede additional legislative powers to Obama that would be “a monumental failure of Congressional Republicans.” “An enormous grant of power, obviously, from a Republican Congress to a Democratic president.” “An ill-founded grant of trust to a President who has repeatedly shown that he has outright disdain for the legislative branch."

(5) -- Largest Progressive Coalition Ever On Global Trade Opposes Fast Track. -- On January 8, a large coalition of progressive and liberal organizations joined with more than a dozen members of Congress to express opposition to Fast Track and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

(6) -- Larry Cohen, president of the Communication Workers of America, described the coalition as “the largest coalition to ever oppose global trade agreements, representing tens of millions of Americans.

(7) -- “The president is asking for carte blanche to hammer out trade deals that would cost American jobs, weaken food safety and financial regulations, and undermine environmental and labor standards.”

(8) -- “The Korean free trade agreement has helped that country’s auto industry significantly more than the U.S. sector.” “Trade agreements would hurt manufacturing jobs like those in the resurgent auto industry.” The White House has touted the South Korean trade pact as the type of agreement Obama wants to see. The facts: in its first two years, the pact resulted in $7.6 billion increase in the trade deficit with South Korea and the loss of 50,000 jobs.

(9) -- “If you’re serious about reviving U.S. manufacturing and raising wages for America’s workers, the last thing you want is yet another race-to-the-bottom trade agreement that doesn’t empower workers, it empowers companies to offshore jobs.

(10) -- “The KORUS FTA has hit American small businesses harder than large ones. According to U.S. Census Bureau data, small firms with fewer than 100 employees saw exports to Korea drop 14 percent while firms with more than 500 employees saw exports decline by 3 percent.”

(11) -- Trade deficits have exploded, growing more than 440 percent with countries with Fast Tracked trade pacts. Since Fast Track was used for NAFTA and the WTO, the U.S. goods trade deficit has more than quadrupled, from $216 billion to $870 billion.

(12) -- Good American jobs were destroyed; nearly 5 million U.S. manufacturing jobs – one in four – were lost since the Fast Tracking NAFTA.

(13) -- U.S. wages have stagnated and inequality has soared with three of every five manufacturing workers who lost a job finding reemployment with pay cuts, one in three losing greater than 20 percent, according to the Labor Department. U.S. wages have barely increased in real terms since 1974 – the year that Fast Track was first enacted – despite American worker productivity doubling.

(14) -- U.S. food exports have stagnated while food imports have doubled under NAFTA and the WTO. The average annual U.S. agricultural deficit with Canada and Mexico under NAFTA’s first two decades reached $975 million, almost three times the pre-NAFTA level. Approximately 170,000 small U.S. family farms have gone under since NAFTA and WTO took effect.
How the People Will Stop Obama from Pushing Through A Disastrous Trade Deal Alternet

******** We should end ALL unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies. We need to put America back to work, producing what America uses and consumes. And, we need to stop Obama's thirst and hunger for power and control.

:dunno:......Wait.......(blink blink).........whabuwho?......(rubbing eyes)

Republicans and Obama agree on something?

They're all fecking Globalists funded by the banking cartel. The election was a con job to begin with.
:dunno:......Wait.......(blink blink).........whabuwho?......(rubbing eyes)

Republicans and Obama agree on something?
Amazing, to say the least.

Not really, I have been warning folks about this for over a year now. Nobody has been listening. The MSM has been distracting them with all sorts of trivial stories. THIS IS THE BIGGEST ISSUE THAT WILL AFFECT EVERYONE'S LIVES FOR THE NEXT DECADE.

In effect, it cedes our sovereignty to the global governing system.

Hillary Clinton helped WRITE the TPP with global corporations. Here is here article in Foreign Policy, the trade publication for the Council on Foreign Affairs. If you read between the lines, you get the gist of how Americans will be screwed. She's the author, because she knows EXACTLY how the deal will go down.

In this MASSIVE article, this is the only hint of what we will get. Bloviating and politicking, that is all this bullshit article was. She's a globalist shill, through and through. Any politician that follows her is a rat, they can't claim a mantel to any political philosophy or party, other than a globalist slave master, responsible for selling out the interests of every American.

If you want to know the truth about Hillary, and how she'll ruin the nation, here it is. . .

"We are also making progress on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which will bring together economies from across the Pacific — developed and developing alike — into a single trading community. Our goal is to create not just more growth, but better growth. We believe trade agreements need to include strong protections for workers, the environment, intellectual property, and innovation. They should also promote the free flow of information technology and the spread of green technology, as well as the coherence of our regulatory system and the efficiency of supply chains. Ultimately, our progress will be measured by the quality of people’s lives — whether men and women can work in dignity, earn a decent wage, raise healthy families, educate their children, and take hold of the opportunities to improve their own and the next generation’s fortunes. Our hope is that a TPP agreement with high standards can serve as a benchmark for future agreements — and grow to serve as a platform for broader regional interaction and eventually a free trade area of the Asia-Pacific.

Achieving balance in our trade relationships requires a two-way commitment. That’s the nature of balance — it can’t be unilaterally imposed. So we are working through APEC, the G-20, and our bilateral relationships to advocate for more open markets, fewer restrictions on exports, more transparency, and an overall commitment to fairness. American businesses and workers need to have confidence that they are operating on a level playing field, with predictable rules on everything from intellectual property to indigenous innovation."

America 8217 s Pacific Century Foreign Policy

Now, if you want the TRUTH about what these trade deal will accomplish, all we have to do is look at what NAFTA did for us. BOTH parties supported that deal.

And WE ALL know how that turned out.

At one time in this country voters were actually told the truth by a presidential candidate. But the CFR corporate controlled media beat them over the head with lies and made damn sure he didn't get elected. It wouldn't have been good for the one percent. Well, lookey lookey, turns out he was right all along. I know folks in manufacturing, it doesn't pay what it used to. And living in a STATE that used to have all those industrial jobs, we heard that sucking sound.

Incidentally, both parties made a pact to control the debates and BAR him from participating in any further debates. And the press? Well, they are controlled, so they are just fine with this. Now independents and third parties CAN'T participate in televised debates anymore. YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO KNOW THE TRUTH.

SO much for democracy and choice.

Here's the truth about the TPP and TIPP

TPP and TTIP, Two Different Trade Agreements, Both Will Have the Same Disastrous Results
TPP and TTIP Two Different Trade Agreements Both Will Have the Same Disastrous Results Economy In Crisis

"The fact is, though the agreement is supposed to be kept secret from us, enough details have leaked out to give us a basic idea of what is going on. And what is going on? Very little trade and a lot of legislating through the executive branch, something that is supposed to be unconstitutional. The vast majority of the TPP deals with Internet freedoms, intellectual property, regulations and other subjects that have no business being part of a trade deal.

This only compounds the problems caused by investor-state dispute resolutions, which allow companies to sue governments for putative lost profits if their products are barred because they do not meet a particular country’s standards. This means that if toxic seafood from Vietnam is barred from entering the United States, U.S. taxpayers would have to compensate that company for its filthy product!

And this is going to encompass 40% of the world’s economy!?"

And that is only the TPP!
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:dunno:......Wait.......(blink blink).........whabuwho?......(rubbing eyes)

Republicans and Obama agree on something?
Amazing, to say the least.

Not really, I have been warning folks about this for over a year now. Nobody has been listening. The MSM has been distracting them with all sorts of trivial stories. THIS IS THE BIGGEST ISSUE THAT WILL AFFECT EVERYONE'S LIVES FOR THE NEXT DECADE.

In effect, it cedes our sovereignty to the global governing system.

Hillary Clinton helped WRITE the TPP with global corporations. Here is here article in Foreign Policy, the trade publication for the Council on Foreign Affairs. If you read between the lines, you get the gist of how Americans will be screwed. She's the author, because she knows EXACTLY how the deal will go down.

In this MASSIVE article, this is the only hint of what we will get. Bloviating and politicking, that is all this bullshit article was. She's a globalist shill, through and through. Any politician that follows her is a rat, they can't claim a mantel to any political philosophy or party, other than a globalist slave master, responsible for selling out the interests of every American.

If you want to know the truth about Hillary, and how she'll ruin the nation, here it is. . .

"We are also making progress on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which will bring together economies from across the Pacific — developed and developing alike — into a single trading community. Our goal is to create not just more growth, but better growth. We believe trade agreements need to include strong protections for workers, the environment, intellectual property, and innovation. They should also promote the free flow of information technology and the spread of green technology, as well as the coherence of our regulatory system and the efficiency of supply chains. Ultimately, our progress will be measured by the quality of people’s lives — whether men and women can work in dignity, earn a decent wage, raise healthy families, educate their children, and take hold of the opportunities to improve their own and the next generation’s fortunes. Our hope is that a TPP agreement with high standards can serve as a benchmark for future agreements — and grow to serve as a platform for broader regional interaction and eventually a free trade area of the Asia-Pacific.

Achieving balance in our trade relationships requires a two-way commitment. That’s the nature of balance — it can’t be unilaterally imposed. So we are working through APEC, the G-20, and our bilateral relationships to advocate for more open markets, fewer restrictions on exports, more transparency, and an overall commitment to fairness. American businesses and workers need to have confidence that they are operating on a level playing field, with predictable rules on everything from intellectual property to indigenous innovation."

America 8217 s Pacific Century Foreign Policy

Now, if you want the TRUTH about what these trade deal will accomplish, all we have to do is look at what NAFTA did for us. BOTH parties supported that deal.

And WE ALL know how that turned out.

At one time in this country voters were actually told the truth by a presidential candidate. But the CFR corporate controlled media beat them over the head with lies and made damn sure he didn't get elected. It wouldn't have been good for the one percent. Well, lookey lookey, turns out he was right all along. I know folks in manufacturing, it doesn't pay what it used to. And living in a STATE that used to have all those industrial jobs, we heard that sucking sound.

Incidentally, both parties made a pact to control the debates and BAR him from participating in any further debates. And the press? Well, they are controlled, so they are just fine with this. Now independents and third parties CAN'T participate in televised debates anymore. YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO KNOW THE TRUTH.

SO much for democracy and choice.

Here's the truth about the TPP and TIPP

TPP and TTIP, Two Different Trade Agreements, Both Will Have the Same Disastrous Results
TPP and TTIP Two Different Trade Agreements Both Will Have the Same Disastrous Results Economy In Crisis

"The fact is, though the agreement is supposed to be kept secret from us, enough details have leaked out to give us a basic idea of what is going on. And what is going on? Very little trade and a lot of legislating through the executive branch, something that is supposed to be unconstitutional. The vast majority of the TPP deals with Internet freedoms, intellectual property, regulations and other subjects that have no business being part of a trade deal.

This only compounds the problems caused by investor-state dispute resolutions, which allow companies to sue governments for putative lost profits if their products are barred because they do not meet a particular country’s standards. This means that if toxic seafood from Vietnam is barred from entering the United States, U.S. taxpayers would have to compensate that company for its filthy product!

And this is going to encompass 40% of the world’s economy!?"

And that is only the TPP!

Thank you. I appreciate your contribution.
I thank you for starting a thread about this topic. No one cares though. So I never bothered to start a thread about it. lol It isn't an exciting issue, so why should they?

If the media on the left and the right don't talk about it, if the talk radio bullet heads don't talk about it, they don't know what to think about it.
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I thank you for starting a thread about this topic. No one cares though. So I never bothered to start a thread about it. lol It isn't an exciting issue, so why should they?

If the media on the left and the right don't talk about it, if the talk radio bullet heads don't talk about it, they don't know what to think about it.
Well, I talk about everything. There's way too much that affects us to leave important things out. I try to expose all of it. Thanks again.
I thank you for starting a thread about this topic. No one cares though. So I never bothered to start a thread about it. lol It isn't an exciting issue, so why should they?

If the media on the left and the right don't talk about it, if the talk radio bullet heads don't talk about it, they don't know what to think about it.
I've read through what you posted, and if anything, I have more questions than answers now that I'm done.

I think I'm on the fence about the premise for arguments against trade agreements in general.

I don't like the idea that American jobs are lost, but I can't be sympathetic to American workers who can't compete globally.

I do like the idea that these trade agreements increase export opportunities.

I don't want to come accross as anti American worker...but many Americans need to re-tool their skills, because the global employment marketplace is going to continue increasingly to value workers based on cost effectiveness, and not geography.

I'm really not an expert in any way on this. I'm only parotting what I've heard.

Perhaps you can enlighten me
I thank you for starting a thread about this topic. No one cares though. So I never bothered to start a thread about it. lol It isn't an exciting issue, so why should they?

If the media on the left and the right don't talk about it, if the talk radio bullet heads don't talk about it, they don't know what to think about it.
I've read through what you posted, and if anything, I have more questions than answers now that I'm done.

I think I'm on the fence about the premise for arguments against trade agreements in general.

I don't like the idea that American jobs are lost, but I can't be sympathetic to American workers who can't compete globally.

I do like the idea that these trade agreements increase export opportunities.

I don't want to come accross as anti American worker...but many Americans need to re-tool their skills, because the global employment marketplace is going to continue increasingly to value workers based on cost effectiveness, and not geography.

I'm really not an expert in any way on this. I'm only parotting what I've heard.

Perhaps you can enlighten me

I completely agree with everything you have posted.

The problem with these trade agreements, is that they aren't about American workers competitiveness. For those of us who have a love of the beauty of the free market, Austrian economics, or have read any literature from the Mises Institute, the very thought of protectionism sends chills down our spine, it seems philosophically antithetical to the very core of freedom, it really does.

But let's REALLY analyze the past "free trade deals." They weren't deals, and they DID NOT have anything to do with American workers not being able to compete.

What they had to do with is the externalization of costs. It was cheaper for manufacturers to manufacture in other nations because the living standards in other nations is lower. Does that have to do with "American workers not being able to compete?" Of course not. The managers, CEO's, and hell, even the representatives that work, play and live in the same environment as our workers benefit when heavy industry is shipped over seas. They would very much prefer that our nation's resources remain as clean and untouched as they have been for the past fifty years. In fact, since these free trade deals have been passed, our nation's environment has gotten only cleaner. Likewise, the workplace environment that the liberal bureaucracy creates codes for, with agencies such as OSHA, makes it even harder for businesses to compete. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the workers. It's the government, and to a lesser extent, the unions that make workers less competitive. They codify the American living standard. When other nations don't keep up, it makes trade deals unfair. Likewise, businesses externalize costs on consumers. Remember when you used to call customer service and got a person instead of a machine or a foreigner?

The US used to have this notion that, "the customer is always right." Foreign nations have no such silly idea. Their notion is make the transaction quick and clean and walk away before that shit breaks. This is now the modern throw away mentality of our consumer culture. It's easier to buy new shit year after year than buy something good that lasts. A wasted and used up Earth and demoralized population is the result.
The Story of Stuff Externalized Costs and the 4.99 Radio Annie Leonard

Manufacturing and businesses here cannot compete with nations whose industries have no restrictions on how badly they treat the environment, how many hours they work their employees, whether or not there are any worker guarantees, workers comp. sick leave, maternity leave, etc. etc. etc. In the US, all of these laws have been codified by the very government that negotiates these trade deals.

On top of all of this, when you investigate who has a seat at the negotiating table, you will find it is politicians (funded by big business and the international banking cartel) and international businessmen. That is all. So who do you think the rules and regulations for these trade deals is going to benefit?

If there were seats at the table for Unions, environmental NGO's, and ALL parties, then we could be assured that the citizens of the United States, the average worker, the average small farmer, EVERYONE, would get to play on a level playing field. But I assure you, once these deals are completed, the sovereignty of our nation will be ceded to an international bureaucracy, and the tax payer will be on the hook to pay money for fines just to keep the standard of living they have become accustomed to.

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