Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

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Yes the poor sheep will go on with their lives pretending there is no New World Order when clearly there is. There is a Socialist World Movement underway and people who ignore this reality are just kidding themselves. They are moving towards one all-powerful World Government. The signs are there if you bother to pay attention. Thanks for your post namvet.

Oh? Any evidence or is this thread now condemned to "Conspiracy Theories"?

It's amazing. Supposedly the Rothchilds (and George Soros), Illuminati, Bilderbergers, etc., were supposed to have pooled all their trillions together and created a New World Order what? Thirty years ago at least? Gosh, with all that power and cash, what the fuck are they waiting for? :lol:
of course if it comes from shitbags like Michael Moron its gospel. right libbys ????

Well it looks like we pissed off the little tinfoiler. Tell Alex Jones to go donate all his money he's made from being a nutjob to people "affected" by the New World Order.

Don't you have a protest about the Jews to get to? Quick! They're robbing all the banks as we speak! :rolleyes:
86,000 confirmed emails and piling up...............

:razz: Namvet thinks he's made a new discovery--The New World Order--anyone want to tell him the conspiracy theory has been around at least as long as he has?
Protip: It's hard to take you seriously when you compare Obama to Osama Bin Laden.

What Toro said, Alex Jones is a nutjob. One must wonder how much money he has made off his being a "prophet" about the New World Order. :eusa_eh:

what did you say about the jews????
I wonder if this clown realizes that Liberals and Conservatives alike are laughing at his ass. :eusa_eh:
of course if it comes from shitbags like Michael Moron its gospel. right libbys ????

Well it looks like we pissed off the little tinfoiler. Tell Alex Jones to go donate all his money he's made from being a nutjob to people "affected" by the New World Order.

Don't you have a protest about the Jews to get to? Quick! They're robbing all the banks as we speak! :rolleyes:

Of course subtly injected in the NWO conspiracy promotion is the anti-semitism and end-of-times Christian radical beliefs which tend to complicate the situation for those who want to make it a "leftist" political agenda alone.
what did you say about the jews????

What? Nothing in that post said anything about Jews. :eusa_eh:

If you're referring to me saying "don't you have a protest about the Jews to get to" because isn't the usual conspiracy theory mastermind the Jews? If not, who are the masterminds to you? Liberals? :lol:
Of course subtly injected in the NWO conspiracy promotion is the anti-semitism and end-of-times Christian radical beliefs which tend to complicate the situation for those who want to make it a "leftist" political agenda alone.

I always find it funny and sad at the same time. I mean honestly, the group that has been kicked out of almost everywhere since it's existence is in reality the group that is taking over the world? They're having a problem even keeping Israel afloat, yet they're suppose to be the evil masterminds? :eusa_eh:
Protip: It's hard to take you seriously when you compare Obama to Osama Bin Laden.

What Toro said, Alex Jones is a nutjob. One must wonder how much money he has made off his being a "prophet" about the New World Order. :eusa_eh:

you mean like Kieth overbite???? :lol:
The biggest threat to our great Republic are the nut case conspiracy theorists.

From day one of our country there has been a struggle between those wanting more government and those wanting less government.

The conspiracy theory wack jobs do not understand history or the reality of the world today.
The seeds of fear are ignorance. The conspiracy theorists are consumed by fear because of their ignorance.
Yea but i thought Bush did 911? Remember that one? Don't listen to these Hopey Changey hypocrites,they were all for conspiracy theories just a year ago. These people have no credibility left on issues like this. There is a World Socialist Movement called the New World Order. It's right in front of their faces but they're just too brain-dead to see it. Rock On namvet! :)
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Yea but i thought Bush did 911? Remember that one? Don't listen to these Hopey Changey hypocrites,they were all for conspiracy theories just a year ago. These people have no credibility left on issues like this. There is a World Socialist Movement called the New World Order. It's right in front of their faces but they're just too brain-dead to see it. Rock On namvet! :)

Biggest tin foil/ NWO proponent????.......Ron Paul

Rock on!
Ame®icano;1493918 said:
I just got one queation:

What if is true?

What if what is true??
9-11 Conspiracy
Obama birthers
Fake Moon Landings
OJ was framed
JFK Conspiracy
Princess Di Conspiracy
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