Falgaft plan press release


Oct 6, 2010
Government frailty forces people to scream -; "Enough is Enough" !!!
Demands for Politicians Nationwide to enact Economic Reform.

The general populace of America is outraged by the
"continually out of control" financial catastrophy that is decimating
businesses and households alike across the country.
This outrage has never been more evident in recent history,
causing many grassroots organizations to spring up nationally.
From within this mix of simmering anger has emerged a couldron of hope
that is fuelled by desperation to seek a New Paradigm of Economic Reform
for the benefit of All Legal US citizens.
........ Enter The FALGAFT Plan........
Initially raised to offer a new economic platform of sustainability
and Personal Financial Freedom, the plan has grown and morphed into
a "Shining Beacon" of Hope, Clarity of Purpose and Economic Direction
with a depth of Public Unity that has never been seen before.
This emerging "Peoples Vehicle" has thrown down the gauntlet to challenge
ALL Politicians to adopt an Amalgamated Sustained Financial Platform,
at both State and Federal levels or risk the wrath of the voting public
and be voted out of office come November.
The general mood of the public is quite evident as a web search will clearly show.
The American public from all walks of life across the Nation who want a
better future for their families, are rallying to stand as one,
demonstrating that "UNITY of Purpose" and "Justice for ALL"
is the hallmark required that resonates from -;
......... "YES WE WILL" ......
I welcome this New Platform of economic reform.
The time has well and truly come for these so called politicians to get their act together and do what is right for all Legal citizens.
By launching what many are saying is a true "Peoples Vehicle", a voice can now be heard that will challenge the corruption and back-room deals that we the people did not vote for -- nor do we want.
i for one will try and find out more information about this entity.

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