Fake News. The Media Story that Trump Had Rioters Tear Gassed to Get to the Church is False According to Park Police.

As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

Poor dickless delusional dale. We took the country. We took the Execute branch. We took the House. AND we took the Senate.

And here was your fiercest warrior to stop us ...

Lol she is literally the dumbest of them all.

So much so, she's trending on tiktok.

These idiots had no forethought into this whatsoever. The right prosecutor could throw the book at her for this admission and she’s too stupid to realize it.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

Poor dickless delusional dale. We took the country. We took the Execute branch. We took the House. AND we took the Senate.

And here was your fiercest warrior to stop us ...

Lol she is literally the dumbest of them all.

So much so, she's trending on tiktok.

These idiots had no forethought into this whatsoever. The right prosecutor could throw the book at her for this admission and she’s too stupid to realize it.

I'm still holding out hope that many of them get charged with felony murder since people died during the commission of their crimes.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

wow Dale. I understand you are more sensitive during your monthlies, but I don't think that will help you much in a hand to hand battle.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

Poor dickless delusional dale. We took the country. We took the Execute branch. We took the House. AND we took the Senate.

And here was your fiercest warrior to stop us ...


"We", faun faggot, the perv? Filling out ballots for dead people doesn't equal victory unless you live in a banana republic. You are a loser regardless....a perverted pussy at that.

Hope this helps!
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

wow Dale. I understand you are more sensitive during your monthlies, but I don't think that will help you much in a hand to hand battle.
Too funny...coming from an admitted faggot like yourself. Just a reminder? Give me a heads up when you are in the DFW area instead of lying and claim you were here, ya pussy. I guarantee you that you won't do diddly squat in a face to face meeting. You will take my verbal beat down with hat in hand and humble in doing so.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

Poor dickless delusional dale. We took the country. We took the Execute branch. We took the House. AND we took the Senate.

And here was your fiercest warrior to stop us ...


"We", faun faggot, the perv? Filling out ballots for dead people doesn't equal victory unless you live in a banana republic. You are a loser regardless....a perverted pussy at that.

Hope this helps!

This is the only documented case of someone filling out ballots for dead people that I know of. Do you know of more?
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

wow Dale. I understand you are more sensitive during your monthlies, but I don't think that will help you much in a hand to hand battle.
Too funny...coming from an admitted faggot like yourself. Just a reminder? Give me a heads up when you are in the DFW area instead of lying and claim you were here, ya pussy. I guarantee you that you won't do diddly squat in a face to face meeting. You will take my verbal beat down with hat in hand and humble in doing so.

If you say so Dale. Will you be wearing one of your stylish tinfoil hats when that happens?
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

Poor dickless delusional dale. We took the country. We took the Execute branch. We took the House. AND we took the Senate.

And here was your fiercest warrior to stop us ...

Lol she is literally the dumbest of them all.

So much so, she's trending on tiktok.

These idiots had no forethought into this whatsoever. The right prosecutor could throw the book at her for this admission and she’s too stupid to realize it.

I'm still holding out hope that many of them get charged with felony murder since people died during the commission of their crimes.

How about the ones who sent them ,Jr Cruz Giuliani trump and the moron from Missouri?
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

wow Dale. I understand you are more sensitive during your monthlies, but I don't think that will help you much in a hand to hand battle.
Too funny...coming from an admitted faggot like yourself. Just a reminder? Give me a heads up when you are in the DFW area instead of lying and claim you were here, ya pussy. I guarantee you that you won't do diddly squat in a face to face meeting. You will take my verbal beat down with hat in hand and humble in doing so.

If you say so Dale. Will you be wearing one of your stylish tinfoil hats when that happens?
Don't puss out next time. I won't be hard to find.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

So much misinformation in one fool's post. Yeah, I capiche that you don't know your stupid ass from a hole in the ground. The rest of the free world isn't prepared to stand by and see a bunch of totalitarian facists overrun the USA and take control of the world's biggest nuclear arsenal either.

That includes the vast majority of Americans, most of whom are a whole lot smarter than a guy who thinks that Sandy Hook is a hoax.

It's already happening. Parler, and other facist, toxic websites advocating civil war, are getting shut down, and their leaders will be prosecuted for inciting mob violence. This is the part where you want social media to lose their "lawsuit free status". They'll shut down or become some heavily moderated you won't be able to say much beyond what a lovely day it is, because of the risk of starting a law suit.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

You are right. They weren't hit with tear gas. It was pepper balls. It's what's known as a distinction without a difference.
Oh gee
PGA will be cancelling all tournaments and instituting a lifetime ban of ever holding events at Trump Courses including stripping Trump of hosting the 2022 PGA Championship.
All tenants of all Trump properties should vacate immediately.

The only language this traitorous a-hole understands is money.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

So much misinformation in one fool's post. Yeah, I capiche that you don't know your stupid ass from a hole in the ground. The rest of the free world isn't prepared to stand by and see a bunch of totalitarian facists overrun the USA and take control of the world's biggest nuclear arsenal either.

That includes the vast majority of Americans, most of whom are a whole lot smarter than a guy who thinks that Sandy Hook is a hoax.

It's already happening. Parler, and other facist, toxic websites advocating civil war, are getting shut down, and their leaders will be prosecuted for inciting mob violence. This is the part where you want social media to lose their "lawsuit free status". They'll shut down or become some heavily moderated you won't be able to say much beyond what a lovely day it is, because of the risk of starting a law suit.
Go fuck yourself, dragonklunt. The day a rotten crotched bitch like yourself is ever able to "hip" me to reality is the day that they are selling snow cones in hell. What you little commie fucks fear most are those that speak out against your commie and try as you may, you can't silence it, bitch,. 75 MILLION legitimate voters voted against the commie agenda and we will not be silenced....no matter how badly little commie fucks like yourself want no voice of dissent.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

So much misinformation in one fool's post. Yeah, I capiche that you don't know your stupid ass from a hole in the ground. The rest of the free world isn't prepared to stand by and see a bunch of totalitarian facists overrun the USA and take control of the world's biggest nuclear arsenal either.

That includes the vast majority of Americans, most of whom are a whole lot smarter than a guy who thinks that Sandy Hook is a hoax.

It's already happening. Parler, and other facist, toxic websites advocating civil war, are getting shut down, and their leaders will be prosecuted for inciting mob violence. This is the part where you want social media to lose their "lawsuit free status". They'll shut down or become some heavily moderated you won't be able to say much beyond what a lovely day it is, because of the risk of starting a law suit.
Go fuck yourself, dragonklunt. The day a rotten crotched bitch like yourself is ever able to "hip" me to reality is the day that they are selling snow cones in hell. What you little commie fucks fear most are those that speak out against your commie and try as you may, you can't silence it, bitch,. 75 MILLION legitimate voters voted against the commie agenda and we will not be silenced....no matter how badly little commie fucks like yourself want no voice of dissent.
75 million wasn't quite enough. was it ?
Trump should defect to Russia and take every state secret he could get his hands on with him.

Fuck all these commies in the ass with a barbed dildo.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

So much misinformation in one fool's post. Yeah, I capiche that you don't know your stupid ass from a hole in the ground. The rest of the free world isn't prepared to stand by and see a bunch of totalitarian facists overrun the USA and take control of the world's biggest nuclear arsenal either.

That includes the vast majority of Americans, most of whom are a whole lot smarter than a guy who thinks that Sandy Hook is a hoax.

It's already happening. Parler, and other facist, toxic websites advocating civil war, are getting shut down, and their leaders will be prosecuted for inciting mob violence. This is the part where you want social media to lose their "lawsuit free status". They'll shut down or become some heavily moderated you won't be able to say much beyond what a lovely day it is, because of the risk of starting a law suit.
Go fuck yourself, dragonklunt. The day a rotten crotched bitch like yourself is ever able to "hip" me to reality is the day that they are selling snow cones in hell. What you little commie fucks fear most are those that speak out against your commie and try as you may, you can't silence it, bitch,. 75 MILLION legitimate voters voted against the commie agenda and we will not be silenced....no matter how badly little commie fucks like yourself want no voice of dissent.
75 million wasn't quite enough. was it ?
Millions of fraudulent votes. I doubt even a stupid fuck like yourself believes that Pedo Joe, "hiddin' Biden" inspired 80 million people to vote for him.
Trump should defect to Russia and take every state secret he could get his hands on with him.

Fuck all these commies in the ass with a barbed dildo.

Lots of people think that is exactly what that disgusting traitor will do. He's the real enemy of our country.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

So much misinformation in one fool's post. Yeah, I capiche that you don't know your stupid ass from a hole in the ground. The rest of the free world isn't prepared to stand by and see a bunch of totalitarian facists overrun the USA and take control of the world's biggest nuclear arsenal either.

That includes the vast majority of Americans, most of whom are a whole lot smarter than a guy who thinks that Sandy Hook is a hoax.

It's already happening. Parler, and other facist, toxic websites advocating civil war, are getting shut down, and their leaders will be prosecuted for inciting mob violence. This is the part where you want social media to lose their "lawsuit free status". They'll shut down or become some heavily moderated you won't be able to say much beyond what a lovely day it is, because of the risk of starting a law suit.
Go fuck yourself, dragonklunt. The day a rotten crotched bitch like yourself is ever able to "hip" me to reality is the day that they are selling snow cones in hell. What you little commie fucks fear most are those that speak out against your commie and try as you may, you can't silence it, bitch,. 75 MILLION legitimate voters voted against the commie agenda and we will not be silenced....no matter how badly little commie fucks like yourself want no voice of dissent.
75 million wasn't quite enough. was it ?
Millions of fraudulent votes. I doubt even a stupid fuck like yourself believes that Pedo Joe, "hiddin' Biden" inspired 80 million people to vote for him.

No, Donald Trump inspired 80 million people to vote for Biden.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Very close to one hundred percent of news reported by all mainstream networks is false, or it is spun so violently it might as well be pure lies. The modern man, woman and child lives in a petri dish experiment conducted by one government power that claims to be divided into and representing two very different ideologies. In truth there is no difference between America's two dominant political parties. We're they're test subjects. They enrage, terrify, excite, incite or inspire us at their leisure and for their pleasure and to increase their fortunes. Democide for television ratings is their new "in" game.

And the ONLY way the MSM can supposedly fight back is to continue to attack Trump. Now why ?
Read this study!!!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So people don't like Trump. Whose fault is that? If he wants people to like him, he should quit being a spoiled ass hole.
You think Trump wants people to like him? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious.

Yes, more than anything he wants people to like and praise him. If they don't, he does it himself.
People do like and appreciate the President. That's not his primary goal, though. If that's what you believe then you're missing it. That's understandable. Many people don't get him or his supporters, and we don't give a damn.

Oh most people DO get Trump and his asshole supporters. They didn’t at the beginning but they do now.

Your kind is going to be sent back to the rocks your slithered out from under. You’re done.

Do tell, dragonklunt? Just whom is going to do that? You and your safe space seeking faggots and fans of the the lgbtqrstuv??? You are even dumber than you are ugly if you think we are going to give this country over to you commie fucks without bloodshed.....capiche'?

So much misinformation in one fool's post. Yeah, I capiche that you don't know your stupid ass from a hole in the ground. The rest of the free world isn't prepared to stand by and see a bunch of totalitarian facists overrun the USA and take control of the world's biggest nuclear arsenal either.

That includes the vast majority of Americans, most of whom are a whole lot smarter than a guy who thinks that Sandy Hook is a hoax.

It's already happening. Parler, and other facist, toxic websites advocating civil war, are getting shut down, and their leaders will be prosecuted for inciting mob violence. This is the part where you want social media to lose their "lawsuit free status". They'll shut down or become some heavily moderated you won't be able to say much beyond what a lovely day it is, because of the risk of starting a law suit.
Go fuck yourself, dragonklunt. The day a rotten crotched bitch like yourself is ever able to "hip" me to reality is the day that they are selling snow cones in hell. What you little commie fucks fear most are those that speak out against your commie and try as you may, you can't silence it, bitch,. 75 MILLION legitimate voters voted against the commie agenda and we will not be silenced....no matter how badly little commie fucks like yourself want no voice of dissent.
75 million wasn't quite enough. was it ?
Millions of fraudulent votes. I doubt even a stupid fuck like yourself believes that Pedo Joe, "hiddin' Biden" inspired 80 million people to vote for him.

Come on Dale. You can do better than that. Throw in some juicy new conspiracy theory to help support your claim. How about all those chemtrails were actually illegal ballots being dropped to secret groups of Bigfoot who quietly dropped those ballots at night when everyone was asleep?

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