Fake News, fake polls and Trump!?

Do you believe the Main Street Media is less Credible than blogs or the words of a POL?

  • Yep, and this is why

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Nope, and this is why

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  • I defer to an emoticon or a emoji since I'm too dumb to be sagacious

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  • BTW, what is sagacious? A disease?

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Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
"Trump fumes about supposedly ‘fake’ polls giving him a dismal approval rating." I know there are a number of those reading this thread who believe him. I wonder why.

Trump fumes about supposedly ‘fake’ polls giving him a dismal approval rating

The opinion that the mass media, news services which have existed in print for centuries, and on the radio and TV for over a century, knowingly mislead the public is IMO ridiculous. Of course "yellow journalism" (hate and fear mongering), errors in judgment, conflicts in interests and a few rogues exist; false advertising and demagoguery come from lips of politicians and their surrogates.

But, to accept the idea that the sources the public trusted for decades all of a sudden conspired to report false and deceptive polls and news stories is in my mind absurd. And yet, some of you reading this do.

Worse many attack the journalists and (oddly) the corporations which own and profit from marketing their product. Times changed as did the manner in which the news is promulgated with the development of 24-hours news (CNN) an the widespread Internet. The competition for viewers, and thus advertising dollars created competition among the major news organizations, and marketing of the news became a fact of life.

Thus the reader, watcher, listener needs to read, watch and listen with sagacious diligence, and not take a single source as the be all, end all, of truth, AND never take the speech or written words, tweets or surrogates of any politician (POL) or group of POLs without fact checking, and thus subject themselves to propaganda and echo it as if true.

To do so can be seditious and dangerous in a democracy, especially today when self interest motivates the sources of our information.
The LMSM has self-inflicted all the damage to their credibility. I don't necessarily believe that blogs are more credible, but when you read a story in the NYTimes, for example, you have to keep in mind that Carlos Slim is writing their paychecks.

"Journalists" let themselves get intimidated by Obama for trying to investigate Benghazi and they gave that up without a fight. If they're letting the Federal Government threaten them into silence, you have to wonder about their objectivity
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The LMSM has self-inflicted all the damage to their credibility. I don't necessarily believe that blogs are more credible, but when you read a story in the NYTimes, for example, you have to keep in mind that Carlos Slim is writing their paychecks.

"Journalists" let themselves get intimidated by Obama for trying to investigate Benghazi and they gave that up without a fight. If they're letting the Federal Government threaten them into silence, you have to wonder about their objectivity

How has the "LMSM" - ABC, CBS, NBC, the NY TIMES and other major daily newspapers in print and on line committed self inflicted damage to their credibility?

Major news providers and Journalists use sources, and the usual measure is of at least two before publication or broadcast. They also expose errors, errors in judgment, errors in facts, and the occasional effort by a reporter to mislead the public.

When has Fox News and other conservative sources/blogs done this? Reading some of conservative supporting blogs or "news" on line is not different than reading the National Enquirer or other tabloid papers while waiting in line to pay for groceries.

Trump is a bully, and has yet to intimidate any Journalist covering the White House, he tries to censor them which is what a practicing fascist would do. Not yet has a journalist disappeared or been the victim of a 'street' crime, a common occurrence to those who embarrass and expose Putin for what he is.
Any "information" or "knowledge" claims that are not supported by objective/scientific methods are suspect as "fake news" or disinformation.

Most American advertising falls into that disinformation category, and nearly all politicians also do, especially Trump.
MSM and the polls have so much egg on their faces I'm surprised even the losers take them seriously.

Once again a biddable fool offers his opinion. Meathead is obviously one of the 96% and believes Trump is the second coming - and I don't mean Jesus.
Give it up. The media got thrashed worse than the Beast and you know it. CNN, NBC & co, Wapo and NYT got their heads served on a platter at the alter of integrity.

It really is that simple.
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Any "information" or "knowledge" claims that are not supported by objective/scientific methods are suspect as "fake news" or disinformation.

Most American advertising falls into that disinformation category, and nearly all politicians also do, especially Trump.

Scientific method begins with theories (i.e. opinions) based on observations (Empirical Evidence) and thus requires further evaluation. For example, the theory of Intelligent Design, a rebuttal to the theory of evolution is an example where the former only offers faith, and the latter has been tested and evidence proffered in its defense.
The greatest lies contain a little truth. The facts presented by ANY source, regarding matters of which you are not already familiar, must be confirmed.
The greatest lies contain a little truth. The facts presented by ANY source, regarding matters of which you are not already familiar, must be confirmed.

Absolutely. The words of demagogues contain some truth, and a demagogue tells his or her listeners what they want to hear, and his or her words are intended to mislead, to his or her benefit.

How many promises has trump made? How many have been fulfilled? How's that swamp he promised to drain doing? Health care? ISIS? Jobs?
The greatest lies contain a little truth. The facts presented by ANY source, regarding matters of which you are not already familiar, must be confirmed.

Absolutely. The words of demagogues contain some truth, and a demagogue tells his or her listeners what they want to hear, and his or her words are intended to mislead, to his or her benefit.

How many promises has trump made? How many have been fulfilled? How's that swamp he promised to drain doing? Health care? ISIS? Jobs?

He's doing great, for three months.

Hell, Obama did nothing of merit in eight years. Stop whining.
MSM and the polls have so much egg on their faces I'm surprised even the losers take them seriously.

Once again a biddable fool offers his opinion. Meathead is obviously one of the 96% and believes Trump is the second coming - and I don't mean Jesus.
Give it up. The media got thrashed worse than the Beast and you know it. CNN, NBC & co, Wapo and NYT got their heads served on a platter at the alter of integrity.

It really is that simple.

So Meathead, where do you get your information? What are the sources, be honest now.
MSM and the polls have so much egg on their faces I'm surprised even the losers take them seriously.

Once again a biddable fool offers his opinion. Meathead is obviously one of the 96% and believes Trump is the second coming - and I don't mean Jesus.
Give it up. The media got thrashed worse than the Beast and you know it. CNN, NBC & co, Wapo and NYT got their heads served on a platter at the alter of integrity.

It really is that simple.

So Meathead, where do you get your information? What are the sources, be honest now.
You do know that we had an election in November and that despite the above-mentioned media's best efforts, Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of the United States and in doing so beat the unbeatable Hillary Clinton, the smartest, most experienced and greatest candidate to ever run in a election in history since Pericles.

Do you expect me to document this for you?!
MSM and the polls have so much egg on their faces I'm surprised even the losers take them seriously.

Once again a biddable fool offers his opinion. Meathead is obviously one of the 96% and believes Trump is the second coming - and I don't mean Jesus.
Give it up. The media got thrashed worse than the Beast and you know it. CNN, NBC & co, Wapo and NYT got their heads served on a platter at the alter of integrity.

It really is that simple.

So Meathead, where do you get your information? What are the sources, be honest now.
You do know that we had an election in November and that despite the above-mentioned media's best efforts, Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of the United States and in doing so beat the unbeatable Hillary Clinton, the smartest, most experienced and greatest candidate to ever run in a election in history since Pericles.

Do you expect me to document this for you?!

No, I asked a very simple question, which you failed to answer. So, I'll answer it in this way. You are too embarrassed to report what has influenced your opinions, because to name them would prove you to be a biddable fool.
MSM and the polls have so much egg on their faces I'm surprised even the losers take them seriously.

Once again a biddable fool offers his opinion. Meathead is obviously one of the 96% and believes Trump is the second coming - and I don't mean Jesus.
Give it up. The media got thrashed worse than the Beast and you know it. CNN, NBC & co, Wapo and NYT got their heads served on a platter at the alter of integrity.

It really is that simple.

So Meathead, where do you get your information? What are the sources, be honest now.
You do know that we had an election in November and that despite the above-mentioned media's best efforts, Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of the United States and in doing so beat the unbeatable Hillary Clinton, the smartest, most experienced and greatest candidate to ever run in a election in history since Pericles.

Do you expect me to document this for you?!

No, I asked a very simple question, which you failed to answer. So, I'll answer it in this way. You are too embarrassed to report what has influenced your opinions, because to name them would prove you to be a biddable fool.
I told you my sources. Anyone who clicked on. watched or read MSM, especially the outlets I mentioned, could not fail to notice their failure.

The integrity of independent journalism took an ass-kicking worse than the Beast's.
These "fake news" outlets Trump attacks are also sources for Trump's tweets whenever they report something good about him.
Once again a biddable fool offers his opinion. Meathead is obviously one of the 96% and believes Trump is the second coming - and I don't mean Jesus.
Give it up. The media got thrashed worse than the Beast and you know it. CNN, NBC & co, Wapo and NYT got their heads served on a platter at the alter of integrity.

It really is that simple.

So Meathead, where do you get your information? What are the sources, be honest now.
You do know that we had an election in November and that despite the above-mentioned media's best efforts, Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of the United States and in doing so beat the unbeatable Hillary Clinton, the smartest, most experienced and greatest candidate to ever run in a election in history since Pericles.

Do you expect me to document this for you?!

No, I asked a very simple question, which you failed to answer. So, I'll answer it in this way. You are too embarrassed to report what has influenced your opinions, because to name them would prove you to be a biddable fool.

I told you my sources. Anyone who clicked on. watched or read MSM, especially the outlets I mentioned, could not fail to notice their failure.

The integrity of independent journalism took an ass-kicking worse than the Beast's.

No, you ignored the question and DID NOT name the sources wherein you get your information. Your response is a LIE OF OMISSION and so typical of faux conservatives, i.e. basic dishonesty.

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