Fake News....do you mean like....


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Like that? :) This "fake news" thing is a last grasp of a dying US propaganda system. Hint Hint.. IT WON'T WORK.
"Trump has no path to 270 EC votes"
"We landed under sniper fire"
"If you like your policy you can keep it"
"it was caused by a video"
"exit polls show that Hillary will win"
Don't forget… In all 57 states
"Trump has no path to 270 EC votes"
"We landed under sniper fire"
"If you like your policy you can keep it"
"it was caused by a video"
"exit polls show that Hillary will win"

And lettuce not forget, "I was named after Sir Edmund Hillary"......

Who didn't climb Everest until three years after the scrunt was born.

dimocraps are scum

The best is that the left are now reporting fake news about fake news. Too ironic.
The wealth will trickledown
A rising tide lifts all boats
We are an exceptional people
America was founded upon liberty and justice for all
We have a capitalist free market economy
We have the best healthcare system in the world
This is a society based upon merit
Americans like each other and have learned to live together
America is a christian nation following Jesus
There is no racism or sexism in america
We are a beacon of freedom for the world
Those damn Iraqi's HAD WMD's on accounta all this fake news crap never started before Don
N Korea is part of an axis of evil and we never sold them nuclear reactors giving them tax payer funding to comlete the deal a mere two years before we labeled them "axis" status
The wealth will trickledown
A rising tide lifts all boats
We are an exceptional people
America was founded upon liberty and justice for all
We have a capitalist free market economy
We have the best healthcare system in the world
This is a society based upon merit
Americans like each other and have learned to live together
America is a christian nation following Jesus
There is no racism or sexism in america
We are a beacon of freedom for the world
Those damn Iraqi's HAD WMD's on accounta all this fake news crap never started before Don
N Korea is part of an axis of evil and we never sold them nuclear reactors giving them tax payer funding to comlete the deal a mere two years before we labeled them "axis" status
....and under sniperfire in all 57 states ruled over by madam president Hildabeast Clinton and her wife slick willy.
For those of us who can still eat pizza without getting paranoid about molesting children, feels good man. We're the ones who haven't been spreading propaganda all over America.
The wealth will trickledown
A rising tide lifts all boats
We are an exceptional people
America was founded upon liberty and justice for all
We have a capitalist free market economy
We have the best healthcare system in the world
This is a society based upon merit
Americans like each other and have learned to live together
America is a christian nation following Jesus
There is no racism or sexism in america
We are a beacon of freedom for the world
Those damn Iraqi's HAD WMD's on accounta all this fake news crap never started before Don
N Korea is part of an axis of evil and we never sold them nuclear reactors giving them tax payer funding to comlete the deal a mere two years before we labeled them "axis" status
....and under sniperfire in all 57 states ruled over by madam president Hildabeast Clinton and her wife slick willy.

Oh, you want to play partisanshithead games as if party has something to do with that. Pass.

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