Fake indian, Senator elizabeth warren....pays women staff 71 cents on the dollar compared to men....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep......the left is continuing it's real war on women....

Report: Sen. Elizabeth Warren Pays Female Staff 71 Cents For Every Dollar Made By Male Staff

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), alleged champion of equal pay, has some explaining to do.

According to The Washington Free Beacon:

...women working for [Senator] Warren were paid just 71 cents for every dollar paid to men during the 2016 fiscal year...The median annual earnings for women staffers, $52,750, was more than $20,000 less than the median annual earnings for men, $73,750, according to the analysis of publicly available Senate data.

When calculated using average salaries rather than median, the pay gap expands to just over $26,051, or about 31 percent.
Yep......the left is continuing it's real war on women....

Report: Sen. Elizabeth Warren Pays Female Staff 71 Cents For Every Dollar Made By Male Staff

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), alleged champion of equal pay, has some explaining to do.

According to The Washington Free Beacon:

...women working for [Senator] Warren were paid just 71 cents for every dollar paid to men during the 2016 fiscal year...The median annual earnings for women staffers, $52,750, was more than $20,000 less than the median annual earnings for men, $73,750, according to the analysis of publicly available Senate data.

When calculated using average salaries rather than median, the pay gap expands to just over $26,051, or about 31 percent.

/---- Squaw Lizbreath heap big cheap-o
Yep......the left is continuing it's real war on women....

Report: Sen. Elizabeth Warren Pays Female Staff 71 Cents For Every Dollar Made By Male Staff

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), alleged champion of equal pay, has some explaining to do.

According to The Washington Free Beacon:

...women working for [Senator] Warren were paid just 71 cents for every dollar paid to men during the 2016 fiscal year...The median annual earnings for women staffers, $52,750, was more than $20,000 less than the median annual earnings for men, $73,750, according to the analysis of publicly available Senate data.

When calculated using average salaries rather than median, the pay gap expands to just over $26,051, or about 31 percent.

/---- Squaw Lizbreath heap big cheap-o

Only when it comes to the women.
Hillary treated women the same way.
Lying, hypocritical bits of goo
rightwidifference... how?t: 16960066 said:
Civil Service

Which makes a difference... how?
Wages are set by law

dumbo parrots don't have much use for the facts of the matter....

they've got their squawking to do and they are going to do it in thread after thread, day after day.

facts and logic be damned...

Elizabeth Warren’s Female Staffers Made 71% of Male Staffers’ Salaries in 2016

Henry Rollins: Trump's Team Has Pulled the Pin on the Disinformation Grenade
Civil Service

it's more to the point of exposing the horrible metrics and groupings used by wage gap nutters to make up a problem that doesn't really exist.

They took the whole of her office staff without adjusting for time of service, equivalence of level, or other factors

Just like they use whole industries to get the 70 cents on the dollar falsehood and don't quantify experience, title or other factors.
Yep......the left is continuing it's real war on women....

squawk squawk says the lying little shit bird parrot turd.

Henry Rollins: Ask Yourself What Side of History You Want to Be on

Women lead unprecedented worldwide mass protests against Trump

The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Spring 2017)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) called on Congress to pass legislation that would allow women to ask for male colleagues' salary information without fear of being fired. The liberal first-term senator spoke at an event on Capitol Hill unveiling a new report from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), a progressive think tank, that highlighted the persistent wage gap between men and women.

While speaking in favor of the Paycheck Fairness Act in November 2015, the senator said: “A lot of people say that ‘I thought equal pay for equal work was already the law’ — what they don’t realize is that half of all women in America work in jobs where they can get fired, just for asking how much the guy down the hall was getting paid for working the same job. That has to stop.”

“The one thing that always gets me is that in 2015, I still have to get out and say that we believe in equal pay for equal work,” the senator said, Mother Jones reported Nov. 18, 2015. “It always gets a nice round of applause, but you really want to say holy guacamole, why we can’t get this thing done?”

Warren broadly endorsed the group's recommended policy solutions, including efforts to raise the minimum wage, increase pay transparency, and codify equal pay into the law. "What really chaps me about this one is that we have had a real fight on our hands to try to get through Barbara Mikulski's Paycheck Fairness Act," Warren said, referring to a bill introduced by the Maryland Democrat that would make it illegal for companies to pay men and women different amounts for the same work and would allow employees to share wages without fear of retaliation. "And the importance of the Paycheck Fairness Act is—a lot of people say that 'I thought equal pay for equal work was already the law'—what they don't realize is that half of all women in America work in jobs where they can get fired, just for asking how much the guy down the hall was getting paid for working the same job. That has to stop."
Yep......the left is continuing it's real war on women....

Report: Sen. Elizabeth Warren Pays Female Staff 71 Cents For Every Dollar Made By Male Staff

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), alleged champion of equal pay, has some explaining to do.

According to The Washington Free Beacon:

...women working for [Senator] Warren were paid just 71 cents for every dollar paid to men during the 2016 fiscal year...The median annual earnings for women staffers, $52,750, was more than $20,000 less than the median annual earnings for men, $73,750, according to the analysis of publicly available Senate data.

When calculated using average salaries rather than median, the pay gap expands to just over $26,051, or about 31 percent.
I see you remain sofa king stupid that you don't know what equal pay means.
Warren has female staffers in lower level admin and secretarial positions. Averaging them in with executive positions is misleading

Pay scales are set by civil service not Warren


That is the methodology used by most of the studies to create the wage gap in other areas.

Again, it just points out how arbitrary any wage gap numbers are either due to incompetence of the survey takers, or outright willful ignorance in order to make their "point"
I think the senators and reps set staff wages...

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