Fake Facebook


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Mar 1, 2009
Facebook teamin' up with AP against fake news...

Associated Press Will Partner with Facebook to Flag ‘Fake News’
December 15, 2016 — The Associated Press announced Thursday that it will join Facebook to help “identify and debunk” news stories being shared online that are false.
According to the AP announcement, “when AP or another participating fact-check organization flags a piece of content as fake, Facebook users will see that it has been disputed and there will be a link to the corresponding article explaining why. That flag will follow the content if a Facebook user chooses to share it.” “AP has long done some of the most thorough fact-checking in the news business,” said Sally Buzbee, AP’s incoming executive editor. “This initiative is a natural extension of that tradition, and of the AP’s long-standing role setting the standards for accuracy and ethics in journalism.”


Facebook announced a partnership with Snopes, Factcheck.org, ABC News, and Politifact as well on Thursday. These fact-checking partners will have “access to a tool that will let them label stories in the News Feed as fake,” a Facebook spokesperson told Business Insider.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the move to flag “fake news” stories on his page, explaining, “we're making it easier to report hoaxes, and if many people report a story, then we'll send it to third-party fact checking organizations. If the fact checkers agree a story is a hoax, you'll see a flag on the story saying it has been disputed, and that story may be less likely to show up in News Feed.” “You'll still be able to read and share the story,” he added, “but you'll now have more information about whether fact checkers believe it's accurate. No one will be able to make a disputed story into an ad or promote it on our platform.”

Associated Press Will Partner with Facebook to Flag ‘Fake News’
... the fake news, the whole fake news, an' nothin' but the fake news...

Bozell: 'Zuckerberg Assured Me His Express Aim Is to Eliminate Only Patently False News Stories'
December 16, 2016 | In reaction to the news that Facebook is partnering with the Associated Press, ABC News, and Snopes, among other apparent "fact checkers" to tag and weed out "fake news" on the popular social site, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell said Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg assured him that "his express aim is to eliminate only patently false news stories from Facebook."
“I have been in communication with Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook since he announced their new ‘fake news’ initiative," said MRC President Bozell in a Dec. 16 statement. "I expressed grave concern with this decision and the liberal 'fact-checking' organizations Facebook has chosen."


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg​

"Mr. Zuckerberg assured me that his express aim is to eliminate only patently false news stories from Facebook," said Bozell. "He underscored he has instructed these organizations to focus only on truly fake news and nothing of a political nature."

"I will accept in good faith his commitment to address our concerns on this matter," said Bozell. "It is my hope this will be the last we say about this issue."

Bozell: 'Zuckerberg Assured Me His Express Aim Is to Eliminate Only Patently False News Stories'

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