Fake but accurate, the progressive code. AKA..propaganda


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"This impulse to dismiss fakery in the service of larger truths makes a reappearance in the Washington Post, as Joshua Topolsky attempts to defend hoaxer Mike Daisey, exposed earlier this month by NPR for lying about his experiences in China and about Apple’s factories there:
No, he didn’t lie about all of it. He did go to southern China and meet with workers from Foxconn. He was there, all right, but he wasn’t honest about what he’d seen. There were no underage workers he’d spoken with, there was no man with a maimed hand. In one passage of his show, ­Daisey talks about workers who had been poisoned by a gas called n-hexane. That part was true — there had been workers poisoned by this gas at a Foxconn factory somewhere in China. But Daisey never spoke to them. Like many of the most upsetting moments in his show, Daisey simply fabricated the encounter."

"....The main point he drives home is that he felt it was necessary to embellish his story in order to retain the “truth” of the message of his show. He lied to tell the truth, basically."

Boy does this sound familiar. Lie to be truthful, kill to save, restrict freedom to promote it.

The return of “fake but accurate” « Hot Air
Waiting for BDoop, sarahg or one of the other slavering progressives to come along to defend the concept of lying to people for their own good, or to promote an idea that has no validity...

Like lying to people about abortion saving lives. A complete fabrication, with absolutely no supporting evidence...but it's a lie that gets poured out on young, vulnerable women from birth. Particularly young, vulnerable, poor and minority women. What is the justification for the lie? Oh, it's for their own good. They're not smart enough to understand the truth, or to choose to do the right thing on their own...so let's lie to them so they're do what they're supposed to....

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