Facts Show Irs Was Bias, Despite Lerner's Lies And Deleted Emails


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
83% of groups whose apps for tax exempt status were questioned were conservative groups. And they had to answer more questions than the liberal groups. Only about half of those were approved.

A higher percent of liberal groups were granted tax-exempt status despite being the smallest percent of those questioned. Even though only a fraction of those delayed were liberal groups, the majority were approved.

The IRS also changed the BOLO (be on the lookout) list, citing political groups supporting the constitution and Bill of Rights as targets as those that needed more scrutiny. In other words, anyone who would object to the fundamental transformation of this country was tagged as an enemy of the state. Then the IRS, like other agencies, was misused to stop anyone on the right from functioning. Abuse of power in it's purest form. If true justice were to prevail, Lerner would have a lot of company in prison.

The chart’s most startling figure shows how of the 298 groups whose applications for tax exempt status were delayed, a whopping 83% were right-leaning organizations.

The other revelations – conservative groups having to answer more than 3 times as many questions as liberal groups and being approved for non-profit status 45% of the time versus 70% of the time for liberal groups – buoy the position that the IRS did in fact target conservative groups.

One Chart Showing Exactly Who the IRS Targeted Makes Obama’s ‘Corruption’ Claim Look Awfully Silly


Over at the Volokh Conspiracy blog, Georgetown law professor Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz reports that on Jan. 20, 2012, the IRS revised its BOLO ("Be On the Lookout") list to include "political action type organizations involved in . . . educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights." He notes that the targeted organizations included Linchpins of Liberty in Tennessee, the Spirit of Freedom Institute in Wyoming and the Constitutional Organization of Liberty in Pennsylvania.

to put your percentages into context, what were the percentages of conservative groups requesting tax exempt status versus liberal groups?
The worst part is them changing the watch list to focus on any conservative group. That alone is telling.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares? God I am so sick of this shit. Why do you people obsess over this? We have an out of control Ebola outbreak in Africa. We have an on going terror threat with ISIS. We have an uncertain economy. You people continue to mindlessly obsess over something as stupid as Lois Lerner. It's like you republicans will take any political victory you can get. I mean never mind your party's disapproval rating is at 75%. You have to remind us all of shit that is so insignificant. The rest of the world laughs at this country. You know that right?

How do you people live with yourselves?
to put your percentages into context, what were the percentages of conservative groups requesting tax exempt status versus liberal groups?
Evidently, you don't understand the concept of "percentage".
what was given in the op was the percentage of liberal and conservative groups that were flagged, not those submitted.
that's a nice statistic, but on its own it doesn't tell us much.

for instance, if 82% of those flagged were conservative, but 90% of submitted applications were also conservative, we could draw the conclusion that conservative groups were actually under-scrutinized.

do you see how on it's own the percentage of each group that was flagged does not tell us much? there are also other considerations that likely need to be taken into account when examining the statistics. for instance, those deemed worthy of extra scrutiny may have other shared characteristics other than their political ideology. have we examined that?
Who. The. Fuck. Cares? God I am so sick of this shit. Why do you people obsess over this? We have an out of control Ebola outbreak in Africa. We have an on going terror threat with ISIS. We have an uncertain economy. You people continue to mindlessly obsess over something as stupid as Lois Lerner. It's like you republicans will take any political victory you can get. I mean never mind your party's disapproval rating is at 75%. You have to remind us all of shit that is so insignificant. The rest of the world laughs at this country. You know that right?

How do you people live with yourselves?
Maybe you missed Obama's U.N. speech. He said climate change was the most important issue of this century.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares? God I am so sick of this shit. Why do you people obsess over this? We have an out of control Ebola outbreak in Africa. We have an on going terror threat with ISIS. We have an uncertain economy. You people continue to mindlessly obsess over something as stupid as Lois Lerner. It's like you republicans will take any political victory you can get. I mean never mind your party's disapproval rating is at 75%. You have to remind us all of shit that is so insignificant. The rest of the world laughs at this country. You know that right?

How do you people live with yourselves?
Maybe you missed Obama's U.N. speech. He said climate change was the most important issue of this century.
Yeah it really is. Any geologist will tell you that. I know you are not smart enough to understand science but we have to proceed without you.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares? God I am so sick of this shit. Why do you people obsess over this? We have an out of control Ebola outbreak in Africa. We have an on going terror threat with ISIS. We have an uncertain economy. You people continue to mindlessly obsess over something as stupid as Lois Lerner. It's like you republicans will take any political victory you can get. I mean never mind your party's disapproval rating is at 75%. You have to remind us all of shit that is so insignificant. The rest of the world laughs at this country. You know that right?

How do you people live with yourselves?
Maybe you missed Obama's U.N. speech. He said climate change was the most important issue of this century.
Yeah it really is. Any geologist will tell you that. I know you are not smart enough to understand science but we have to proceed without you.
Too bad you're not smart enough to notice your scientists were caught fudging the data numerous times, sucker.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares? God I am so sick of this shit. Why do you people obsess over this? We have an out of control Ebola outbreak in Africa. We have an on going terror threat with ISIS. We have an uncertain economy. You people continue to mindlessly obsess over something as stupid as Lois Lerner. It's like you republicans will take any political victory you can get. I mean never mind your party's disapproval rating is at 75%. You have to remind us all of shit that is so insignificant. The rest of the world laughs at this country. You know that right?

How do you people live with yourselves?
Maybe you missed Obama's U.N. speech. He said climate change was the most important issue of this century.
Yeah it really is. Any geologist will tell you that. I know you are not smart enough to understand science but we have to proceed without you.
Too bad you're not smart enough to notice your scientists were caught fudging the data numerous times, sucker.
Oh no! A couple of scientists got carried away. That hardly negates decades of research conducted from around the globe. That's what makes you cons so fucking stupid. You can't look at the big picture. You focus on the tiniest of scandals and run with it.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares? God I am so sick of this shit. Why do you people obsess over this? We have an out of control Ebola outbreak in Africa. We have an on going terror threat with ISIS. We have an uncertain economy. You people continue to mindlessly obsess over something as stupid as Lois Lerner. It's like you republicans will take any political victory you can get. I mean never mind your party's disapproval rating is at 75%. You have to remind us all of shit that is so insignificant. The rest of the world laughs at this country. You know that right?

How do you people live with yourselves?
Maybe you missed Obama's U.N. speech. He said climate change was the most important issue of this century.
Yeah it really is. Any geologist will tell you that. I know you are not smart enough to understand science but we have to proceed without you.
Too bad you're not smart enough to notice your scientists were caught fudging the data numerous times, sucker.
Oh no! A couple of scientists got carried away. That hardly negates decades of research conducted from around the globe. That's what makes you cons so fucking stupid. You can't look at the big picture. You focus on the tiniest of scandals and run with it.
They claimed the earth has been warming when in fact it's been cooling. How stupid you are to believe anything they say. Fucking idiot.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares? God I am so sick of this shit. Why do you people obsess over this? We have an out of control Ebola outbreak in Africa. We have an on going terror threat with ISIS. We have an uncertain economy. You people continue to mindlessly obsess over something as stupid as Lois Lerner. It's like you republicans will take any political victory you can get. I mean never mind your party's disapproval rating is at 75%. You have to remind us all of shit that is so insignificant. The rest of the world laughs at this country. You know that right?

How do you people live with yourselves?

You poor, dumb bastard. If you will recall, after Obama and the Democratic Congress rammed the ACA, aka "Obamacare" through in December 2009 the popularity of the Tea Party and similar groups surged. In fact, these conservative groups were growing in numbers starting in mid 2010 in opposition to the ACA. Surely you remember all of the protests staged by the Tea Party in 2010? They came together in numbers to oppose the ACA.

The surge was so great, in fact, that the Republicans made historic gains in the 2010 elections, including becoming the majority party in the House. Those elections are generally regarded as a mandate against the ACA.

Then, in the interim between the midterm election and the Republican majority being seated, the Democrat controlled Congress did an extraordinary thing: they defied the will of the electorate and passed the ACA. The bill was rushed to Obama for signing, which it was. Thereafter, we were stuck with it given the partisan split.

This caused outrage, and rightly so. The electorate spoke, and the Democrats gave them the middle finger. This is not how a democratic republic should work. It de-legitimizes the government and the system. It promotes distrust in government. It was underhanded.

When the Tea Party and similar groups began organizing before the mid terms of 2010, they began forming political groups. Obviously, these groups sought tax exempt status. Without this status these groups voices would be impotent and abridged.

The IRS's institutional reasoning for the bolo alert was that they were seeing a sudden influx of applications for tax exempt status from a particular political segment. They felt that this change merited amplified oversight to maintain the integrity of the system. However, some charge that the increased scrutiny was due to nothing but politics. Whether it was or not is a question of fact that has yet to be established, thanks in large part to what clearly appears to be the obstructive practice of the IRS.

Notwithstanding the intent, the effect is that the IRS systematically slowed and stopped the processing of the applications for tax exempt status of right leaning organizations. This creates serious problems affecting the rights of American citizens to engage in political speech and assembly as well as equal protection under the law, all constitutionally protected rights.

The undisputed fact that an institution of the federal government was impeding the exercise of constitutional rights held by American citizens should spark outrage in everybody. That is issue one.

Issue two is whether the IRS action was politically motivated or not. Congress is attempting to investigate this. This leads to issue number three: obstruction. Despite all of the Congressional hearings the fact have not yet been established. Why? Because a prime witness is invoking the 5th Amendment privilege; the Attorney General refuses to investigate of appoint Independent Counsel to do so; Executive Privilege had been invoked; numerous hard drives at the IRS mysteriously crashed; and so forth. This smacks of obstruction and political cover-up.

So, that is the context. Yet, you say "who cares?" Really? Are you fucking serious? Have you not been paying attention to what had been going on in our country for the past five years?!? Yes, there are other critical matters occurring, and that will always be the case. But this IRS issue touches on basic rights held by you, me and all airher American citizens, not to mention it touches on the legitimacy of our very government.

People like you drive me up the fucking wall. Nobody seems to care anymore about the rule of law and the fact that our legal foundations are crumbling. People like you - stupid, ignorant motherfuckers, are the grease that hastens our downward slide into oblivion.

This is why I do not believe in God. If there was a God, then there would be Justice thrust upon the wrongdoers, meaning in this context you would be forced to watch your great grandchildren running for their lives from whacked out MUSLIMS a hundred years from now when the United States become a caliphate.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares? God I am so sick of this shit. Why do you people obsess over this? We have an out of control Ebola outbreak in Africa. We have an on going terror threat with ISIS. We have an uncertain economy. You people continue to mindlessly obsess over something as stupid as Lois Lerner. It's like you republicans will take any political victory you can get. I mean never mind your party's disapproval rating is at 75%. You have to remind us all of shit that is so insignificant. The rest of the world laughs at this country. You know that right?

How do you people live with yourselves?

And the Wizard said "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
Who. The. Fuck. Cares? God I am so sick of this shit. Why do you people obsess over this? We have an out of control Ebola outbreak in Africa. We have an on going terror threat with ISIS. We have an uncertain economy. You people continue to mindlessly obsess over something as stupid as Lois Lerner. It's like you republicans will take any political victory you can get. I mean never mind your party's disapproval rating is at 75%. You have to remind us all of shit that is so insignificant. The rest of the world laughs at this country. You know that right?

How do you people live with yourselves?

You poor, dumb bastard. If you will recall, after Obama and the Democratic Congress rammed the ACA, aka "Obamacare" through in December 2009 the popularity of the Tea Party and similar groups surged. In fact, these conservative groups were growing in numbers starting in mid 2010 in opposition to the ACA. Surely you remember all of the protests staged by the Tea Party in 2010? They came together in numbers to oppose the ACA.

The surge was so great, in fact, that the Republicans made historic gains in the 2010 elections, including becoming the majority party in the House. Those elections are generally regarded as a mandate against the ACA.

Then, in the interim between the midterm election and the Republican majority being seated, the Democrat controlled Congress did an extraordinary thing: they defied the will of the electorate and passed the ACA. The bill was rushed to Obama for signing, which it was. Thereafter, we were stuck with it given the partisan split.

This caused outrage, and rightly so. The electorate spoke, and the Democrats gave them the middle finger. This is not how a democratic republic should work. It de-legitimizes the government and the system. It promotes distrust in government. It was underhanded.

When the Tea Party and similar groups began organizing before the mid terms of 2010, they began forming political groups. Obviously, these groups sought tax exempt status. Without this status these groups voices would be impotent and abridged.

The IRS's institutional reasoning for the bolo alert was that they were seeing a sudden influx of applications for tax exempt status from a particular political segment. They felt that this change merited amplified oversight to maintain the integrity of the system. However, some charge that the increased scrutiny was due to nothing but politics. Whether it was or not is a question of fact that has yet to be established, thanks in large part to what clearly appears to be the obstructive practice of the IRS.

Notwithstanding the intent, the effect is that the IRS systematically slowed and stopped the processing of the applications for tax exempt status of right leaning organizations. This creates serious problems affecting the rights of American citizens to engage in political speech and assembly as well as equal protection under the law, all constitutionally protected rights.

The undisputed fact that an institution of the federal government was impeding the exercise of constitutional rights held by American citizens should spark outrage in everybody. That is issue one.

Issue two is whether the IRS action was politically motivated or not. Congress is attempting to investigate this. This leads to issue number three: obstruction. Despite all of the Congressional hearings the fact have not yet been established. Why? Because a prime witness is invoking the 5th Amendment privilege; the Attorney General refuses to investigate of appoint Independent Counsel to do so; Executive Privilege had been invoked; numerous hard drives at the IRS mysteriously crashed; and so forth. This smacks of obstruction and political cover-up.

So, that is the context. Yet, you say "who cares?" Really? Are you fucking serious? Have you not been paying attention to what had been going on in our country for the past five years?!? Yes, there are other critical matters occurring, and that will always be the case. But this IRS issue touches on basic rights held by you, me and all airher American citizens, not to mention it touches on the legitimacy of our very government.

People like you drive me up the fucking wall. Nobody seems to care anymore about the rule of law and the fact that our legal foundations are crumbling. People like you - stupid, ignorant motherfuckers, are the grease that hastens our downward slide into oblivion.

This is why I do not believe in God. If there was a God, then there would be Justice thrust upon the wrongdoers, meaning in this context you would be forced to watch your great grandchildren running for their lives from whacked out MUSLIMS a hundred years from now when the United States become a caliphate.

A filibuster post. All talking points and fails to take misinformation of the public into account.
Gee, the federal government misused its immense power to throw the election to one person and Billy is sick of hearing about it.
Hey, Billy, would you be sick of hearing about it if the GOP had done the same thing? No, of course not. Because you're a mindless partisan hack drone.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares? God I am so sick of this shit. Why do you people obsess over this? We have an out of control Ebola outbreak in Africa. We have an on going terror threat with ISIS. We have an uncertain economy. You people continue to mindlessly obsess over something as stupid as Lois Lerner. It's like you republicans will take any political victory you can get. I mean never mind your party's disapproval rating is at 75%. You have to remind us all of shit that is so insignificant. The rest of the world laughs at this country. You know that right?

How do you people live with yourselves?

You poor, dumb bastard. If you will recall, after Obama and the Democratic Congress rammed the ACA, aka "Obamacare" through in December 2009 the popularity of the Tea Party and similar groups surged. In fact, these conservative groups were growing in numbers starting in mid 2010 in opposition to the ACA. Surely you remember all of the protests staged by the Tea Party in 2010? They came together in numbers to oppose the ACA.

The surge was so great, in fact, that the Republicans made historic gains in the 2010 elections, including becoming the majority party in the House. Those elections are generally regarded as a mandate against the ACA.

Then, in the interim between the midterm election and the Republican majority being seated, the Democrat controlled Congress did an extraordinary thing: they defied the will of the electorate and passed the ACA. The bill was rushed to Obama for signing, which it was. Thereafter, we were stuck with it given the partisan split.

This caused outrage, and rightly so. The electorate spoke, and the Democrats gave them the middle finger. This is not how a democratic republic should work. It de-legitimizes the government and the system. It promotes distrust in government. It was underhanded.

When the Tea Party and similar groups began organizing before the mid terms of 2010, they began forming political groups. Obviously, these groups sought tax exempt status. Without this status these groups voices would be impotent and abridged.

The IRS's institutional reasoning for the bolo alert was that they were seeing a sudden influx of applications for tax exempt status from a particular political segment. They felt that this change merited amplified oversight to maintain the integrity of the system. However, some charge that the increased scrutiny was due to nothing but politics. Whether it was or not is a question of fact that has yet to be established, thanks in large part to what clearly appears to be the obstructive practice of the IRS.

Notwithstanding the intent, the effect is that the IRS systematically slowed and stopped the processing of the applications for tax exempt status of right leaning organizations. This creates serious problems affecting the rights of American citizens to engage in political speech and assembly as well as equal protection under the law, all constitutionally protected rights.

The undisputed fact that an institution of the federal government was impeding the exercise of constitutional rights held by American citizens should spark outrage in everybody. That is issue one.

Issue two is whether the IRS action was politically motivated or not. Congress is attempting to investigate this. This leads to issue number three: obstruction. Despite all of the Congressional hearings the fact have not yet been established. Why? Because a prime witness is invoking the 5th Amendment privilege; the Attorney General refuses to investigate of appoint Independent Counsel to do so; Executive Privilege had been invoked; numerous hard drives at the IRS mysteriously crashed; and so forth. This smacks of obstruction and political cover-up.

So, that is the context. Yet, you say "who cares?" Really? Are you fucking serious? Have you not been paying attention to what had been going on in our country for the past five years?!? Yes, there are other critical matters occurring, and that will always be the case. But this IRS issue touches on basic rights held by you, me and all airher American citizens, not to mention it touches on the legitimacy of our very government.

People like you drive me up the fucking wall. Nobody seems to care anymore about the rule of law and the fact that our legal foundations are crumbling. People like you - stupid, ignorant motherfuckers, are the grease that hastens our downward slide into oblivion.

This is why I do not believe in God. If there was a God, then there would be Justice thrust upon the wrongdoers, meaning in this context you would be forced to watch your great grandchildren running for their lives from whacked out MUSLIMS a hundred years from now when the United States become a caliphate.

A filibuster post. All talking points and fails to take misinformation of the public into account.

A mere conclusory statement. Is that the best you can do?

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