Facts About Lindell vs Dominion

civil litigation will usually take 6 months to a year to get started in court.

Then Trump really never stood a chance trying to contest an election only permitted a few weeks. And the DNC knew and counted on that all along.

The election that was over 6 months ago? That had how many cases filed and lost for various reasons? How many cases do they have now that we're waiting on?
civil litigation will usually take 6 months to a year to get started in court.

Then Trump really never stood a chance trying to contest an election only permitted a few weeks. And the DNC knew and counted on that all along.

The election that was over 6 months ago? That had how many cases filed and lost for various reasons? How many cases do they have now that we're waiting on?

Idiot, Trump has not had a single case lost. You really need to learn english.
Dominion is no doubt having second thoughts. Lindell is not.

In that first suit on February 22, 2021, when Dominion sued Lindell for allegedly damaging their reputation wrongly, or defamation,” it came along with similar lawsuits against Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro, and Sean Hannity, and according to Lindell’s countersuit, over 150 private individuals and organizations.

These suits open the company up to discovery by Lindell’s side, which means that the court can make Dominion provide private emails, financial records, or other internal documents that Lindell needs to make his case that he has said isn’t false. But the history of Dominion’s company and information about the vulnerability of its machines that are shown in Lindell’s countersuit makes it look like scrutiny and transparency are not likely to help Dominion’s public image nor help the company win taxpayer-funded contracts in the future.
Democrats have kept this out of the courts for a reason.

As result, I say Dominion runs away with its tail between its legs, never to have to answer about anything.

LOLOL.. You wish. Lindell is an idiot.

A law firm has to approve what lawsuits they will be involved in.. and they think Lindell is off the wall. No deal.

The suit—which cites William Shakespeare, 1984 and Adolf Hitler—has been broadly criticized by lawyers, who described Lindell’s legal arguments as “nonsense” and a “craptastic legal job.”

The complaint was filed by Alec J. Beck of Barnes & Thornburg, a major business law firm based in Indiana that Law.com ranks as the 107th highest grossing law firm in the world.

In a statement Friday first reported by Law.com, a spokesperson for Barnes & Thornburg said the Lindell complaint was filed “without receiving firm authorization” and the firm was “immediately”taking steps to withdraw from the lawsuit.
LOLOL.. You wish. you are an idiot, delusional at that
Promise: Facts about Lindell vs. Dominon

Reality: "Like the FBI is tied to Jan. 6th and instigated the violence? Like that?"
no, like the weapons for USA service members lives--compliments of the twat-hit-lery
From my understanding of the OP link, the pillow guy is saying they can't sue him for defamation unless they can prove he knew his claims were false. In other words, the fact that he is crazy, and actually believes all his crazy accusations means he can't be guilty of defamation. That's probably why he keeps claiming he has proof when everything he claims as proof has been debunked.
These suits open the company up to discovery by Lindell’s side,
And Dominion wasn't afraid of that at all.

What does that tell you?
Well you're dead wrong on that, seriously the stupidest thing I have yet heard, a questionable company such as Dominion, not afraid of Discovery! Lindell Has deep pockets, and he is backed by his steadfast spiritual beliefs, I'd be very very nervous if I was Dominion and its deep state backers!

No law firm will touch Lindell.. He's nuts.
Yes indeed, he and Trump are ethical violations waiting to happen...

The best law firms are very zealous about their reputations.. They won't represent Lindell anymore than they will represent Trump.
I also noticed that Trump could not find a distributor for his new book..

Exactly.. No reputable publisher will touch Trump. Its the same with law firms and banks.. That's the same problem Lindell has.
El Paso also wants the 450k he owes them for a rally he held there.

Trump has ALWAYS been a cheat.
Really, expand upon that thought if able, keep in mind that you address some high IQ's, namely "Moi," who upon hearing fascist retards calling others cheats, automatically focus upon the Obama's, Clinton's, and Bidens, all of whom not having worked a single day in their lives, have combined to accumulate nearly $1,000,000,000 in personal wealth, so don't be shy there Sparky, tell us all how Trump is a cheat????? :auiqs.jpg:

Mike Lindell's lawyers said Dominion and Smartmatic's 'conspiracy' against him is set to cost the MyPillow CEO more than $2 billion​

How many pillows is that exactly?

Mike Lindell's lawyers said Dominion and Smartmatic's 'conspiracy' against him is set to cost the MyPillow CEO more than $2 billion​

How many pillows is that exactly?
More than Lindell has in storage to pay the bill.

Old Mike just can't get a break with his cray-cray showing...​

Law Firm Quits MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s Dominion Lawsuit, Claims Lawyer Filed It Without Permission​

That is what is called "old news". Got anything new?
Any court judgments in favor of your blob yet?

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