Fact-checking the SOTU


Feb 14, 2011
FACT CHECK: Obama pushes plans that flopped before - Boston.com

Fact-checking the 2012 State of the Union speech - The Washington Post

FactCheck.org : The State of Obama’s Facts

State of the Union: Fact Checking the President - ABC News

Fact check: Obama's State of the Union Address 2012

One common note in many of the quibbles is that Obama seems to take credit for things which could actually be blamed on the lousy economy: we're using less gasoline because we can't afford it, illegal immigration is down because we have fewer jobs, ....

His rosy statement about the Taliban tripped some meters.

The credit he took for saving the auto industry, especially but not only the reference to Ford caught eyes.

How unified the world is about Iran came into question.

Et cetera.

Fun stuff.
Gotta love his claim about job growth:

In the last 22 months, businesses have created more than three million jobs. Last year, they created the most jobs since 2005. American manufacturers are hiring again, creating jobs for the first time since the late 1990s.

But — what the president didn’t mention — total employment in the U.S. remains nearly 1.7 million below where it was the month Obama took office, and more than 6 million below where it was at the best point in the Bush administration, in January 2008.

FactCheck.org : The State of Obama’s Facts

Next he'll claim he's going to cut spending. :rofl:
If it's the economy, Mitt/Newt/Cantor/Boehner/McConnell/Santorum/Paul/Paul, et. al.: Then Obama likely wins!

"Obama was also correct when he said that last year’s private job growth was the most in six years and that the manufacturing sector experienced job gains not seen since the 20th century." (FactCheck.Org)

Anyone might suppose that the campaign is going to sound like Lawrence Welk's Champaign Band on TV! "Its a-wunnaful, a wunnaful, a-wunnaful, to be in A-merica, Now!" The original show on the pier was in what is now sometimes called, in fact, "The People's Republic Of Santa Monica," as though SMPD was telling some nature of joke.

No one would guess that even Lawrence Welk would know what he was talking about(?). Anyone might believe that he was really an economist, from the Ivy League: Especially had you watched any Golden Years, TV. There are still good old days in place, at the Ivy League!

The compare and contrast would still have to be with laissez-faire East Africa, and Haiti: Of the GOP intentions, with no regulatory environment--or regulations--at all! That never seems to make the radar, at the Ivy League!

Even Alfred E. Neuman is not from there. Other than the Ivy League, Birthers may have a contrary opinion! The Mad Magazine editorial board would have no such problem! They maybe even vacation in "Hava-ee," even though everyone else has long since left for "Ha-why-yah!"

It may turn out to be a campaign about that(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Where, "It's the Lo-o-o-o-ne White Man! Tune In, And See If He's Dead Yet(?)!" . . . ."Or at least being sued!")
If it's the economy, Mitt/Newt/Cantor/Boehner/McConnell/Santorum/Paul/Paul, et. al.: Then Obama likely wins!

"Obama was also correct when he said that last year’s private job growth was the most in six years and that the manufacturing sector experienced job gains not seen since the 20th century." (FactCheck.Org)

Anyone might suppose that the campaign is going to sound like Lawrence Welk's Champaign Band on TV! "Its a-wunnaful, a wunnaful, a-wunnaful, to be in A-merica, Now!" The original show on the pier was in what is now sometimes called, in fact, "The People's Republic Of Santa Monica," as though SMPD was telling some nature of joke.

No one would guess that even Lawrence Welk would know what he was talking about(?). Anyone might believe that he was really an economist, from the Ivy League: Especially had you watched any Golden Years, TV. There are still good old days in place, at the Ivy League!

The compare and contrast would still have to be with laissez-faire East Africa, and Haiti: Of the GOP intentions, with no regulatory environment--or regulations--at all! That never seems to make the radar, at the Ivy League!

Even Alfred E. Neuman is not from there. Other than the Ivy League, Birthers may have a contrary opinion! The Mad Magazine editorial board would have no such problem! They maybe even vacation in "Hava-ee," even though everyone else has long since left for "Ha-why-yah!"

It may turn out to be a campaign about that(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Where, "It's the Lo-o-o-o-ne White Man! Tune In, And See If He's Dead Yet(?)!" . . . ."Or at least being sued!")

Obama wins on the economy? Fewer people are employed now than when he took charge. His policies didn't work and the results are quite poor and not at all what he and his staff predicted.

He proposed to kick start the economy, not slow down the decline. The economy has not been kick started one bit, it's just getting worse at a slower rate.
All this scam of a President can do at this point is cook up numbers to try to re-sell his failed policies.
Bush II, Term I, famously reported to the assembled press corps that on the actual day that he attended a Yale University, economics class: Someone said that in a recession then the government overspends to get business going again.

Officially, there was no recession at the time. Mostly, the stock market was having a bad time.

When the new Democratic administration came into office, the severity of the downturn was being understated--Bush administration data. The real depth of it all would not be known for another year or so.

Obama went with what he had, and Mostly all Republicans, personally refused to try to help the U. S. A., and the global socialist, civilization. Famously, a non-regulatory environment was the GOP counter-proposal, like in Haiti, or East Africa. . . .and maybe at Lion Country Safari(?)! Republicans traditionally: Know more about what they are for: Than does anyone at all doing voting.

Romney now contends that Obama's tax plan is only about Romney's personal taxes(?)!

FactCheck.Org attested to the accuracy of the remarks about the previous year's economy. Unlike the contention that only the decline has been slowed: In fact the economy has turned around. Officially officially now there is no recession.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Young braves know that even White Eyes: Don't eat the baseball flies that they catch! Preying Mantis eats flies that it catches, just like leaping frogs in Calaveras County! Dodger baseball, mainly now taking bids instead!)
If it's the economy, Mitt/Newt/Cantor/Boehner/McConnell/Santorum/Paul/Paul, et. al.: Then Obama likely wins!

"Obama was also correct when he said that last year’s private job growth was the most in six years and that the manufacturing sector experienced job gains not seen since the 20th century." (FactCheck.Org)

Anyone might suppose that the campaign is going to sound like Lawrence Welk's Champaign Band on TV! "Its a-wunnaful, a wunnaful, a-wunnaful, to be in A-merica, Now!" The original show on the pier was in what is now sometimes called, in fact, "The People's Republic Of Santa Monica," as though SMPD was telling some nature of joke.

No one would guess that even Lawrence Welk would know what he was talking about(?). Anyone might believe that he was really an economist, from the Ivy League: Especially had you watched any Golden Years, TV. There are still good old days in place, at the Ivy League!

The compare and contrast would still have to be with laissez-faire East Africa, and Haiti: Of the GOP intentions, with no regulatory environment--or regulations--at all! That never seems to make the radar, at the Ivy League!

Even Alfred E. Neuman is not from there. Other than the Ivy League, Birthers may have a contrary opinion! The Mad Magazine editorial board would have no such problem! They maybe even vacation in "Hava-ee," even though everyone else has long since left for "Ha-why-yah!"

It may turn out to be a campaign about that(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Where, "It's the Lo-o-o-o-ne White Man! Tune In, And See If He's Dead Yet(?)!" . . . ."Or at least being sued!")

Obama wins on the economy? Fewer people are employed now than when he took charge. His policies didn't work and the results are quite poor and not at all what he and his staff predicted.

He proposed to kick start the economy, not slow down the decline. The economy has not been kick started one bit, it's just getting worse at a slower rate.

The people of this country lose, however. Big time.

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