Fact-checkers are taking aim at American Sniper

Several important falsehoods have been documented regarding the popular film American Sniper. Some links fact-checking the falsehood-ridden movies are here. Conservatives are likely not to read these fact-checks because it hurts their sensibilities as they want everything portrayed in the movie to be true.:

American Sniper The True Story of Chris Kyle
American Sniper fact vs. fiction How accurate is the Chris Kyle movie
How many deaths were filmed in the film Saving Private Ryan, starting with the beach landing. The films cast and producers are all liberals.
While we are at it. Let's fact check the history channels Son's of Liberty. That show took several liberties

It's a movie.
Attention nut cases!!!!!
New marching order is coming down soon from the top.

By MARK KENNEDY19 hours ago
"First lady defends 'American Sniper' at veterans event"

Opps! Ok.. here is the plan for all of you who trashed the movie in any way, put a spin on it and back off slowly such as: "I was just playing the devil's advocate" or "I did not mean it that way" (whatever 'that way' means) and such.
I have not seen the movie but I have read the American Sniper book. I thought it was aa good book. I read it cover to cover.
Oh look out! It's Factcheckers! I can't wait for more heavyweights chime in:

Penn & Teller Bullshit.
Girl who Sux Dix for a living. (Jenny McCarthy)
Jon Stewart
The movie Selma rated lower with different fact checking organizations ... But you don't see the moonbats crying over that.
Just proof it is all about partisan politics and has nothing to do with facts in a movie.

The movie Selma rated lower with different fact checking organizations ... But you don't see the moonbats crying over that.
Just proof it is all about partisan politics and has nothing to do with facts in a movie.


Actually, a LOT of liberals have complained about Selma, particularly in its less than flattering portrayal of Lyndon Johnson.

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