Fact Check: First Lady's False Fairy Tale of Struggle


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
Well, it seems that it is not only the Republicans, that can put their own spin on a story not matter what the facts are.

Fact Check: First Lady's False Fairy Tale of Struggle
by Joel B. Pollak

First Lady Michelle Obama’s pitch to voters last night relied on the premise that she and her husband understand what it is to struggle to make ends meet. She spoke movingly about their early years--about how a young Barack Obama drove a car that was “rusted out" and found his furniture “in a dumpster,” how they both came from families that had to “scrape by.” Her fairy tale--however well-delivered--was one great, big, colorful lie.

Both Michelle Robinson and Barack Obama began their adult lives with a leg up on the rest of America. They attended elite schools: Michelle went to Whitney Young, the public magnet school for Chicago’s upper class, while Barack attended Punahou, the private prep school for the top stratum of Hawaiian society. They were accepted to Ivy League schools despite undistinguished credentials, and both attended Harvard Law School.

“elieve it or not, when we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage,” Michelle said. That sounds like a raw deal--but in fact reflects their fortunate circumstances. They had both just graduated from a very expensive law school, and their combined income from cushy law firm jobs dwarfed the repayments. Barack also soon enjoyed a second salary from the University of Chicago.

Fact Check: First Lady's False Fairy Tale of Struggle
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My candidate had to struggle more than your candidate.:lol: When did that become a prerequisite to being a good leader?? Would you choose your doctor based on which one has endured more personal illness??:D
What's wrong with this is that it basically says that they struggled until they graduated from college and got good paying jobs.

She said very close to what this op/ed says - that they went into debt for their home, among other things.

Good try but it doesn't quite measure DOWN to daily lies from the right.
We don't need no freaking hypocritical left wing tax exempt propaganda center like Media Matters to fact check the speech. President Hussein told us how he lived in two biographies. He and Michelle were raised in affluent upper class families. They were making about a combined 300k when Michelle alleged that Barry needed to furnish the living room with a table pulled out of the dumpster. The scenario is insulting. Should we be checking Barry Hussein's tax returns instead of Romney's?
Fact Check?? by Joel B. Pollak???

You mean the same Joel B. Pollak who called Paul Ryan's most dishonest convention speech ... ever:

Ryan's Masterful Speech: A Fireside Chat With a Nation in Crisis
by Joel B. Pollak
We don't need no freaking hypocritical left wing tax exempt propaganda center like Media Matters to fact check the speech. President Hussein told us how he lived in two biographies. He and Michelle were raised in affluent upper class families. They were making about a combined 300k when Michelle alleged that Barry needed to furnish the living room with a table pulled out of the dumpster. The scenario is insulting. Should we be checking Barry Hussein's tax returns instead of Romney's?

It's convenient to expose these "truths" when they're running against a millionaire...but unnecessary when running against an old war hero and silly hockey mom.:eusa_whistle:

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