F-35 Crash Interview

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I have no doubt there are going to be memes made about this guy. He will go down in history along with Sweet Brown and Antoine Dodson

Have literally never heard someone use the phrase "taking a shave" :auiqs.jpg:
He did not say he was 'taking' a shave...he said he was 'getting' a shave.

Nevertheless one should read between the lines....he was taking a ---- but being a polite fellow did not want to say that
Think about his claim. The Jet ran out of fuel. It has been dropping for a bit of time. The jet engine is silent. What is his claim as to what made a noise?

Why do you think he would be so familiar with jets as to know what made the noise?....and how do you know there was silence...I am sure someone familiar with planes, jets or jet engines could say what kind of noises the plane made or may have made when coming in for a crash

Now obviously you think he may be lying....possible....anyhow it is funny.

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