

Sep 9, 2014
Think about it. millions and millions of planets in this universe. Wouldn't it be a shame if we were the ONLY ones who exist in this great, vast expanse.

I think that there are others out there, and that they just havent saw a need to comunicate with us, CANT communicate with us, or they havent reached a technological level to where they can reach us.

But what do you all think?
I am sure the mathematical logical conclusion shows only a slight possibility, but it is nice to prognosticate the existence of other species we will never have contact with....

and stop using them as the bad guys in movies!!
I am sure the mathematical logical conclusion shows only a slight possibility, but it is nice to prognosticate the existence of other species we will never have contact with....

and stop using them as the bad guys in movies!!
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I think the most interesting point here is that we are looking for life in areas that match our needs. Given the complexity of the universe, I think that we also should be looking for life not as we know it.
Think about it. millions and millions of planets in this universe. Wouldn't it be a shame if we were the ONLY ones who exist in this great, vast expanse.

I think that there are others out there, and that they just havent saw a need to comunicate with us, CANT communicate with us, or they havent reached a technological level to where they can reach us.

But what do you all think?

Astronomers think there's actually more planets than stars in the universe. Planets orbiting stars seems the rule and not the exception. Plus there are numerous, perhaps more they think, free roaming planets (not in orbit around a star) than orbiting stars.

Even if intelligent (heh) technologically developed life like our's exists in only 1 galaxy, with 100 billion galaxies, that's a lot of life. The odds we're the only inhabited planet are as close to nil as it gets. So far, nothing discovered in the universe is unique, perhaps not even the universe itself. So why where life can exists it exists in millions of varieties would this be the only planet with life?

I don't doubt aliens exist throughout the universe. But oweing to physical laws like light being the speed limit, we may never get 'out there' to make anything out of it. Even radio communications are impractical travelling AT the speed of light oweing to the distances involved. If it takes decades tog et a reply that's going to be an exceedingly dull conversation. Might have to content ourselves sending Encyclopedia: Earth out, and hoping for a similar encyclopedia coming back. But interstellar travel is all but impossible. Even the 'warp drives' being figured out right now wont make us into a Star Trek space-faring society. Going fast invites new problems like what happens when you're super fast spacecraft hits a speck of dust which as velocities like you'd be going at the reach another star has the impact energy of a hydrogen bomb?
I think the most interesting point here is that we are looking for life in areas that match our needs. Given the complexity of the universe, I think that we also should be looking for life not as we know it.
Like silicon based life instead of carbon based. Or methane based.

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Or like the 'Outsiders' in some of Niven's books.
I think the most interesting point here is that we are looking for life in areas that match our needs. Given the complexity of the universe, I think that we also should be looking for life not as we know it.

Beforer spending too much time, effort, and money on looking for alien life, how about we figure out how to communicate with something else right here first?

Ok, we've found alien life, the world rejoices, the long-awaited moment of our first exchange arrives and we...Suddenly remember we have no idea how to speak alien. :)

Until or unless we figure out some method of establishing some kind of communication with another animal here, I don't see much point trying to find aliens out there. Got bottlenose dolphins, orcas, chimpanzees right here already. How about we try talking or otherwise communicating with them a bit first before looking at talking to a species which might be able to wipe us out if we say something inappropriate? :)

Plus, lest we forget, we don't exactly get along with our own species too well yet. Not sure we need to look for aliens when we still kill our own for minor slights, disagreements on whose lie-filled mythology is better, etc. Do we really expect aliens to judge us well given how we treat one another? "Please don't wipe us out Mr. Alien, we're good!" - Alien responds, "Good? How is humanity good?" - "Well uh..."

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