Exposed E-Mail Reveals Rosenstein Made Choice To Join Coup: "Sometimes the moment chooses us.”


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Rod Rosenstein, formerly the deputy attorney general, is a key figure in enabling, at a minimum, the Deep State’s seditious attacks on President Trump.

"More proof is in new documents uncovered by a Judicial Watch lawsuit. Specifically, we forced the release of 145 pages of Rosenstein’s communications that include a one-line email from Rosenstein to Mueller stating, “The boss and his staff do not know about our discussions.” They also include “off the record” emails with major media outlets around the date of Mueller’s appointment."

One of the more disturbing and revealing statements by Rosenstein was THIS:

“I am with Mueller. He shares my views. Duty Calls. Sometimes the moment chooses us.”

Mueller was supposed to be completely OBJECTIVE in his approach to the investigation, or t least that's the story the Democrats sold to the public. This statement reveals Mueller was anything BUT 'objective' and neither was his 'investigation' (in case you did not figure that out from his entire team being run by Weismann and consisting of DNC / Hillary supporters and donors).

'He shares MY view'?
- Rosenstein made 'his view' clear by authoring the reasons the President should fire Comey, recommending he do so, and then calling for an investigation as soon as the President fired Comey (which he had every right and authority to do). He made it clear by offering to wear a wire on multiple occasions to help take down Trump.

Rosenstein also expressed the twisted belief shared and voiced by Comey, that the country was in trouble, and that ony HE could save it / help save it, that it was his 'duty' to do so. This sick, traitorous little shit then opines the belief that he was 'CHOSEN' to betray / participate in the attempted coup against President Trump.

"These astonishing emails further confirm the corruption behind Rosenstein’s appointment of Robert Mueller. They also show a shockingly cozy relationship between Mr. Rosenstein and anti-Trump media reporters."

Rosenstein Email to Mueller: ‘The Boss’ Doesn’t Know We’re Talking


After being exposed for having volunteered to ear a wire to take down the President, on multiple occasions, Rosenstein attempted to claim it was a 'joke', that he was not serious.

These e-mails make it clear that Rosenstein was stone-cold serious. In one exchange with then FBI Deputy Director, now awaiting his fate from the DOJ after the US IG has recommended his indictment for his part in the coup, Rosenstein explains how he would never be caught because no one ever searches him...
Rod Rosenstein, formerly the deputy attorney general, is a key figure in enabling, at a minimum, the Deep State’s seditious attacks on President Trump.

"More proof is in new documents uncovered by a Judicial Watch lawsuit. Specifically, we forced the release of 145 pages of Rosenstein’s communications that include a one-line email from Rosenstein to Mueller stating, “The boss and his staff do not know about our discussions.” They also include “off the record” emails with major media outlets around the date of Mueller’s appointment."

One of the more disturbing and revealing statements by Rosenstein was THIS:

“I am with Mueller. He shares my views. Duty Calls. Sometimes the moment chooses us.”

Mueller was supposed to be completely OBJECTIVE in his approach to the investigation, or t least that's the story the Democrats sold to the public. This statement reveals Mueller was anything BUT 'objective' and neither was his 'investigation' (in case you did not figure that out from his entire team being run by Weismann and consisting of DNC / Hillary supporters and donors).

'He shares MY view'?
- Rosenstein made 'his view' clear by authoring the reasons the President should fire Comey, recommending he do so, and then calling for an investigation as soon as the President fired Comey (which he had every right and authority to do). He made it clear by offering to wear a wire on multiple occasions to help take down Trump.

Rosenstein also expressed the twisted belief shared and voiced by Comey, that the country was in trouble, and that ony HE could save it / help save it, that it was his 'duty' to do so. This sick, traitorous little shit then opines the belief that he was 'CHOSEN' to betray / participate in the attempted coup against President Trump.

"These astonishing emails further confirm the corruption behind Rosenstein’s appointment of Robert Mueller. They also show a shockingly cozy relationship between Mr. Rosenstein and anti-Trump media reporters."

Rosenstein Email to Mueller: ‘The Boss’ Doesn’t Know We’re Talking

That's some stupid nonsense, dude
I have said from the beginning....Trump getting elected
really threw a monkey wrench into something
Rod Rosenstein, formerly the deputy attorney general, is a key figure in enabling, at a minimum, the Deep State’s seditious attacks on President Trump.

"More proof is in new documents uncovered by a Judicial Watch lawsuit. Specifically, we forced the release of 145 pages of Rosenstein’s communications that include a one-line email from Rosenstein to Mueller stating, “The boss and his staff do not know about our discussions.” They also include “off the record” emails with major media outlets around the date of Mueller’s appointment."

One of the more disturbing and revealing statements by Rosenstein was THIS:

“I am with Mueller. He shares my views. Duty Calls. Sometimes the moment chooses us.”

Mueller was supposed to be completely OBJECTIVE in his approach to the investigation, or t least that's the story the Democrats sold to the public. This statement reveals Mueller was anything BUT 'objective' and neither was his 'investigation' (in case you did not figure that out from his entire team being run by Weismann and consisting of DNC / Hillary supporters and donors).

'He shares MY view'?
- Rosenstein made 'his view' clear by authoring the reasons the President should fire Comey, recommending he do so, and then calling for an investigation as soon as the President fired Comey (which he had every right and authority to do). He made it clear by offering to wear a wire on multiple occasions to help take down Trump.

Rosenstein also expressed the twisted belief shared and voiced by Comey, that the country was in trouble, and that ony HE could save it / help save it, that it was his 'duty' to do so. This sick, traitorous little shit then opines the belief that he was 'CHOSEN' to betray / participate in the attempted coup against President Trump.

"These astonishing emails further confirm the corruption behind Rosenstein’s appointment of Robert Mueller. They also show a shockingly cozy relationship between Mr. Rosenstein and anti-Trump media reporters."

Rosenstein Email to Mueller: ‘The Boss’ Doesn’t Know We’re Talking

I take it the boss is Jeff Sessions.
All the Swamp Rats like Rosenstein who attacked our democracy need to face life in prison. In the old days, they would face a noose, or firing squad, but we are more civilized now. After all, that Rosenstein might not be the actual Rosenstein who attacked our democracy.
Perhaps Rosenstein did wear a wire but can't use the dirt he recorded for a number of reasons, not the least of which such a recording would possibly be illegal and a crime itself.

Perhaps Rosenstein has the dirt on Trump in a recording but can only hold it in case he needs to defend against Trump's attacks if Trump turned against Rosenstein.

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