Exploding the "Ecosystem" Fraud…


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Exploding the Ecosystem…Let’s review the ‘how’ and the ‘why.’

1. Haeckel, the originator of the term ‘ecology,’ and protagonist of Hegel’s view of the dominance of the state over the individual, gained stature in England as well as Germany. The reason was simple: his ideas of controlling everything included the molding of human nature.

2. The Fabians, Beatrice and Sidney Webb at Oxford, infatuated with Haeckel not just as a way to understand nature, saw the ideas as a scheme for social engineering, for control of society’s environment. Oxford invented Hegelian ecology….unity, the whole….there is no separateness from nature. Hegelian ecology is the total control of everything.
Nickson, "Eco-Fascists," chapter five.

3. Now, the vassals of environmentalism, otherwise known as the ‘reliable Democrat voter,’ will recoil at the following, because confronting actual education is as antithetical to them as confronting evil….which is why they are pacifists, too.
Here, your remedial:

a. In 1935, Oxford botanist Arthur Tansley invented the idea of the ‘ecosystem’…interaction of all of the living and nonliving part in an area. While it is “the basic unit of nature,” following Hegel, it is more fundamental than the individuals that make it up.
Starting to see the totalitarian connection?

b. “Though the organisms may claim our prime interest, when we are trying to think fundamentally, we cannot separate them from their special environments, with which they form one physical system.”
AG Tansley, Ecology 16 (3): 284–307

c. The view combined the balance and unity of nature; and statist at its core.

4. In 1946, G.E.Hutchinson advanced the idea that the ecosystem was a feedback loop of energy that keeps the system stable in the face of environmental disturbances: a healthy ecosystem is in balance, and recoils to balance when disturbed. Further, biological diversity promotes stability.

a. This is the idea that demands acceptance, and belief: diversity and balance means ecosystem health.

b. The enthusiasts were enraptured by the idea of the “oneness” of nature, and the pantheism of Thoreau, Rousseau, John Muir, ….the ecosystem became God!

5. Hold tight: here comes the uh-oh…it was theoretical. Immanuel Kant had insisted that science be based on empirical evidence. Instead…these ‘scientists’ had explained life on earth using a hypothetical construct that does not exist!!! No healthy, self-regulating ‘balanced ecosystem’ has ever been found!

a. “What we call …an ecosystem is often a fiction, an arbitrary restriction of spatial boundaries, rather than a reflection…of species change.”
Simon Levin, Professor of Biology, Princeton, “Fragile Dominion: Complexity and the Commons,” p.71 (1999).

b. “The concept of ‘The Balance of Nature,” so politically successful in the 1960’s and 1970’s, has been dismissed by ecological science….Unfortunately, however, many of the laws designed to regulate ecological resources were passed when “The Balance of Nature” paradigm was king….” http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1023&context=delpf

c. “Sixty years after the ecosystem idea surfaced in the scientific literature; after decades of dominance on university campuses; after thousands of books, articles, conferences, and monographs; scholars cannot agree on the most fundamental matters regarding ecosystems. They do not agree on what constitutes the core characteristics of ecosystems. They cannot say where ecosystems begin or end in space or time, or tell us when one ecosystem replaces another on the landscape.

They cannot agree on how to locate ecosystems. They offer no generally accepted definitions or measures of health, integrity, or sustainability. The state of the science concerning the ecosystem notion and its attendant ideas provides little scientific justification for the radical change in public policy proposed by the Clinton administration.” Ecosystem Management: | PERC Fitzsimmons, Allan K. 1999. Defending Illusions: Federal Protection of Ecosystems. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

6. The idea of environmentalism is not science, it is political. Once the uninformed can be made to accept the unproven bogus concepts, biology is a religion. The concepts are designed to trump individuals and individual rights. It is a wonderful tool for the eco-fascist.

Now listen for the squealing of the stuck pigs....who never realized that the fabrications of environmentalism were merely an excuse to demand control over everyone and everything.
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Good lord. PC, have you ever been outside the concrete jungle?

And you are the master of out of the context quotes. Which is a fancier form of prevarication.

From the standpoint of reality, ecosystems exist, and can be destroyed.
Good lord. PC, have you ever been outside the concrete jungle?

And you are the master of out of the context quotes. Which is a fancier form of prevarication.

From the standpoint of reality, ecosystems exist, and can be destroyed.

Rocks, I think it all can be destroyed and they're doing a good job of it.
What I fear is that there is no precedent for what is occurring right now across the planet, technological society is introducing chemical compounds into the environment such as PCBs where are known to have harmful human health implications and now are so globally distributed that PCBs can even be found in Arctic penguins. While the effect of such artificial compounds might be known presently, what will the effect be over the course of decades and centuries; could one day the Earth become much less hospitable to complex organic life? Also nuclear accidents such as the tragic partial meltdown at Fukushima will effect the lives of countless people negatively, then you think about the spent fuel rods from nuclear reactors which either have to be sealed in a costly vault or submerged in pools of cold water for generations and if ever removed would spew vast amounts of radiation into the atmosphere. I do not have children, but I imagine those that do might what to give some thought as to what kind of world their children and grandchildren will eventually inherent. There are no second chances and if we destroy this planet then all humanity will have to account for it.
Good lord. PC, have you ever been outside the concrete jungle?

And you are the master of out of the context quotes. Which is a fancier form of prevarication.

From the standpoint of reality, ecosystems exist, and can be destroyed.

Sure would like to see you provide the 'correct context' that you imply exists.
Go right ahead.

1. I am not at all surprised at your resistance to learning.
It is the very reason you are a fervent environmentalist.

2. In a well constructed post, I've provided the history, the motivation, and the context of the eco-fascist movement.

3. Witness testimony: Professor Levin of Princeton, Allan Fitzsimmons, Wildlands Fuel Coordinator at the United States Department of the Interior, and Duke University.

4. Testimony by you cultists: "Is not, Is not!!!"

What are you afraid of.....that you've been manipulated?
You have been.
Yep, just more proof the rw hates science and anything to do with it.
Is that why Obama didn't sign the DOHA Agreement on "Climate Change"? He said he didn't want to derail an already fragile US Economic Recovery. Kinda' torpedoes the Liberal contention that the Green Economy is the New Economy.

Oh you didn't know that did you?

Of course you didn't, you prolly watch TV all day. Did you think Obama is gonna' get up on his podium and say: "Yes, I f*cked all you morons who voted for me. It's your own fault thought, all I promised was 'Hope and Change' and you ate it all up! Never told ya' what the 'Change" was though. Haha, stupid Americans."
Good lord. PC, have you ever been outside the concrete jungle?

And you are the master of out of the context quotes. Which is a fancier form of prevarication.

From the standpoint of reality, ecosystems exist, and can be destroyed.

OH....Nooooo! Poor Rocks!

I challenged Rocks to put his dinero where he puts his dinner....and he ran off and hid!!!

C'mon back, Rocks.....I was just suggesting!
You can continue to bloviate....

....and go right on believing that fantasy about 'environmentalism'....

There's no requirement for truth in your posts.
Ugh. Another idiotic anti-environment spew by PC. Seriously? Now ecosystems are a "fraud"? Holy shit.

Let me ask you this, PC: What do you want, for us to let people and corporations do whatever they want even if it destroys the livability of this planet? Is this what you want? We HAVE to take control of the polluters and destroyers because they have no regard for the harm they do that affects all of us.
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Ugh. Another idiotic anti-environment spew by PC. Seriously? Now ecosystems are a "fraud"? Holy shit.

I laid it out for you, Peeps.....

...if it's 'idiotic,' heck, you should be able to shred it....no?

Take your best shot.
I better warn you: you're gonna look foolish.
Ugh. Another idiotic anti-environment spew by PC. Seriously? Now ecosystems are a "fraud"? Holy shit.

Let me ask you this, PC. What do you want, for us to let people and corporations do whatever they want even if it destroys the livability of this planet? Is this what you want? We HAVE to take control of the polluters and destroyers because they have no regard for the harm they do that affects all of us.

"What do you want,..."

1. I want you to label as 'science' those aspects for which you can provide empirical evidence.

2. I want all to exercise regulation over only those areas that they actually hold deeds.

3. Bad science based on guesses and desktop models, produce bad results. Professor Holly Fretwell actually went out and studied the result of the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. She found forests conserved in service of the spotted owl are dead or dying; closed forests were overstocked and pest ridden; 500 weak and spindly trees grow where 60-80 healthy ones used to flourish.
Do We Get What We Pay For? | PERC

a. Range scientist Allan Savory has written about millions of acres, formerly grasslands, have become deserts because wildlife has been shut out by environmentalists. “Only livestock now, and to a lesser extent remaining remnants of former wild herbivores in the presence of pack-hunting predators, combined with fire suppression can permanently reverse desertification…”
Savory Institute - Turning Deserts Into Grasslands - Desertification Explained Simply by Allan Savory

Good start?
Of course I can shred it. Ecosystems are real. Every pocket of every inch of this planet has its own ecosytem and the plants and animals that symbiotically make up that ecosystem. There is an ecosystem here in midtown Manhattan, another by the stream at our Appalachian homestead and another in the cloud forests of the Andes.

ec·o·sys·tem/ˈɛk oʊˌsɪs təm, ˈi koʊ-/ Show Spelled [ek-oh-sis-tuh m, ee-koh-] Show IPA
noun, Ecology .
a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment.


1930–35; eco- + system

What I'm wondering, is why you are so anti-environment, and why you feel the need to take quotes out of context to politicize (in your little mind, anyway) something as basic as an "eco-system".
Of course I can shred it. Ecosystems are real. Every pocket of every inch of this planet has its own ecosytem and the plants and animals that symbiotically make up that ecosystem. There is an ecosystem here in midtown Manhattan, another by the stream at our Appalachian homestead and another in the cloud forests of the Andes.

ec·o·sys·tem/ˈɛk oʊˌsɪs təm, ˈi koʊ-/ Show Spelled [ek-oh-sis-tuh m, ee-koh-] Show IPA
noun, Ecology .
a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment.


1930–35; eco- + system

What I'm wondering, is why you are so anti-environment, and why you feel the need to take quotes out of context to politicize (in your little mind, anyway) something as basic as an "eco-system".

1. "Of course I can shred it. Ecosystems are real."
Peeps....your verifying that you believe the scam hardly constitutes any shredding.

2.The OP gives the statements of experts that it is a fabrication.
It's the reason that I included same.

A Princeton professor, Duke University...and an officer of the Department of the Interior.

See what I mean about you looking foolish?
Of course I can shred it. Ecosystems are real. Every pocket of every inch of this planet has its own ecosytem and the plants and animals that symbiotically make up that ecosystem. There is an ecosystem here in midtown Manhattan, another by the stream at our Appalachian homestead and another in the cloud forests of the Andes.

ec·o·sys·tem/ˈɛk oʊˌsɪs təm, ˈi koʊ-/ Show Spelled [ek-oh-sis-tuh m, ee-koh-] Show IPA
noun, Ecology .
a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment.


1930–35; eco- + system

What I'm wondering, is why you are so anti-environment, and why you feel the need to take quotes out of context to politicize (in your little mind, anyway) something as basic as an "eco-system".

BTW....everything you wrote above, I included in the OP....just so I could show it was a fabrication.
1. I want you to label as 'science' those aspects for which you can provide empirical evidence.

What, are you asking for a roster of polluters and their effects on the environment? There are millions. I suspect you know how to google.

2. I want all to exercise regulation over only those areas that they actually hold deeds.

What the FUCK does that mean?

3. Bad science based on guesses and desktop models, produce bad results. Professor Holly Fretwell actually went out and studied the result of the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. She found forests conserved in service of the spotted owl are dead or dying; closed forests were overstocked and pest ridden; 500 weak and spindly trees grow where 60-80 healthy ones used to flourish.
Do We Get What We Pay For? | PERC

This has nothing to do with "science". Did you read your own article? The biggest obstacles are money, politics and the public's dislike of controlled burns. In the wild, there are forest fires - they are not suppressed in nature and are necessary (scientists DID figure this out).

a. Range scientist Allan Savory has written about millions of acres, formerly grasslands, have become deserts because wildlife has been shut out by environmentalists. “Only livestock now, and to a lesser extent remaining remnants of former wild herbivores in the presence of pack-hunting predators, combined with fire suppression can permanently reverse desertification…”
Savory Institute - Turning Deserts Into Grasslands - Desertification Explained Simply by Allan*Savory

Where in that article does it say anything about environmentalists "shutting out wildlife"? Either you have no reading comprehension AT ALL or a VERY vivid imagination. Do you want to know what happened to the prairies in the first place? Fucking read up on what caused the dust bowl. Hint... it's monoculture... same exact shit we're doing right now. What the article is actually talking about is grass farming. Read up on Joel Salatin on what a grass farmer does to keep pasture healthy.
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[1. I want you to label as 'science' those aspects for which you can provide empirical evidence.

What, are you asking for a roster of polluters and their effects on the environment? There are millions. I suspect you know how to google.

2. I want all to exercise regulation over only those areas that they actually hold deeds.

What the FUCK does that mean?

This has nothing to do with "science". Did you read your own article? The biggest obstacles is money, politics and the public's dislike of controlled burns. In the wild, there are forest fires - they are not suppressed and are necessary (scientists DID figure this out).

a. Range scientist Allan Savory has written about millions of acres, formerly grasslands, have become deserts because wildlife has been shut out by environmentalists. “Only livestock now, and to a lesser extent remaining remnants of former wild herbivores in the presence of pack-hunting predators, combined with fire suppression can permanently reverse desertification…”
Savory Institute - Turning Deserts Into Grasslands - Desertification Explained Simply by Allan*Savory

Where in that article does it say anything about environmentalists "shutting out wildlife"? Either you have no reading comprehension AT ALL or a VERY vivid imagination. Do you want to know what happened to the prairies in the first place? Fucking read up on what caused the dust bowl. Hint... it's monoculture... same exact shit we're doing right now. What the article is actually talking about is grass farming. Read up on Joel Salatin on what a grass farmer does to keep pasture healthy.

Ha! Politicalchick is about the most scientifically illiterate respondbots on the board.

You're asking the impossible of the utterly incapable.
1. "Of course I can shred it. Ecosystems are real."
Peeps....your verifying that you believe the scam hardly constitutes any shredding.

2.The OP gives the statements of experts that it is a fabrication.
It's the reason that I included same.

A Princeton professor, Duke University...and an officer of the Department of the Interior.

See what I mean about you looking foolish?

Wait... those "philosophers" waxing poetic about nazis and "ecosystem schemes" are experts? Experts on ecosystems (aka scientists)? Wow. Um, I'm not the one that looks foolish (and very, very gullible). You know, righty professors in Chicago let loose a bunch of graduates who got Pinochet the butcher puppeted into power in Chile in the 70's with the help of our very own CIA. Just because one is an academic, it doesn't alway mean that his/her worldview is "correct". Yours most certainly is not. You just seem to need to be spoon-fed whacked out "philosophies" that match your own greed and disregard for the commons.
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