Explanations of the Qur'an


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2019
These are some elements of explanations of the Qur'an (for the Qur'an and the Hadiths require explanations first, and we get those explanations from the great Ulama -scholars- and Awliya -saints-). One does not just understand the Qur'an (or the Hadiths) as he wants to. It is a holy scripture. It requires holy interpretations.

Here, it is about love, on love being the only one that can understand the secrets of God. From Book 1 of the Masnavi of Rumi (a best selling poet in the US):

109 Love sickness is clearly shown by the heart's misery. There
isn't any sickness like the sickness of the heart.

110 The "sickness" of the lover is distinct from other illnesses. Love is
the astrolabe of the secrets of God.

Whether being a lover is from this or that origin, eventually it is
our guide to that (Divine) Origin.

Whatever I say about Love, (in regard to) description and
explanation, when I reach Love (itself) I am ashamed of that
[inadequate description].

(For) although the explanation of the tongue is (an excellent)
illuminator, yet Love (expressed) without the tongue is (much)

When the pen was hurrying in writing [descriptions], when it
reached Love, it shattered against itself.

115 In (attempting) its explanation, the intellect lay down like a
donkey (stuck helplessly) in the mud. (Only) Love (itself) spoke
(the real) explanation of both love and being in love.

116 The sun is the demonstration of the sun: if you need proof,
seek it) from (the sun)-- (and) don't turn (your) face away!

Excerpts from the Masnavi
Creator and Creation, from Book 1 of Masnavi of Rumi:

596 The tears of (our) eyes are running, because of separation from
You. (And) intense sighs are flowing from the depths of (our)

An infant doesn't argue with (its) nurse [to get milk] but weeps,
while not knowing (anything about) bad or good.

We are like the harp, and You are strumming (upon it). The
mournful (sound is) not from us, (but) You are causing the lament.

We are like the reed-flute, and the melody within us is from You.

600 We are like a chess game, (engaged) in capture and
checkmate, (but) our capture and checkmate is from You, O You
of Beautiful Qualities!

O You, who are the Soul of our souls, who are we?-- that we
should be (in existence) with You in (our) midst!

We and our existences are non-existences, (while) You are the
Absolute Existence which causes (our) transient (existences) to

We (are) all lions, but lions (painted) on a flag; their charge
(forward) is (only) because of the wind, moment by moment.

(And) their charge (forward) is visible, but the wind isn't visible.
May that which is invisible never be lost (to us)!

605 Our wind (which moves us) and our existence is (part) of
Your gift; our being is entirely from Your bringing (us) into being.

You made non-existence (to become) Your lover, (and then)
You showed the delight of existence to non-existence.

Do not take away the enjoyment of Your favors, (and) do not
take away Your (sweet) desserts, wine, and goblet!

And if You take (them away), who will seek You (for an
accounting)? How can the painting act forcefully toward the

Do not gaze upon us, (and) do not look at us! (But) look upon
Your own Honor and Generosity!

610 We did not exist, and there was no demand (from us), (but)
Your Grace was hearing our unspoken (prayer)!
From Book 2 of Masnavi of Rumi

2733 He said, "The Prophet (Muhammad) has given a sign: he has
established the touchstone (discerning the difference between)
counterfeit coins and good (ones).

He has said, "A lie is (the source of) uneasy doubt in (people's)
hearts." And he (also) said, "Truth is (the source of) a (feeling of)
joyful peace."

2735 The heart is not made peaceful by lying speech, (just as)
water and oil do not ignite (lamp) light.

2736 (But) there is peace for the heart in words of truth. Truths are
the seeds of the snare for (the tranquillity of) the heart."
Lets talk about real passages from the book:

And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

Quran (4:34) - "Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

Quran (38:44) - "And take in your hand a green branch and beat her with it, and do not break your oath..." Allah telling Job to beat his wife (Tafsir).
Sufism is the part of Islam (one of 3 parts of Islam to speak roughly) that focuses on moral excellence, on the purification of the heart and love of God.

From Book 5 of Masnavi of Rumi:

1856 When a Sufi becomes sad and afflicted because of poverty,
the essential substance of poverty becomes his milk-nurse and

Because Paradise has grown from disagreeable things, and
(Divine) Mercy is the (allotted) portion of a helpless and
broken-down one.

(But) the Mercy of God and (His) creatures does not come to the
one who breaks the heads (of others) due to pride of higher rank.

This subject doesn't have (any) end. And that young man
became weak and powerless by the meagerness of the order carried
out for (his) bread.

1860 (But) the sufi (is) happy when his provision is lessened --
(for) his black bead becomes a pearl and he becomes the

Whoever is aware of that special allotment becomes worthy of
nearness (to God) and (to) the place of (the issuing of Divine)

(So) when there is a decrease of that spiritual allotment, his spirit
shakes and shudders because of its decrease,

(For) then he knows that a mistake (on his part) has occurred, since
the jasmine field of (Divine) approval has become unsettled--

Just like (the mistake of) the person (who) wrote a letter to the
owner of the harvest because of the reduction of the cultivated

1865 His letter was brought to the chief of justice, (who) read the
letter but did not give back a reply.

He said, "He has no pain (of loss) except for large servings of
food. Therefore, silence is the best answer to a fool.

"He has no pain of separation or (longing for) union; he is the
slave of the branch and never seeks the root.

"He is a fool, and has died of egotism. Because of his sorrow
for (the loss of) the branch, (he has) no rest and leisure with the

Know (that) the heavens and the earth are (like) an apple
which appeared from the tree of the Power of God.

1870 (And) you are like a worm in the middle of the apple, and
unaware of the tree and (of) a gardener.

That one other worm (is) also in the apple, but its spirit (is) the
possessor of a flag [of honor] beyond.

Its agitation breaks open the apple, (and) the apple cannot bear
up to that damage.

Its agitation tears up the veils. Its appearance is a worm, but its
(inner) reality (is) a dragon.

A (spark of) fire which first leaps from the iron puts out its feet
very weakly.

1875 Its milk-nurse is cotton in the beginning, but finally it sends
blazing flames up to the sky.

Man is bound to sleeping and eating in the beginning, (but) he
is eventually higher than the angels.

In the protection of cotton and sulfur, his flame and light rises
above the stars.

He makes the dark world luminous, (and) he tears up iron
shackles with a needle.

Although fire is also bodily, it is not (derived) from the spirit
and is not from the spiritual (world).

1880 The body hasn't any portion of that honor. (And) in the
presence of the sea of the soul, the body is like a (mere) drop.

Because of the spirit, the body becomes increased of days. (And)
when the spirit departs, look: how does it become?

The limit of your body is no more than one or two measures (in
length), (but) your spirit is a galloper up to the heavens.

O generous and noble man! In the spirit's imagination, (the
distance) to Baghdad and Samarkand (is only) half a step.

The fat of your eye is (equal to) the weight of two coins, (but)
the light of its spirit (reaches) to the depth of the heavens.

1885 The light can see in a dream without (need of) these eyes.
(But) without this light, the eye would be (nothing) except ruined.

The spirit is free from care about the body's beard and
moustache. But the body without the spirit is (merely) a corpse
and (something) repulsive.

(Since) this is the high honor of the animal spirit, go further
ahead (and) experience the human spirit.

Pass beyond the (ordinary state of) man, as well as talk and
discussion-- as far as the shore of the ocean of the spirit of

After that, the spirit of Muhammad will bite your lips. (And)
Gabriel will creep back from fear of you,

1890 Saying, "If I come (further) toward you the length of (even)
one bow, I will be burned up in that instant."
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Islam is ruled by the sword. just like christianity was. It is justified in their book.
Notice i put italics on was. Thats because its a major distinction.
'Holy interpretations' can't hide the fact that Islam is a violent, archaic religion. I think you joined USMB to soft sell Islam and see if you could get a few new recruits.
'Holy interpretations' can't hide the fact that Islam is a violent, archaic religion. I think you joined USMB to soft sell Islam and see if you could get a few new recruits.

He might have better luck at getting converts on one of those prison discussion boards or dating sites. Convicts are much more susceptible to being converted.

I'm just sayin'.
'Holy interpretations' can't hide the fact that Islam is a violent, archaic religion. I think you joined USMB to soft sell Islam and see if you could get a few new recruits.

Why are you insisting on that ? Did you read these "holy" interpretations (as you call them), which by the way are the only valid explanations. Be just, be honest, judge men by the truth, but not truth by the men.
'Holy interpretations' can't hide the fact that Islam is a violent, archaic religion. I think you joined USMB to soft sell Islam and see if you could get a few new recruits.

He might have better luck at getting converts on one of those prison discussion boards or dating sites. Convicts are much more susceptible to being converted.

I'm just sayin'.

"To you your religion, to me mine" (109:6). I don't care to convince anyone of anything.
Islam is ruled by the sword. just like christianity was. It is justified in their book.
Notice i put italics on was. Thats because its a major distinction.

Stop saying stuff like that without any knowledge of what you are talking. Islam is a religion.

The Islamic nation is supposed to be ruled by the Sharia, the divine Islamic Law, and it has been so from the year 600s to 1920s when the Ottoman Empire was ended. Christianity never was like that. Islam is defined by Sharia and Haqiqa. The Sharia, the Islamic Law can fill by itself a huge library with all its books. The Haqiqa, the realities of the divine, can also fill a huge library with its tons of books. "Islam is ruled by the sword" does not mean anything whatsoever.
Lets talk about real passages from the book:

And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

Quran (4:34) - "Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

Quran (38:44) - "And take in your hand a green branch and beat her with it, and do not break your oath..." Allah telling Job to beat his wife (Tafsir).

You could not find any other passage, of all the 6000 and some verses of the Qur'an ? How about the hundreds of thousands of sayings of Muhammad (peace be upon him) ? Do you not feel you are out of mind, somehow ? Those 2 verses that you quoted, what exactly do you think they mean ?

Guess what, they don't mean what you are thinking of. Sorry to disapppoint you.
Islam is ruled by the sword. just like christianity was. It is justified in their book.
Notice i put italics on was. Thats because its a major distinction.

Stop saying stuff like that without any knowledge of what you are talking. Islam is a religion.

The Islamic nation is supposed to be ruled by the Sharia, the divine Islamic Law, and it has been so from the year 600s to 1920s when the Ottoman Empire was ended. Christianity never was like that. Islam is defined by Sharia and Haqiqa. The Sharia, the Islamic Law can fill by itself a huge library with all its books. The Haqiqa, the realities of the divine, can also fill a huge library with its tons of books. "Islam is ruled by the sword" does not mean anything whatsoever.
It means a lot.
Say, have you ever bothered to read the Quran? If you did, you would know what i am talking about.
Islam is ruled by the sword. Convert or die. Or pay hefty taxes..
'Holy interpretations' can't hide the fact that Islam is a violent, archaic religion. I think you joined USMB to soft sell Islam and see if you could get a few new recruits.

He might have better luck at getting converts on one of those prison discussion boards or dating sites. Convicts are much more susceptible to being converted.

I'm just sayin'.

"To you your religion, to me mine" (109:6). I don't care to convince anyone of anything.
-------------------------------------- then why are you here quoting BS Ahmad ??
'Holy interpretations' can't hide the fact that Islam is a violent, archaic religion. I think you joined USMB to soft sell Islam and see if you could get a few new recruits.

He might have better luck at getting converts on one of those prison discussion boards or dating sites. Convicts are much more susceptible to being converted.

I'm just sayin'.

"To you your religion, to me mine" (109:6). I don't care to convince anyone of anything.
-------------------------------------- then why are you here quoting BS Ahmad ??

When did I talk to you, exactly ?
Islam is ruled by the sword. just like christianity was. It is justified in their book.
Notice i put italics on was. Thats because its a major distinction.

Stop saying stuff like that without any knowledge of what you are talking. Islam is a religion.

The Islamic nation is supposed to be ruled by the Sharia, the divine Islamic Law, and it has been so from the year 600s to 1920s when the Ottoman Empire was ended. Christianity never was like that. Islam is defined by Sharia and Haqiqa. The Sharia, the Islamic Law can fill by itself a huge library with all its books. The Haqiqa, the realities of the divine, can also fill a huge library with its tons of books. "Islam is ruled by the sword" does not mean anything whatsoever.
It means a lot.
Say, have you ever bothered to read the Quran? If you did, you would know what i am talking about.
Islam is ruled by the sword. Convert or die. Or pay hefty taxes..

Keep talking this nonsense. It will open your mind a little, if anything.
Islam is ruled by the sword. just like christianity was. It is justified in their book.
Notice i put italics on was. Thats because its a major distinction.

Stop saying stuff like that without any knowledge of what you are talking. Islam is a religion.

The Islamic nation is supposed to be ruled by the Sharia, the divine Islamic Law, and it has been so from the year 600s to 1920s when the Ottoman Empire was ended. Christianity never was like that. Islam is defined by Sharia and Haqiqa. The Sharia, the Islamic Law can fill by itself a huge library with all its books. The Haqiqa, the realities of the divine, can also fill a huge library with its tons of books. "Islam is ruled by the sword" does not mean anything whatsoever.
It means a lot.
Say, have you ever bothered to read the Quran? If you did, you would know what i am talking about.
Islam is ruled by the sword. Convert or die. Or pay hefty taxes..

Keep talking this nonsense. It will open your mind a little, if anything.
Again, its not nonsense.
Isnt dishonesty a virtue in islam if it makes your political religion look better?
Keep lying for all i care :dunno:
sure is , 'islam' approved lying is 'kitman' or 'taqiyah ' or other variations . And lots of variations of religiously approved lying in 'islam' .
Islam is ruled by the sword. just like christianity was. It is justified in their book.
Notice i put italics on was. Thats because its a major distinction.

Stop saying stuff like that without any knowledge of what you are talking. Islam is a religion.

The Islamic nation is supposed to be ruled by the Sharia, the divine Islamic Law, and it has been so from the year 600s to 1920s when the Ottoman Empire was ended. Christianity never was like that. Islam is defined by Sharia and Haqiqa. The Sharia, the Islamic Law can fill by itself a huge library with all its books. The Haqiqa, the realities of the divine, can also fill a huge library with its tons of books. "Islam is ruled by the sword" does not mean anything whatsoever.
It means a lot.
Say, have you ever bothered to read the Quran? If you did, you would know what i am talking about.
Islam is ruled by the sword. Convert or die. Or pay hefty taxes..

Keep talking this nonsense. It will open your mind a little, if anything.
Again, its not nonsense.
Isnt dishonesty a virtue in islam if it makes your political religion look better?
Keep lying for all i care :dunno:

I hate lies.

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