Execute the leaders


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Iran threatened to execute any leaders of resistance groups or protests against the Government. Where are all those supporters of Iran now?
Yeah. Obama is sure being silent on this one, huh? Hmm.
Yeah. Obama is sure being silent on this one, huh? Hmm.

In Egypt, Obama had to balance the United States' long-standing support for a secular ally against the reality that President Hosni Mubarak's popular backing had all but evaporated.

But in Iran, Obama confronts an Islamist regime hostile to U.S. interests and eager to turn any opposition movement into a proxy for the United States and Israel. It's a tough row to hoe since he does not want to say anything that will serve to give this very hard line regime their own legitimacy for seriously killing any dissent, and they don't need much pushing.

If the Iranian legislative assembly is calling for the execution of the reformist leaders, then what this tells everyone else is that no one is safe and the deaths are coming their way.

A tough row to hoe indeed. He's getting grayer. Look at him.
I don't think he cares. Obama is the most callous man I've ever seen in American politics. He believes in allowing infants to die and he believes it's okay to skimp on security because the US can "absorb" terrorist attacks at home. I hope all his hair and his teeth fall out and it hurts when he craps.
I don't think he cares. Obama is the most callous man I've ever seen in American politics. He believes in allowing infants to die and he believes it's okay to skimp on security because the US can "absorb" terrorist attacks at home. I hope all his hair and his teeth fall out and it hurts when he craps.

That dumb ass Biden was calling for people in Iran to raise up a few days ago.

agreed; thats as stupid as the uprsing bush one insitgated that saddam brutally put down.

the time to sppt. them was last summer, not helter skelter because we feel guilty for going wobbly then.
Yeah. Obama is sure being silent on this one, huh? Hmm.

In Egypt, Obama had to balance the United States' long-standing support for a secular ally against the reality that President Hosni Mubarak's popular backing had all but evaporated.

But in Iran, Obama confronts an Islamist regime hostile to U.S. interests and eager to turn any opposition movement into a proxy for the United States and Israel. It's a tough row to hoe since he does not want to say anything that will serve to give this very hard line regime their own legitimacy for seriously killing any dissent, and they don't need much pushing.

If the Iranian legislative assembly is calling for the execution of the reformist leaders, then what this tells everyone else is that no one is safe and the deaths are coming their way.

A tough row to hoe indeed. He's getting grayer. Look at him.

Obama should have been more supportive last time, there are ways to put pressure on the Republican guard, they hold the real power in Iran and they have a lot of assets that could have been frozen, that would have hit them were it hurts. Do you think they want to loose their wealth? I don't think so but it should have been done last year when the protests were in full force also instead of making an empty treaty with Russian, part of the negotiation should have been Russian help with destabilizing the Iranian Regime not helping them finish their nuke plant like. Obama is weak and these countries play him like a drum and I could care less if he gets gray it happens to all presidents He is ill-suited to be President of the United States and this is showing, No fear no respect doen't go far in world affairs
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Yeah. Obama is sure being silent on this one, huh? Hmm.

In Egypt, Obama had to balance the United States' long-standing support for a secular ally against the reality that President Hosni Mubarak's popular backing had all but evaporated.

But in Iran, Obama confronts an Islamist regime hostile to U.S. interests and eager to turn any opposition movement into a proxy for the United States and Israel. It's a tough row to hoe since he does not want to say anything that will serve to give this very hard line regime their own legitimacy for seriously killing any dissent, and they don't need much pushing.

If the Iranian legislative assembly is calling for the execution of the reformist leaders, then what this tells everyone else is that no one is safe and the deaths are coming their way.

A tough row to hoe indeed. He's getting grayer. Look at him.

Obama should have been more supportive last time, there are ways to put pressure on the Republican guard, they hold the real power in Iran and they have a lot of assets that could have been frozen, that would have hit them were it hurts. Do you think they want to loose their wealth? I don't think so but it should have been done last year when the protests were in full force also instead of making an empty treaty with Russian, part of the negotiation should have been Russian help with destabilizing the Iranian Regime not helping them finish their nuke plant like. Obama is weak and these countries play him like a drum and I could care less if he gets gray it happens to all presidents He is ill-suited to be President of the United States and this is showing, No fear no respect doen't go far in world affairs

We have no idea of Obama's behind the scenes machinations.

That will be left to history. Any man who has written two books about himself 'before' gaining the Presidency has a good understanding of historical perspective.

Be certain he is leaving lots of tracks :lol:
See? What have I been saying?

Tyrants in the Islamic world are in trouble all over the place.

Iran, Egypt, Jordan, Tunesia...there were even demonstrations in Saudi Arabia.

The smartest thing the USA could do if its agenda is to see the world become run by rrpresentational governments (which I doubt, incidently) is to do nothing.

The people in these nations are the arbitors of those nations' fate, not the USA or the CIA.

When we interfer we end up empowering the Islamic fanatics.
There are always demonstrations in those countries. Sometimes they aren't demonstrations in support of democracy. In fact, they rarely are.

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