Ex-Gays Face Increasing Harassment

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Militant gays hating on ex-gays, these people will do anything to advance their lifestyle

Ex-Gays Face Increasing Harassment

May 29, 2008 - Bart Allen is a name that most people haven't heard before. No one has made traveling plays about his tragic death nor have there been TV movies made about him nor hate crime legislation named in his honor.

Bart Allen's name, however, should be widely known and mourned. He was in the process of leaving the homosexual lifestyle when he was strangled and murdered by his gay roommate.

Allen's parents, Joe and Marion, founded Hope for the Broken Heart after his tragic murder at the hands of his gay lover. They have spoken at Exodus International events.

When Bart was struggling with unwanted homosexual feelings, he sought out a counselor for help. The counselor, however, told him he was born gay. According to Joe and Marion, "When Bart came out of her office, he looked like he had been given a death sentence. I know this lady did not realize what she was doing ... but she had told him he was born gay. She told him we were doing him an injustice by telling him this was wrong and he needed to go back [to the homosexual lifestyle].

Bart Allen did go back to homosexuality, but he couldn't accept it. His lover, however, refused to accept the fact that Bart wanted to leave homosexuality behind. While Bart was asleep, his partner strangled him to death with a dog leash.

Bart Allen's story is an extreme, but more and more ex-gays are reporting being targeted for ridicule or violence for openly leaving homosexual behaviors. In addition, professional groups are being pressured to remain silent about the possibility of change
You cite a source that believes homosexuals can be cured (and apparently has ties to the really conservative group Focus on the Family) which cites a website with a clear as day conservative bias and nothing else.

I searched the victim's name on google and couldn't find any other hits for the story.


Although assuming this story isn't made up, one murder is hardly a trend and they cited nothing reliable to show that it is.

Conversion therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Militant gays hating on ex-gays, these people will do anything to advance their lifestyle

Ex-Gays Face Increasing Harassment

May 29, 2008 - Bart Allen is a name that most people haven't heard before. No one has made traveling plays about his tragic death nor have there been TV movies made about him nor hate crime legislation named in his honor.

Bart Allen's name, however, should be widely known and mourned. He was in the process of leaving the homosexual lifestyle when he was strangled and murdered by his gay roommate.

Allen's parents, Joe and Marion, founded Hope for the Broken Heart after his tragic murder at the hands of his gay lover. They have spoken at Exodus International events.

When Bart was struggling with unwanted homosexual feelings, he sought out a counselor for help. The counselor, however, told him he was born gay. According to Joe and Marion, "When Bart came out of her office, he looked like he had been given a death sentence. I know this lady did not realize what she was doing ... but she had told him he was born gay. She told him we were doing him an injustice by telling him this was wrong and he needed to go back [to the homosexual lifestyle].

Bart Allen did go back to homosexuality, but he couldn't accept it. His lover, however, refused to accept the fact that Bart wanted to leave homosexuality behind. While Bart was asleep, his partner strangled him to death with a dog leash.

Bart Allen's story is an extreme, but more and more ex-gays are reporting being targeted for ridicule or violence for openly leaving homosexual behaviors. In addition, professional groups are being pressured to remain silent about the possibility of change

Sounds like he never really left it and was going to attempt to leave it! However he was never really tested if he could leave it! I mean it never said anything like he lived a hetrosexual life-style and not only dated but had sex with women.

A friend of wife's married a guy and I was shocked because he had to be gay. Three years in the marriage, my wife's friends started having more girl nights and having many affairs. Year 5 they final got divorced.

Here is what she said:
(1) He was nice and very affectionate.
(2) However, they had sex 3 times in 7 yrs (2 years of dating and 5 yrs of marriage). She didn't think the 2 yrs of dating was too out of the norm, because he claimed he was waiting for marriage. They had sex on their wedding night. And then 2 times after that.
(3) He finally came out to her. but before that they were both tortured. He didn't want to tell his parents he was gay, because as very religious catholics they would (and did by the way) disown him. So he tried to play the straight thing. He said having sex with women made him sick to his stomach (my wife's friend is smoking hot by the way).

Moral of the story your sexuality and preference is inbreded in you. You get in at birth. You torture yourself and others by not accepting it. Now no one should be killed for trying to go straight and they shouldn't even be harmed. But I can see the gays would get made at one of their own trying to deny their genetic makeup.

Note also: I think there is more to the story. I believe this was a domestic dispute issue also! Men have murder women (and vice versa) for trying to leave them also!
Moral of the story your sexuality and preference is inbreded in you. You get in at birth. You torture yourself and others by not accepting it. Now no one should be killed for trying to go straight and they shouldn't even be harmed. But I can see the gays would get made at one of their own trying to deny their genetic makeup.....
No, this is just your take based on one experience. I've know people who claimed to be gay in college, lived through misery, then finally settled down to lead normal heterosexual lives.
You cite a source that believes homosexuals can be cured (and apparently has ties to the really conservative group Focus on the Family) which cites a website with a clear as day conservative bias and nothing else.

I searched the victim's name on google and couldn't find any other hits for the story.


Although assuming this story isn't made up, one murder is hardly a trend and they cited nothing reliable to show that it is.

Conversion therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Funny how you blast one source for being biased then give your own, obviously liberal, yet anonymous. :eusa_whistle:
APA > Narth

sorry fellas. thats just the fact of the matter.
Funny how you blast one source for being biased then give your own, obviously liberal, yet anonymous. :eusa_whistle:

Wikipedia is liberally biased? Never heard that one before.
But whatever it cites things like the American Medical Association and whatnot. What does her site source?
A very right wing website.

So which one do you think is more neutral?
I wish we knew once and for all why people want to be gay or have gay feelings. If there was a way, a therapy of some kind, to help make people ungay do you think many homosexuals would use it? I hear all the time what a burden it is and how no one would choose to be despised by society but then there's the gay pride thing. Is the pride aspect because if you can't get rid of it you have to be proud?

I wish I understood all of this better. :confused:
It just doesn't make sense to me.
They both have their agendas. The APA has their own bias.

no, the APA doesn't have a bias anything akin to Narth's gay hating agenda. Making an equivalence between the two is like trying to compare a toy scooter with a lexus.
I wish we knew once and for all why people want to be gay or have gay feelings. If there was a way, a therapy of some kind, to help make people ungay do you think many homosexuals would use it? I hear all the time what a burden it is and how no one would choose to be despised by society but then there's the gay pride thing. Is the pride aspect because if you can't get rid of it you have to be proud?

I wish I understood all of this better. :confused:
It just doesn't make sense to me.

If you have any gay friends then ask them for their opinions on the subject. You'll get a clearer answer than you will from people with an agenda to move.
no, the APA doesn't have a bias anything akin to Narth's gay hating agenda. Making an equivalence between the two is like trying to compare a toy scooter with a lexus.


I can sell you this bridge for cheap. Just let me know:

why don't you provide evidence of your charge rather than dull retorts?
I wish we knew once and for all why people want to be gay or have gay feelings. If there was a way, a therapy of some kind, to help make people ungay do you think many homosexuals would use it? I hear all the time what a burden it is and how no one would choose to be despised by society but then there's the gay pride thing. Is the pride aspect because if you can't get rid of it you have to be proud?

I wish I understood all of this better. :confused:
It just doesn't make sense to me.

Science is giving us more and more answers every day. A sizable percentage were sexually and/or physically abused as children. Many have a chemical imbalance in the brain which seems to make a person more susceptible to homosexual behavior. So if there was a cure, would homosexuals use it? Probably not. Would parents use it if they determine that their children might grow up to be gay? I'd guess most would.
why don't you provide evidence of your charge rather than dull retorts?

Just do a google search on APA bias. There are plenty of articles. There is a homosexual agenda and it is strong. If you fail to embrace it, you'll be called a bigot. How's that for tolerance?
non sequiter non sequiter non sequiter non sequiter
Just do a google search on APA bias. There are plenty of articles. There is a homosexual agenda and it is strong. If you fail to embrace it, you'll be called a bigot. How's that for tolerance?

no, I think i'll go ahead and let you provide support for your assertion, dude. You ARE capable of that, yes?
This is gettting riduculous. I can't wait until a cure of homosexuality is found.

Why do you think it's something that needs to be cured? It's been declassified as a mental defect for over 30 years.

Wouldn't you rather have cures for schizophrenia, bi polar disorder and paranoia first? (I know I would definitely benefit from the last one).
Why do you think it's something that needs to be cured? It's been declassified as a mental defect for over 30 years.

Wouldn't you rather have cures for schizophrenia, bi polar disorder and paranoia first? (I know I would definitely benefit from the last one).

I don't know if it needs to be cured, but it certainly would solve a lot of problems. There are medications for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. I predict there will be medications for homosexual behavior in the future.

Here's just one of hundreds of articles about the biology of homosexuality:

Homosexuality is biological, suggests gay sheep study

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