Everything They Do Is Fake - Just Political Theater

Not just her, but the entire group of people immediately took those masks off when they thought no one was looking. They disgust me. Lying pieces of DemNazi 666 Globalist Trash.

She still thinks it's the good old days, when she could just suck off a reporter or his editor to keep an unflattering story out of the papers. Not with the internet, Nancy, we see EVERYTHING now.

And the ENTIRE MSM is there to present the masked-up narrative, so they don't feel obligated to keep up the charade. Their media lap dogs will cover for them.
Neither look like official photos, nor posing for one.

No one is masked in the second photo. Are they ALL vaccinated?
Neither look like official photos, nor posing for one.

No one is masked in the second photo. Are they ALL vaccinated?
But but you have to protect The Vaccinated..... and Fuhrer Faux Xiden tells us that vaccinations don't matter.

"Every Voon will getz Zee Jab or Vee sendz you to Dah Vellness Camps!"

What's the point of the vaccination if it doesn't protect you from the unvaccinated individuals Fuhrer Faux Xiden is importing in to the US from abroad and through our Southern Border?

If they are all vaccinated why wear the mask? If some of them aren't vaccinated why take the masks off?

Liberals are Demon Possessed Power Hungry Tyrannical Liars is the only rational conclusion one can make.
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Weird. Please go and molest someone else.
Pelosi governs in a state that allows 13 year old children to prostitute themselves to creepy child molesting liberals, and teaches our school children that being touched by an adult is normal. So please tell us how "molesting" someone was the first thing that popped in to your mind as a response to my accurate potrayal of the 2nd biggest jezebel whore in the country, right after our knee padded VP who is queen of all political whores.
But yes they should have left them on while in public. promotes mask wearing in public places. & yes know they were out side.
God, you want them so bad.
I don't want Pelosi to go to Hell, but she deserves Hell. I'd like her to become a Christian and spend the rest of her days working to reverse The Evil she has done, and repent of all the lies she has told.

But I would not hold my breath for it.

She is the kind of hard core Evil that is meant for destroying a Nation's moral fiber and then burning the ashes until there is nothing left.

Come to think of it, that is pretty much what she has accomplished in California for the people she represents....so she has a good start.
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