Everyone Knows Three Skyscrapers, Not Two, Fell Flat in Seconds on 9/11, Right? "Seven" Full Documentary

No, he does not.

And the third skyscraper was never hit by a plane. Not fishy yet?


CNN: Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks
September 17, 2001

CNN.com - Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks - September 17, 2001
There are events in history that change the direction of the world. 9/11 was one of them. The powerful that rules us had a hand in it. And the proof is that our central security state in that time are morons then. Spending trillions of dollars on all of those alphabet deep state agencies over the years and are traitors to Americans and are no different than the propagandists in dictatorships. Each event condenses their power more.
Right ... the official 9/11 explanation is completely wrong ... we invaded Iraq and we didn't find any WMD, indeed we found that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 ... Republicans lied to us about that ...

Saudi Arabia is responsible ... aren't you glad both Democrats and Republicans are selling WMD to ISIS? ... "If there's profits, go ahead and sell weapons to our enemies, just like Ronny Reagan and Ollie North sold advanced weapon systems to Iran !!!

Way to go Republicans ... keep the DJIA up ... it's your only job ...

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